
Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.68

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

I seemed to finish talks with the soldier of Toyota Asia, and most of the contents of the conversation were similar things. Although conversation did not develop in the direction in which his duty is satisfied, when talks finally approached, it was murmured that I wanted you to make it fix to operate with a bolt broken since it is dangerous.

Associated with an employee of Toyota Motor Corporation in time of approximately four years, and heard the words that stayed of human feelings for the first time; felt. I think that more constructive talks were completed when talking with you one year ago at least. How about consulting with a grandfather or a father and seeing, if it thinks that my talk is unreasonable? I uttered not matching well and felt shy.

トヨタ・アジアの戦士とは打ち合わせが済んでいるらしく、話の内容は殆ど同じようなものでした。 会話は彼の役目を満足させる方向には発展しなかったが、話し合いが終わりに近づいたころ、ボルトが折れたまま運転するのは危険だから、修理させて欲しいと呟いたのです。
足掛け四年の歳月をトヨタ自動車の社員と関わって、初めて人間らしい感情の籠った言葉を耳にした思いでした。せめて一年前に君と話していたら、もっと建設的な話し合いが出来たと思う。私の話を理不尽だと感じたら、祖父か父親に相談して見たらどうか? 私は似合わないことを口走って照れました。

Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.67

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

The fighters of Toyota Asia will be instructions of the Secretariat chief neighborhood, hearing his simple narrative style tone over a receiver.
This young man will put, will be persuaded by Section Head final-stage Harada to accept his fate, and has surely connected inevitably. It was keenly realized that the management who can do work was not in Toyota Motor, imagining such a thing.

Because ringleaders who had complicated a small problem in this way were going to coax a visitor by a stratagem of this level, I felt it even if it would be a very stupid fool. Poor thought that a soldier and the messenger who worked with such boss seemed to be stupid, and the willpower to act seriously would not get up.

彼の素朴な語り口調を受話器越しに聞きながら、トヨタ・アジアの戦士は秘書室長辺りの指令だろう。 この若者は差し詰め原田室長に因果を含められ、否応なしに連絡して来たに違いない。 そんなことを想像しながら、トヨタ自動車には仕事の出来る管理職がいないと痛感しておりました。

小さな問題をこの様にこじらせてしまった張本人たちが、この程度の策略でお客を丸め込もうとしているのだから、余程おめでたい愚か者だろうとも感じました。 こんな上司の下で働く戦士や使者は、馬鹿らしくてまじめに働く気力は起きないだろうと、気の毒にさえ思えたのです。

Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.66

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

I am not a talk of the line which has a relation with an overseas subsidiary restored in the form where it interrupts while speaking, becoming that it is likely to be sometimes drawn in his plot. It strongly claimed that it was Toyota Motor Corporation not us to have spoiled such an opportunity.

He hung up the telephone, after attaching comprehension as since it is a peevish human being and connects any number of times. Aside from comfort, the opposite feeling which is not distinct remained simultaneously.
The messenger who has telephoned on the next day bore the name of Yoshimura of an overseas room. The 20th generation first half of vertical was suggested at the opposite university of the former.

ともすれば彼の筋立てに引き込まれそうになりながら、私は彼の話を横取りするようにして、現地法人との関係を修復してもらう筋合いの話ではない。嫌な思いを重ねて修理をする心算もない。 そうした機会を損ねたのは当方ではなくトヨタ自動車側であると強く訴えました。

自分は諦めの悪い人間だから何回でも連絡するからと、了解を取り付けた上で電話を切ったが、心地良さと相反する釈然としない感情とが同時に残った。次の日に電話をして来た使者は海外室の吉村と名乗りました。 前者とは正反対の大学でたての二十代前半を連想させた。

Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.65

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

It is the whole aspect of the document which I addressed to Akio Toyoda. I prayed for the person who had true company mind about one existing in the many secretaries. However, the expectation appeared in totally different form. It becomes the lie if I say that I did not predict it, but what I am strong and felt when treated is a fact

I am Mr. Onoe of the Toyota Asia Pacific. The person was too sudden and announced my candidacy fluently in the line. When I began with a story to tell to have had proceeded to the Toyota Motor Corporation Philippines and wanted to help it between local corporations, I cut the main subject in the tone that water seemed to drift to.

