
被災地を想う時 / When I yearn for the stricken area No.1

まえがき / Preface






The nuclear power plant destruction that an unprecedented major earthquake brought caused a radiation leak and delivered you to a nation total victim, 100 million total commentators newly.

And our country is violated in a disturbance more than the confusion after the defeat now. I may want I think, and the nations to clear it for readiness to be exposed to the criticism like the surging wave at the present when it is going to be six months from that.

If parties concerned of such an accident and the event are classified, it will be classified by the political world, the bureaucrat, the industry, the scholar, the news organization, and the victim though it is not a thing limited to this matter.
When the political world is first taken up, the majority of the people shout present Prime Minister's incapacity to the loud voice.  When it is life prolongation of human life work to defend the chair of power construction, and the prime minister who declares the resignation can be believed, the discord is heard from the coming from mother's body.

How will about the political party!?
All of Democratic Party, Liberal Democratic Party, New Komeito, Social Democratic Party, Your Party and other parties is really anxious about a country and, in hope of the happiness of the nation, will be engaged in daily remark and member of the Diet activity and Diet affairs!?

Will not fools and all the members who will be ordinary ruffle the eyebrows what grandfather leaves out!! Oh, please keep company a little without being excited that much.

被災地を想う時 / When I yearn for the stricken area No.2

新総理の焦り / A fret of the new Prime Minister


総理の座を守るために小沢一郎氏を陥れ鳩山由紀夫氏を欺いた。両氏は総理の朋友だった筈です。 小沢氏が味方しなかったら、鳩山氏が妥協しなかったら、管氏は総理にはなれなかった人だ。


然し、九州電力玄海原発の件では暗闇で後ろからあっさり切り伏せてしまった。政治の世界では一寸先は闇だと良く云われる。 それにしても余りと云えば余りに惨い仕打ちだった。


海江田さん、さぞ無念だったでしょう。苦しかったでしょう。 良く我慢をなさった。 他党の野次は頭の隅に残っていると思いますが心配は要りません。
心ある国民は貴方を支持しています。貴方の政治心情が汚染され尽くす前に早くお辞めなさい。 新たな目的に邁進した方が貴方のため、そして民のためです。

I like it, or I think that the existing Prime Minister is a terrible person in the same way as all of you whether you dislike it. The feature of the time that was a minister in a different political party is totally only a little.

I entrapped Mr. Ichiro Ozawa to follow the seat of the Prime Minister and deceived Mr. Yukio Hatoyama.
Both of them should have been companions of the Prime Ministers.
If Mr. Hatoyama does not compromise if Mr. Ozawa does not take sides, Mr. Kan is the person who did not leave it to the Prime Minister.

There is large retainer Mr. Kaieda's matter in one of the very unbelievable events.  Let's exactly assume that it was possible to permit until the party conference member besides the same electoral district who is large retainer Mr. Kaieda's rival is selected, and the chair of a new minister was prepared. .

However, it has cut down easily from the back in the dark in the matter of the Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc. Genkai nuclear power plant.
It is said well that the dark ahead for a moment in the world of politics.
However, it was a too cruel treatment if it said too much.

I was not the people who even reason eager in politics was full of patriotism as the nation, and overflowed. However, I could sometimes touch it and watched the Diet broadcast closely because there was the interest like everyone else and thought of the mother country carefully.
In the news of the interest paid more attention, but did not bear the treatment for Minister Mr. Kaieda if looked.
It is the first experience to have watched such an empty figure.

Mr. Kaieda, it might have been surely regrettable.  It might have been painful. It endured it well.  Worry is not needed though it thinks the hooter of another party to be remaining on the corner of the head.
The people who have the mind are supporting you.  
Your political feelings are polluted and resign early before it carries it out.  The purpose of going forward on a new purpose is the people for you.

被災地を想う時 / When I yearn for the stricken area No.3

問われる政治姿勢 / Political posture to be called into question

これまでの民主党議員の発言で一番おどろいた事は、マニフェストを下手に弄ったら次期選挙に勝てない。この総理では選挙に挑めない。 民主党を割ったら今までの苦労が水の泡だと喚く。




Then how will about the democracy party?
If it plays with a manifesto badly, it cannot beat next election to have been surprised at the remark of the representative from conventional Democratic Party most. I cannot challenge election in these Prime Ministers. I yell if I break the Democratic Party when conventional trouble is coming to naught.
Anywhere of these words, the consideration to the nation is not felt even in a smell. Is not it just like turmoil of the late Tokugawa period!!

