
日本国総理大臣さま / To Japan Prime Minister  NO.12

これはテロ行為だ / This is the same as terrorism  No.2





5)I made an absurd remark to the Prime Minister many times. I repeated even blog and appealed for a public voice and told you about technique to gain the popular will.
The Prime Minister learn excellent study and is the private railroad that I stand in the at the station and was got the heart of people desperately.
I ask once now. Please no longer dirty the human dignity that we Japanese race has.

6)It is oneself that I do not want to end the passion that the nation entrusted the Democratic Party with a dream by big determination idly.
However, the voyage of the Noda Cabinet advances quite adversely with the route that the nation prays for.
Prime Minister Noda lectures on how the beautiful logic in the same state, and I keep the heart of the nation, and the public heart will only turn its back as a state.

7)There is the possibility that Arabic spring rages in Japan if I force it enough.
Being troubled will not run out in earthquake disaster processing, nuclear power generation processing, a difficult diplomatic dispute, a problem of the yield of taxes, the situation of the Prime Minister.
However, this Korean problem is a serious problem about dignity as our race.
However, this Korean problem is a serious problem about dignity as our race. The Korean act is the same when I stepped into the breadwinner with my shoes on.

8)Prime Minister Noda, you are despised.
Still I insist that you give the tax of the nation to Korea as for several trillions of yen or force a tax increase because the yield of taxes does not have a heart or I am unconditional and do make a head long rush using sophism that this is because a country prospers in TPP?
Please reconsider it and, for Japan where you were brought up, ask.

日本国総理大臣さま / To Japan Prime Minister  NO.11

これはテロ行為だ / This is the same as terrorism No.1

1)野田総理・警視総監、アンタら韓国人歌手とアルバイト大学教授が従軍慰安婦の捏造ポスター(http://goo.gl/7RD5j を、新宿・原宿・渋谷に千五百枚も貼り回ったのを何故逮捕しない。




1)I do not arrest that Prime Minister Noda, Superintendent General, you Korean singer and a part-time job university professor put forgery poster (http://goo.gl/7RD5j) of the charity dame on Shinjuku, Harajuku, Shibuya as for 1,500 pieces and turned around why.
It is too deplorable at all, and the tears do not appear whether the check is not possible whether you did not know it because it is contributed to staying in Japan.

2)As for Minister of Foreign Affairs, you, a Korean singer and part-time job university professor do not start a protest about the fact that they advertise it, and placed the forgery poster of the charity dame in The Wall Street Journal Asia printing block why in the Korean government.
Are not you annoyed as a contributed mouth or Japanese? It is not talked.

3)This Korean seemed to yell threateningly that a poster would stretch next week in Kyoto and Osaka, but should have been Prime Minister Noda, never give up. You are over in true lips loach unless you arrest people concerned promptly as soon as you call the Korean ambassador to come immediately.
It is a thing and the same thing stained the capital by two Koreans.

4)It was refused entry to Korea a Diet member in the past that I was close to. No formula protest was accomplished; and, as for the news, harmless. When these two Koreans carry out a bold activity only for their will in this way, do Prime Minister, you feel?
The; if think, as for the nation, nobody will believe you.