Even if is a lie;, as is expected, is a corporate warrior. I was wonderful. I suggested that I grasped quite good able person and vanity, the report from us. Because I sandwiched the Japanese temporary transfer person between and pushed forward a story, I restored relations with the Toyota Motor Corporation Philippines and repaired bolt buckling up and talked about the true intention when I wanted to put a thing gently so as to be talkative.

私が豊田章夫氏に宛てた書面の全容です。 数多くの秘書の中には一人くらい、真の企業精神を持たれる方が存在する事を願いました。 然し、その期待は全く違った形で姿を現したのです。 予測しなかったと云えば嘘になりますが、あしらわれていると強く感じたことも事実です

トヨタ・アジア・パシフィックの尾上と申します。その人は余りにも唐突に、歯切れ良く電話口で名乗りを上げました。 トヨタ自動車フィリピンに出向していたことがあると云う話から始まって、現地法人との間を周旋したいと、水が流れる様な口調で本題に切り込んで来た。

例え嘘であるにせよ流石は企業戦士。 見事でした。 中々の切れ者と見え、当方からの報告書も把握していることを仄めかした。日本人出向者を間に挟んで話を進めるから、トヨタ自動車フィリピンとの関係を修復して、ボルト折れを修理し、穏便に事を収めたいと饒舌なまでに本音を語ったのです。

Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.64

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

The secretaries who open my document have a wish. The act of general very shameful many rides on the high-speed wave of the Internet, while President Toyoda does not know, and it does not desire a spectacle which runs about the world. It is not come to feel some Section Head Harada that it mistakes.

For readiness to be made to the stage of the Kiyomizu temple, will you have this document in the jacket pocket of the president once? Even if the result was similar to my guess, act in itself believes a valuable thing. It is never that you / woman is punished. Because have a lot of time; courageous by all means; please consider it.

この書面を開封なさる秘書の方にお願いがあります。一般的にはとても恥かしい数々の行為が、豊田社長の知らぬ間にインターネットの高速波に乗って、世界を駆け巡る光景を望みません。 原田室長は何か勘違いしているような気がしてなりません。

「 一度だけ清水の舞台に立つお覚悟で、この書面を社長の上着ポケットへ忍ばせてもらえませんか? 」 その結果が私の推察と類似したとしても、行為自体は価値あること信じております。 決して貴方/女が罰せられることではない。時間はたっぷりありますから、ぜひ勇気ある熟慮をお願い致します。


Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.63

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

It was anger of mother to tell the great founder of an excellent company to be extremely impolite. An event touched than such a thing happened. It is that the invitation such as the dream please to say when I take a test for employment of Toyota if graduation is decided reached it from the general affairs department of Toyota Motor Corporation the one and a half years later.

For a strong demand of mother finding employment graduated from a university, and to tell I was after, and not to be late either, I did not realize the goodwill of your grandfather. However, the mind of warm consideration to be considerate of another person of the great person who cannot express it and the bottomless attachment for one's company is still branded on my heart by the words.



Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.62

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

I who failed in an examination gave the letter of the complaint to President founder of Toyota for stomach energy four times. I knocked down my cheeks by frightful force at the same time as a red seal of the special delivery thrust a pushed tea envelope at the tip of nose as soon as mother who was the vice-chief of the bureau of the post office came back from a job on one day when I had completely forgotten such a thing.

A thing, the bonnet which wanted you to wait for a while because you were near completion became slender, and the engine which it was a thin writing brush letter, and was new was written down to the mail paper that came out from a tea envelope when the weight of the steering wheel was reduced to half. Corolla and the design image which liked two peas in a pod which sold explosively later were pictured in one piece of another mail-paper.



Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.61

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

As for the examination car of the examination room where I went to, Toyota corona was a ratio of one to four Nissan Datsun. The examination car which I was given was always a corona for some reason. I was round, and, as for the then corona car, a bonnet swelled like a bean-jam bun. In the bench-type driving seat, the back was deep and was the fellow who was heavy if a steering wheel was thoughtless.

At last, to me whom 160Cm was not worth height, a tiptoe arrived on brakes and a clutch. I was in condition I peeped out, and to seem to look at the bonnet tip from the ring of the steering wheel when I sat in the driver's seat. The driving that is good even if I make an effort so much. The subject examination did not have any problem, but practice was totally no use.