It only has to divide the party at once if it is thought that the prime minister is incapable though it is a violent expression.  
It doesn't have the qualification that meddling looks the previous by one person who do not have courage away from the party and the spirit either and means the chief by yourself.  
It reflects in the people about the Diet answer in his one hand of the written reply that the government official or the secretary made only as not very different from the assembly member of the former administration. The people in Japan are not foolish.

The biggest reason why the nation chose the Democratic Party as in the last election is because I gave up the Liberal Democratic Party politics of the principle of safety first that decayed.
The some mistakes that lack of experience caused entrusted the Democratic Party with the Japanese course that I was determined to close eyes, and was new.

However, I appear in the thing which is totally different from the expectations of the nation when I observe the behavior of Prime Minister Kan and the member of the Diet.
It would not be exaggeration and would retreat even if I said that I did not change at all with the ex-government as much as rather I was lacking in experience. You should say a place accomplishing the term of office or the situation that can be dissolved on the way in this.

被災地を想う時 / When I yearn for the stricken area No.4








I think about the Liberal Democratic Party, and let's look.
Fortunately or not, in our country, I was already the Liberal Democratic Party government at the age of 20 years old. I continued the national administration that seemed to be able to be called the alliance autocracy until just several years ago for many years.

There is not the aim to say the thing this and that now, but is not started from the issue of radioactivity threatening the nation now from the Liberal Party which was a mother's body of teachers even if I do it? Even a supporter of the Liberal Democratic Party thinks that it is the same thought now.

What whether the occupation of member of the Diet was chosen to be a purpose should not ask. 
However, it wanted to have enriched the country in the corner of the mind, and the society that wanted to remove irrationality where the people were able to extend the both hands both feet freely might have wanted to have been established, and it is necessary to have dreamt the festival to the member of the Diet candidate at least and raising to return completely if things go well in the top.

Therefore I ran from the Liberal Democratic Party.
I do not beat, and the war that all the human beings lose and the gambling not to be able to win will fly into a rage if must be it, and we are different.

Therefore I am no use.
Therefore not only I was defeated by Ozawa and Hatoyama and Mr. pipe, but also have been robbed of the ancestral rich territory.

Please think carefully; all of Liberal Democratic Party.
I bound a peace treaty together and built the foundation of Japan in modern times without an influential figure called Shigeru Yoshida was folded into the ancestors of all of you without my expressing it, and the one step being daunted by Admiral MacArthur under the occupation.

I called the people which did not obey one's logic a fool, and Prince Shigeru Yoshida dissolved the Diet, but the thoughtful nation should have done a standing ovation secretly.

被災地を想う時 / When I yearn for the stricken area No.5









The next times were Mr. Kakuei Tanaka authorities, but I pushed Japanese the Plan for Remodeling the Japanese Archipelago so that who said what and set up the Shinkansen and an expressway.

How much company was moistened thanks to this chain of islands remodeling and brought prosperity of the distribution industry, and were tens of millions of people given it for convenience and the benefit of the name to say!! It will not be exaggeration even if I say that the present prosperity began in here.

I at that time have used it for the mansion of Mr. Tanaka who exists in Mejiro-Tokyo because of the relation to which a certain actor's scenario carrying is done. 
Having come to the boss who was reading master's letter to report the visitor was Mr. Ichiro Ozawa.  When it finished read the letter, the boss was beaten in that peculiar smile by hardship and power with strong shoulder of me.

And I gave up open-hearted laughter to a back of Mr. Ozawa when that man would run on the neck of the eagle in the future.
This elderly man will say anything then; thought to drink it. When it asked the second, the authority was absent, but it was to have informed a young fellow like authority oneself me of an absent apology at the night on the day that was surprised.

It may be to be able to say, but the occupation called the politician thinks that it is to say when you must not neglect it a little now if it ties a human heart in how small event. 
Probably it was thought by a political adversary, but unfortunately it has been pushed not the outside of the cage to the inside of the cage.

I seem to be Mr. Junichiro Koizumi recently. Would not it be a bright politician?
I made mouth as much as I wanted to say in sequence, and surprised the circumference by the acting power that I wanted to do and destroyed a particularly historical post office system whether I was good or was bad.

In a sense it was pulled the body as soon as I got the support of the nation by more selfish than Mr.Tanaka authority and violent technique as if I got tired in Diet members. It should be said that I am manly!

被災地を想う時 / When I yearn for the stricken area No.6

自民党の衰え / Decline of the Liberal Democratic Party






過去には魅力あふれる大物政治家が大勢いらっしゃった。現在もそれらを肯定できますか!? いま国民が抱える問題の大半は、皆さんや先輩議員の失政の遺物ではないのですか!?


Finally I want you to remember Mr. Shintaro Ishihara. When most of nations wanted Ishihara to work as the Prime Minister, would not you expect it?
He who was wise should have taken the wish of such people with skin properly. 

It was taken off the badge of the Diet member plainly as if I shook off the thought of the people flatly. It was left with a refreshing smile.

I had been entertained with lunch from Mr. Yujiro of the younger brother in Nikkatsu studio, but of course it has not asked an older brother about a tongue to have met. 
However, I feel like seeming to understand the reason why Mr. Shintaro resigned as a Diet member. Surely I must have been disgusted with being a representative from Liberal Democratic Party. 

There is the greed that wants to ask about the reason that left the Liberal Democratic Party if endowed at an opportunity to meet you by mischief of God.
All of Liberal Democratic Party is the loss for property here; was considered to be it.

All of Liberal Democratic Party, your party have one cup of splendid history it is a compliment at all, and to do.
In the past, a lot of big-name politicians full of the charm came. Can you affirm them now? Are not most of the problems that the nation has remains of the misgovernment of the Representative all of you and senior now?

As far as it is unsightly to put the responsibility on the Prime Minister shouted to that I am incompetent. Power to let all of you still look back toward the nation should be left.

被災地を想う時 / When I yearn for the stricken area No.7

官僚支配の国家 / National structure of the bureaucratic rule



然し、現在はちがいます。今は総て日本流に改訂された。 それに携わった役人は、国立大学で最高の学問を会得したエリート集団である。


国全体が大災害や大人災に見舞われても、そうした機構は何の役にも立たなかった。そればかりか、記者会見の回答は外国の出来事でもあるかの様でした。 酷い人になると記者の質問に窮して笑いでごまかしていた。蓮舫大臣の質問ではないですが、何がなんでも一番になる必然性を全く感じないと云いたくなってしまいます。

私の様に国を去った様な愚か者が生意気な事を申し上げると、お前なんかに何が解る。これは慣例だから余計なお世話だとでも言われるのだろう。 それならそれも仕方ない。

これが民の声であり、心であり、願いであったと思う。この謙虚さが我々民族の象徴なのではありませんか!? 特別な事を望んでいた訳ではない。


Let's regard the public office and the government official.  
An administrative system of our country dreamt the beginning of event of new Japan by young people who were born into the house of the lower class samurai of the last years of Tokugawa Administration with Ryoma Sakamoto at the top, overturned the Tokugawa politics, and accomplished Meiji Restoration as known.  
Fortunately, sharp people of the head which survived learned from France-Germany, the British United States and did the basis of Kasumigaseki.

If an upper grade national examination passer sits down on the administrative head, other classmates are why and must retire from that I cannot merely understand that I am particular about we democracy though I understand nothing? 
Though a commentator laughed when this is because Don is hard to work by some TV program sometime, will it be a meaning to say when it is hard to do a bad thing?

Because it was an administrative system that mimicked various foreign countries as previously described about the middle of the Meiji era, the government official might have been also inexperienced.  
However, it is different now.  Everything was revised like Japan now.  The government official involved in it is an elite group that learnt the highest study in National Universities.  
It is possible to come and I do not think that it is easy to work when the subordinate has the schoolmate very.

When I multiply an association or the foundation where does not understand the reason with the tax of the nation as a different problem like a bamboo shoot after the rain, I do whether it is that purpose with a re-workplace and, as for tens of millions of yen, I pay yearly income and remain calm. 