私の通った試験場の試験車は、日産ダットサン四台にトヨタ・コロナが一台の割合でした。何故か私に与えられる試験車は何時もコロナだった。 当時のコロナ車は、ボンネットが餡パンの様に丸くて盛り上がっており、ベンチ式の運転座席は背もたれが深く、ハンドルがむやみと重い代物でした。


Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.60

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

If it says that it is cunning, a way this much cunning to until and coldhearted is also incomparable, and how to carry out deer expression by it being brilliant for it not being different from the correspondence to the customer in the U.S. at all, either, either does not occur. For the purpose of what has Toyota Motor which I trusted it and loved large-reformed from the time of when?

Only a few should listen to an old tale.
Although I thought that President Toyoda must be considerably younger than I, and he was therefore unfamiliar, when we were young, there was a license of the class called four small size license. Since acquisition was allowed when he became 16 years old, it used to try to be the first and boys used to challenge, as fascinated.


昔話を少しだけお聞きください。 豊田社長は私よりだいぶ若いはずだからご存知ないと思いますが、私達の幼い頃は小型四輪免許と言う階級のライセンスがありました。十六歳になると取得が許されたから、少年たちは魅せられたように先を争って挑戦したものです。

Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.59

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

I was confused by a name to call foreign countries complaint window for and revealed my true intentions counting on a person of temporary transfer from the inconvenience of words. However, it is blocked by the long spear of a battlefront military unit given neither no responsibility nor the authority and raises a flag of surrender or I give vent to feelings and wander in the course of the defeat or expose a corpse finally, or will there be only such a method?

If President Toyoda, this were the answers to customer of Toyota Motor Corporation, would the show stopper which the pledge by the U.S. congressional hearing of President Toyoda was what and played to the people concerned of the world by the next press conference and an excuse pilgrimage be a scenario from a beginning? I do not want to believe it.


豊田社長、これがトヨタ自動車の顧客に対する回答だとするならば、豊田社長の米議会公聴会での公約は何だったのです?その後の記者会見および言い訳行脚で、世界中の関係者に演じて見せた名演技は、最初からのシナリオだったのでしょうか。 私は信じたくない。


Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.58

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

And a complainer shouts a tape to the material as soon as I consider it to have fitted in into the trap and I appear and I let a customer wither and will conceal the truth. He is only a dirty worker that throws the shameful parts of Toyota into the excrement reservoir prepared beforehand in short. They were not also what thing / person of the dummy group of Toyota surely.

Only in similar people, I push responsibility to the national staff whom neither what official authority nor the responsibility gives a problem and the clear immediate answer that seem to be investigated for a required accident even if I make a person of temporary transfer of the local corporation. Far from answering a telephone, I was absorbed in golf and I was strong and had the sense with the race that enjoyed temporary transfer heaven comfortably from morning.

It may not be understood even if I think without President Toyoda, feelings theory. In the case of Toyota Motor Corporation, is not the foreign countries room consistency of the services again in the after for the customer whether the person of local corporation temporary transfer has company regulations not to participate in the perplexity of the fellow countryman? This question is not separated from a head. If this section functioned commonly, If this section functioned commonly, I did not have to show a bad-mannered document in this way.



豊田社長、感情論ぬきで考えても理解できないことがあります。 トヨタ自動車の場合、現地法人出向者は同朋の困惑に関与しない社則があるのですか? また、海外室なる部署の役目は何なのですか!?この疑問が頭から離れない。この部門が当たり前に機能していれば、私はこの様に無作法な書面を公開する必要はなかったと考えております。

Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.57

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

It thinks that an ear will be borrowed to the fellow being of an overseas subsidiary first of all, and when the talk could next be heard and obtained at the overseas room, you were made to mistake, when the first car carries out bolt breakage. It is a reason for all they could not fulfill but having tried direct appeal to President Toyoda. Since the overseas room was telephoned this time, it is the thought which has looked into the shameful parts of the sanctuary which Toyota Motor must not look at.

With the customer related overseas room which could be known by this contact, it has an illusion that the foolish visitor confused by sound of a name can adjust and get the difficult trouble of an overseas. Next, you call out one scarce employee after another to a situation, it makes it trifle with a visitor, and the victim who bewildered, handled gradually and longed for the core portion is waiting to raise loud voice.



Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.56

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

Cause investigation of the bolt crease for which I am asking you is taken to Toyota Motor. Is it such a fatal thing!? If it generally thinks and just early detection will be taken to your company, it gets used just to plus, and it does not become impossible that I think that an adverse element etc. do not exist at all. Is it my misapprehension!?

Even if it says since all human society progresses like the present and is managed by so-called highly efficient computer, it is only the tool that man made after all. One cannot have nothing perfect etc. in some in which a world evolves into how and man makes appearance.
It cannot be an exception in Toyota Motor which reached to an extreme of the peak by performance serious consideration, either.

Even how the expensive product of the famous brand has one and two malfunction. Is not the superiority and inferiority of the company decided how the important thing can carry out fair processing promptly when a problem was found out? I think that the answer comes back easily if I reverse a viewpoint and think.


人間社会すべてが現在の様に進歩し、高性能のコンピュターなるものに管理されているからと云っても、所詮は人間の作った道具にすぎません。世の中が如何に進化し様とも、人間が作りだすものに完璧なものなどひとつもあり得ない。 性能重視で頂点を極めた御社でも例外ではない筈です。

有名ブランドのどんなに高価な製品でも、ひとつやふたつの不具合はあります。大切なことは問題が発覚した時、如何にフェアーな処理を敏速に実施できるかによって、企業の優劣が決まるのではありませんか!? 立場を反対にしてお考えになれば答は容易く返って来ると思います。

Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.55

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

President Akio Toyoda, it asks once again.
This is taken to this case, and since it is remarkably important, I ask it formally. What did only the maintenance man who took the photograph of the accident of evidence report the cause of a bolt crease would be to the head office!! The Miss Furuno that the document from General Manager Harada gave charge avoids a clear answer.

The employee does not feel efforts at the U.S. Congress public hearing which President Toyoda made even the tear spread and was explained not at all!? Section Head Harada and Ms. Furuno are infallible into the responsibility section on overseas and for an accident!!  Two people of the responsibility post do not mind it until false evidence and do not think that the hidden reason that is going to quash bolt buckling up is very ordinary.

Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.54

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

Recall declaration in the U.S., President Toyoda's public hearing appearance, an apology to each country, an excuse pilgrimage and processing of a fine, the private settlement negotiation with a victim, etc. took the period of six months for your company to deal with these problems. Of course, no message was got from your company.
It is also six months which made the heart heavy at me.

The talk is returned.
A national staff handled it with responsibility without being inferior to the Ms. Furuno without being defeated by Harada and was said when I reported the cause of the bolt buckling up to a family. Then I have suffered it until a ticking off without showing any embarrassment when the cause that a problem did not solve was because I did not take the receiver on the telephone of the national staff.

米国でのリコール宣言、豊田社長の公聴会出頭、各国へのお詫びと言い訳行脚、制裁金の処理、被害者との示談交渉など、御社がこれらの問題を処理するのに六か月の期間を要しました。 もちろん御社からは何の連絡も頂けませんでした。私なりに心を重くした六カ月でもあります。



Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.53

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

President Akio Toyota, this have it each other and ask you a question other than a thing obstinately because they are important. What did only the maintenance man who took the photograph of the accident of evidence report the cause by which the bolt broke would be to the head office!! The clear reply was not got from Ms. Furuno which also gave her name to Section Head Harada's document as the person in charge, either.

It is proof that the employee of Toyota Motor did not feel efforts at the U.S. Congress public hearing which President Toyoda made even the tear spread and was explained not at all. Section Head Harada, not to mention it, and Ms. Furuno must be the responsibility sections on overseas and for an accident! The staff denied the president, your act and pledge. You were despised by the subordinate who was equal to the rank and file.