Even if the whole country was hit by great disaster and a great man-made disaster, such mechanism was good for nothing. 
The answer to only it or press conference seemed to be a foreign event.  I was at a loss for the question of the reporter when I became a terrible person and deceived it by laughter. 
It is not a question of Minister Ms. Renho, but wants to say when what feels inevitability becoming first in nothing at all.

What understands that I talk about the fool who seemed to leave the country like me being impertinent to you. Because this is custom, it will be but to be said Mind your business. Then, as for it, there is no help for it.
Then under the Japanese which the everybody of the nation can understand without using the sophism not a technical term when took Diet statement appropriate for the bride of the upper grade bureaucrat please answer it!

Many nations changed to bright great person, us in all of you for a long time and believed the work that it was difficult when splendid group, it which became ripe were government offices and were a government official. 
This is the voice of people and is a heart and thinks that I applied. Is not this humility the symbol of we races?  I did not expect a special thing.

It is blood of the Japanese race, and this simplicity is Japanese itself.
Might not you support this country without you endured hard work not discouraged by defeat simply because there was this virtue and followed the administration that the government office thought about, and expressing a complaint about a tax? 
When what people pray for is the richness of the heart, daily peace, prosperity of the countries, I understand it.

被災地を想う時 / When I yearn for the stricken area No.8

総てが虚偽だ / All is false


東電にしても九電にしても問題視する以前の、組織( 人間 ) 魂、精神、体質などの問題であって語るに値しません。 未だに国営企業だとでも思っているのではないのかな!?


彼等は定例会見でも嘘の説明が多いから、記者の質問に何時もおどおどして不自然な回答しか出来ない。こんな回答を真剣に聞くこと自体に、疑問を感じてしまうのは私だけだろうか? 私だけならば悲しすぎます。

専門家( 学者 ) に付きましてはひとつの質問をさせて下さい。

もし信じて原発建設を容認していたとしたら、いま巷でバーゲンセールの様に飛び交っている、「 想定外 」 と云う言葉をどう解釈すべきなのでしょうか!?


多少なりとも専門家としての自尊心なり責任感をお持ちでしたら、政府の要人も東京電力の関係者も先生方も、「 想定外 」 と云う言葉を使うべきではないと考えます。

まるで鬼の首でも獲ったかの様に、胸でも張るのではないかと危ぶむ勢いで、国会でも、記者会見でも、テレビのインタビューでも想定外を平然と口にする。被害者の痛みを少しでも感じているのであれば、 「 想定外 」 と云う言葉は使うべきでない。 謹んで欲しいと心から願っております。

The close thing wants to conflict in a different clause, but does it only in the top surface because I do not study about the electric power company which there is under this uproar. 

If it is problems such as an organization (human being) soul, mind, the constitution before bringing it into question even if I make Kyushu Electric Power even if I make Tokyo Electric and talks, I do not deserve it. But will not you yet think that it is a national enterprise?

We were said not to have the perfection from a parent in the human thing that we did well in a childhood. It was told that I apologized in acknowledgment of a fault obediently if I noticed one's failure.
Probably this lesson will be to teach when I admonish you that feeling embarrassed to apologize for do not repeat the same mistake. The human being who does not apologize for a fault surely repeats the same mistake.

They are regular interviews, but I am always afraid of the question of the reporter, and it is possible for only an unnatural answer to have much false explanation. Only as for me, I am too sad whether it will be only me that find a question in to hear such an answer seriously.

Let me ask one question when an expert (scholar) is accompanied.
If the perfect article was impossible, I believed it to a thing a human being thought with a head, and to create by one's hands and feet and lived. When the toxic substance which was not really broken was the safe institution which was not washed away, as for the yes and no theory of the nuclear power generation, in the teachers, would the nuclear power generation be believed as the other problem?

How should I interpret words to say when "unexpected" flying like a sale in the public now if I believe it and accepted nuclear power generation construction?

I set a standard that you understood it simply in a state beyond the imagination for the great earthquake disaster and I promoted construction and have not met with this tragic incident to a startup?
If but I am said not to have been the direct person concerned who was not engaged in nuclear power generation construction, I want teachers are past and to recall a lecture, a lecture, the article that you performed.

The very important person of the government thinks that the person concerned of Tokyo Electric should not use the words to say when teachers "are unexpected" more or less if I have the pride as the expert or a sense of responsibility.

I am calm, and, by force to be anxious about when even a chest may be made, even an interview of TV eats the assumption outside at both the Diet and the press conference as if I totally caught even the neck of the ogre. You should not use the words to say, "I am unexpected" if you feel the pain of the victim to be that there few it. I wish that I want you to be careful heartily.

被災地を想う時 / When I yearn for the stricken area No.9

歪んだメディアの実態 / The actual situation of the crooked media



個人的な好みも入り混じった感覚の中で、信頼に値するキャスター( 評論家 ) は田原総一郎と鳥越俊太郎氏だと長い間おもって参りました。 両氏は権力に決して屈しない。 ご自分の意見を明快に述べられる。



先日も若い女性が、「 韓国の色男たちがどんな教育を受け、日本人をどう思い、性犯罪が多発している現状を知った上にして欲しい 」と叫んでいた。


これも世の流れでしょう。 彼女達は何の恥ずかしげもなく夢を追いかけていらっしゃる。痛い目に合うまでは放って置きませんか? そうしましょうよ!! 苦言を呈した処で逆恨みをされるのが落ちでしょう。



Because I think that all of you broken in the country are well agreement, about the communications, only a word let me speak. 

The information including a TV radio, a newspaper, the magazine overflows too much.  When a human being has feelings, the media has character in the same way. 
I am never bewildered. The truth changes color depending on a newscaster in the same TV station.

The personal preference thought that the caster (commentator) who deserved trust was Mr. Soichiro Tahara and Mr. Shuntaro Torigoe in the sense that mingled for a long time.  Both of them never succumb to power. It is given an opinion of oneself clearly. 

The other is the Jun Hori announcer who is taking charge of the news program of NHK. The place which flattered although he was young is not felt.
Although it deserves reliance enough as a journalist, since the figure which reports correctly the information confirmed by its eye has a strong sense of justice, it feels whether it aims from organization, and uneasy.

I was far apart from the disaster a little, but Fuji TV and a drama-related mutter in Korea increased to my Twitter recently.

I shouted, a young woman "wanted Korean handsome men received what kind of education and she knew the present conditions that they thought how, and sexual crimes occurred frequently in and to do a Japanese" the other day. I transmitted a support message promptly.

This is a taboo. As far as the poor potatoes which it has been got tired of to the master and a lover and a boyfriend are boiled and are deplorable with the Korea visiting a shrine without waving the eyes.

This will be passage of life, too. Any, hesitating runs after a dream without feeling is the embarrassed, and they come.  I will do so whether I do not leave it until I have a bitter experience!  It will be bound to be thought ill in the place that presented frank advice.

In the first place the station called Fuji TV was the place of dispatch of the wobble thought of women as a daytime melodrama from old days for 40 years.
It is a special ability, and this kind of formation will be the pivot of the business. I am not different from other stations in the profit pursuit company of slightly different business policies.

It is to finish it if I do not put channels together without making being upset if I think that I am disgusting.  It can be led by the nose very much by Korea when I make noise too much. I do not change with the measles of the baby. The fashion becomes outdated sometime soon.

被災地を想う時 / When I yearn for the stricken area No.10

対岸の火事 / Someone else's problem



何故か?  総てとは申しませんが、政界は政争の具に、企業は責任を逃れるための工作に終始し、巷の評論家は自己宣伝に大災害を流用しているからに他ならないのです。

それぞれの関係者が責任ある行動を示していれば、「 想定外 」 などと云う無責任で不謹慎きわまりない言葉が、電波や活字に乗って世界中へ飛び散る筈はないでしょう。

外国のメディアは笑っています。日本の指導者や国営的企業はまるで他人ごと様だ。 巷の評論家までお神輿かついでお祭り騒ぎをしていると、悪い冗談を本国へ伝えているのです。


実は私も遠い昔に国策の失敗から父親を東京空襲で失った戦争被害者です。今また車輪留めボルトの折損事故で、数年前からトヨタ自動車との間で、嘆願や戦いを繰り返しておりますが、国も企業も耳と目を閉ざすだけで全くの無関心です。 誰も助けてはくれません。


It was the last, but it is only the done local, words that are damage, but tells victims encountered this great earthquake disaster, a man-made disaster of the nuclear power generation about condolences and a visit heartily.
The reason why I decided this mutter is too because I felt resentment for heartless information and criticism to overflow. Ask me by all means.