豊田章夫社長、これはお互いに取りまして事のほか重要なので執拗に質問いたします。 事故の証拠写真を撮っただけの整備員が、ボルト損折の原因を本社へ何と報告したのですか!! 原田室長の書面にも担当者を名乗ったフルノ女史からも明快な回答は頂けませんでした。

豊田社長が涙まで滲ませ弁明なさった米議会公聴会でのご苦心を、トヨタ自動車の社員は何とも感じていなかった証拠です。 それどころか原田室長とフルノ女史は、海外における事故担当の責任部門のはず!その職員が社長、貴方の行為と公約を否定した。貴方は平社員に等しい部下に舐められたのです。

Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.52

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

The young maintenance man who was right as for courtesy does not necessarily do imitation which asks the situation of a bolt crease and which there is not, removes the foil of a tire but and looks into the part in question. He merely grinned and 7 or 8 photographs of evidence were taken, and it pulled up immediately and went. Is it an idea which a maintenance man without even a tool says conducted what kind of investigation!?

Because "a national staff handled it with responsibility, and the answer from a general manager reported the cause of the bolt buckling up to a family", I was able to receive it when I would already have nothing to do.
I started preparations I went back to my own country promptly, and to face face-to-face talk. However, unfortunately, the issue of appearance to the American Congress public hearing of your company happened and couldn't but give it up.

礼儀は正しかった若い整備員は、ボルト折れの状況を尋ねるでもなく、タイヤのホイルを外し問題の箇所を覗き込む真似をする訳でもなかった。ただニヤニヤ笑って証拠写真7,8枚を撮って早々と引き上げた。 工具ひとつ持たない整備員がどの様な調査をしたと云うお心算でしょうか!?

室長からの回答は、『 現地スタッフが責任を持って処理し、ボルト折れの原因は家内に報告した』から、もう関係ないだろうと受け取れるものでした。

Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.51

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

There is not the reason that I know the order that President Toyota was given to and of course does not understand it what kind of expectations there is in your company. However, there is too much unreasonableness since scotch bolt fold loss passing to twice is a fact to crush it. I never think that I take the appropriate correspondence even if I consider a title of General Manager Harada.

Moreover, there is no lie falsehood in Section Head Harada's document, if Toyota Motor comes to have will which solves this case earnestly, at least the whole circumstances of an accident and the circumstances of negotiation will be grasped in advance, and the opposite method will completely be taken till the present the place which should set the direction which can perform an appropriate answer on charge. It is felt that I am intentional.

豊田社長が下された命令を私が知る由もないし、御社にどの様な思惑がそんざいするのか勿論わかりません。然し、二回に渡る車輪止めボルト折損が事実である以上、にぎり潰すには無理が多すぎる。 原田室長さんの肩書を考え合わせても決して適切な対応を取っているとも思えないのです。



Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.50

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

If you allowed an impolite expression, the great public prosecutor of some countries was the same as the technique of attacking a suspected person violently. Since were able to lend an ear and it was not able to be got from our talk at all, the cooling-off period was prepared, and connection was again given to the overseas room on September 28, but the reply which is not believed was obtained from the woman employee who answered in the phone.

Although surely photography of evidence was ended in September, last year, since there was no connection even if it passes half a year, the document of the end of photography was given from us to President Toyoda and Section Head Harada on January 28, this year.
If it usually becomes, it will be informed that a check is taken from an overseas room to us, if general, but is it my mistake!?



Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.49

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

ഏ I watched the change of the solution to the problem in the United States calmly since I gave a document to President Toyota by a charge account on January 31, 2010. Is an end safely; hear that was considered to be it. As for our pending problem, President Toyoda is a pledge by a U.S. congressional hearing in the world; was considered to be it; know it that please want to handle it as far as common-sense.

It asked for a meeting with a Harada overseas section head on last September 28 homecoming. The employee education of Toyota Motor was put into practice, and it was not allowed to meet not to mention speak with Section Head Harada, either. The name of no, a customer counseling center, or a customer related overseas room received touch like a barrier on principle.



Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.48

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

I who returned to the Philippines reviewed the whole circumstances about the accident of this time between about two weeks. Although most was a repetition of the verification about its fault, the necessity of resigning oneself as it is was not able to be found.
There is nothing with how often simultaneously and acquaintances' advice and laughing voice crossed by mind.

Since I, the victim, hurt my heart this much even if it made it Ms. Furuno he insisted that is a person in charge, a boss's command could be said and imagined surely that it was probably a bad thought of aftertaste. And it opted for presentation of the written inquiry again to Mr. Akio Toyoda, realizing anew the fear of the company which calls it Toyota Motor.