All of you of the stricken area should have performed every report or appeal so far to a country, administration, the company. However, it was got nothing from the answer that I could be satisfied with.
Why I do not claim to be all, but, for a political means, the company does work to escape from responsibility all the time, and the politics are because the public commentator diverts great disaster to self-advertisement.

If each person concerned shows a certain responsibility action, the words that are extreme in imprudence may not be scattered on an electric wave and printing type with irresponsibility to tell "to be unexpected" to the world.
I laugh at the foreign media. A Japanese leader and the company of the government management are totally states together with another person. I convey a bad joke to the own country when I make merry to a public commentator in a miniature shrine or an occasion.
Therefore it is refused entry an active Diet member by the neighboring country. This is because it is licked.

Victims, this is reality.
In fact, I am the war victim who lost father in Tokyo air raid from the failure of the national policy in ancient times.
I keep it, and, in a disadvantageous accident, I repeat an appeal and a fight from several years ago to Toyota Motor Corporation, but both the country and the company only shut an ear and eyes, and a wheel is really indifferent to the occasion of the bolt again now. When I help it, nobody gives it.

When people engaged in politics think about a beaming face, the man of business only to the worker bee including our thing only at the time of election if I achieve kith and kin, a purpose until I finish a sales contract, it will not be exaggerated even if I say.
Please do not be angry; victims! Do not you do so whether you do not give up depending on these people?

被災地を想う時 / When I yearn for the stricken area No.11

気力との戦い / Fight with the willpower


相手は巨大で機動力もある。待っているだけでは勝ち目は薄いと思うのです。 廻りを見渡せば何処かに今の自分に出来る何かがあるはずです。

彼らはある意味では公人ですが我々は一般人でしかない。悔しいがこれも事実。 然しながら彼らは公人であると同時に日本国民である以上、真実の声を無視する事は出来ないはずです。

何れは瓦礫の山も撤去するだろうし賠償金も払うでしょう。それまで体力を温存することも戦略だと考えます。 皆様は私より幾らかでも恵まれているのですから心配ありません。



それでも頑として製造販売会社の間違った自尊心だけを押し通しております。傲慢だと思いますが、国民の皆様、これが現在の日本です。 残念ですが事実なのです、現実です。

Please do not misunderstand it. I do neither feeling any guilty feeling in insisting on a fair right nor the heart to flinch from with the need.
However, will not you be best as for it when a partner has the ordinary heart as the human being? I trust people trampling on the heart of the companion who does not understand Japanese while being a Japanese and do not go.

The life that the game has been tiring is a defeat.  A partner is huge, and there is the mobility, too. I think that the winning chances are light only by waiting. There should be anything which oneself present has somewhere if I look around the circumference. I cling to it and earn time and will bet it on the tomorrow's chance!  Do not do so it; or all of you of the stricken area?

In a sense they are public people, but we are only commoners. Unfortunately, this is a fact, too. However, I cannot ignore the true voice since it is a Japanese citizen at the same time as they are public people. I will remove the heap of debris sometime soon and will pay the ransom. I think that it is a strategy to keep physical strength till then. Because all of you are endowed a less than me, we do not have to worry.

In the useless Prime Ministers whom most of nations accepted, the words of the visit were vomited in the presidents of Tokyo Electric which I imitated such as the feigned illness reluctantly by. There will not be I boil payment even if it takes time, and carry the proper indemnification on its back unless Nippon-Maru sinks, being wrong.

In the case of me, there was not the security of 1 yen from the country, too. Even the general manager of the charge window does not take one telephone by the matter of Toyota Motor Corporation. In fact I hear when I pin a wheel, and the bolt fold loss occurs in each Southeastern Asian country. If, in the same way as time in the United States, an accident lost even as for the human life occurs; Mr. Akio Toyoda would bear false witness in American Congress. 

When that was a temporary downright lie, Toyota Motor Corporation oneself will prove the pledge that I declared for the world. Still I persist in only the wrong pride of the production sale company stubbornly.  I think that I am arrogant, but nations, this is current Japan. Regretfully it is a fact.