
捏造劇の主役たち / Leading role of the forgery drama No.6

第六章・河野談話 / Official statement of Kono

朝日新聞の論調に躍った吉見義明・和田春樹教授さえも、「 朝鮮人に対する軍の強制は無かった公算が高い 」 と主張を変え始めたのです。


これだけの調査結果を基にすれば、「 軍の慰安所は確かに存在したが、慰安婦の補給に関しては、軍の認可を受けた専門業者が一切を取り仕切っていた。軍が関与した事実は、慰安婦の衛生検査と業者の管理監督だけである 」 と公表できる筈である。








48)私は長年に渡り河野談話に関し、「 官憲等が直接これに加担した事実も明らかになった 」、と言うフレーズが理解できないでいた。




Chapter 6 Official statement of Kono

41)Whenever a certain good sense expert of the two countries repeated an investigation in this way, the fact that the Japanese forces forced became extinct. When "the compulsion of the military for the Korean was high in the good chance that there was not", even Yoshiaki Yoshimi, Professor Haruki Wada who jumped in a tone of the Asahi Shimbun has begun to change a claim.
However, I strengthened intensity more and more, and there were rumors about the issue of charity dame in the two countries contrary to such a thing.

42)The book of Seiji Yoshida uncovered that Korean Saishuu newspaper was a forgery.
I testified that it was sold to the brothel for 40 yen, and a Korean left-winger system newspaper supported it, and 〝 Kimuhakusun 〞 placed an article in mother.
The charity dame of 40 several who came forward when taken became clear with playing of own work other than two people by the hand of Korean university professors.

43)It was correspondence of the Japanese Government that did not become with a wonder.
If is based on all these findings; "the comfort station of the military surely existed, but, about the supply of the charity dame, a specialty supplier in response to the authorization of the military managed all".
When it was only the examination of the charity dame of hygiene and the management supervisor of the supplier, I should have been able to announce the fact that the military participated in.
As Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, might not you know even that there was movement of this level?
It should be developed a debate with the anti-Japan activist of the two countries enough if I get all these information. It will be Ministry of Foreign Affairs of that purpose.

44)I did the apology that Chief Cabinet Secretary Koichi Kato could receive a high treacherous act against one's country before investigating such a fact as Japanese Government, and Prime Minister Miyazawa went out nonchalantly to Korea and has lowered the bald head eight times.
In Korea, it goes without saying that Japanese anti-Japan activists have been encouraged at one sweep than the cause.
And the issue of charity dame has announced his/her candidacy for the international stage as government official recognition in the form that added oil to the fire.

45)However, the Japanese Government spared an effort to deny the forgery charity dame story that the anti-Japan power of the two countries built up from a genuine aspect.
Using the sophism that I could dodge even if attacked by the technique that seemed to totally tame dog and cat from wherever, I have postponed the forcible escort part which was essence in question.
Even if it was the composition by the bright person of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it was a too bad thing.

46)Destroying a country statement (http://twd.ac/tmzkqI) where I passed to eternity by Chief Cabinet Secretary, Yohei Kono of time on August 4, 93 and would have regret for was announced.

It is said Kono statement commonly.

Many experts comment on the statement, but can read it even if they read it and preach it and watch it from any angle when the Japan forces forced it on an uneducated person.

47)I think that the high-ranking official is a vaguely dreadful race.
It is made a composition by a base and, as for all these statements, is constituted an excuse so that any criticism can excuse itself.
A part coaxed by a fact and the pimp who sold out to the brothel was able to pull that I had laughed really.
Naturally a government official concerned with as duties should have the fair human rights if I say their human rights.

48)I was not able to understand the phrase which said, "the fact that government officials took part in this direct became clear" about Kono statement for many years.
While I examined various books, a question was removed with a book of Mr. Tsutomu Nishioka several years ago. I put it in the Indonesian front and knew the fact that a Dutchwoman was made to make a charity dame from a government official forcibly.

49)When I knew this thing, I was seized with the impulse that wanted to knock down the proposer of the Kono statement.
Even if but the author makes an excuse saying that it is the consideration for the Dutchwoman, then it is treated the same line with Korea woman sold to a kisang.
In addition, these government officials have been already executed in a court-martial. I have nothing to do with the issue of Korean charity dame really.
Will not it be the smart-arse that should be called the lack of deep consideration of the petty official?

50)The Kono statement completed in this way has much harm and is the fellow without the single benefit.
When I acquired the removal signature site of the charity dame monument, the withdrawal of the ,〝 Kono statement said to the words that I thrust the mouth of the WH person concerned, and were given with 〞 which would be a point.
I say that 100 people become the sentence that Japanese Government accepted forcible escort with 100 people if I read Kono statement for the sense of the foreigner.
It is a statement of the destroying a country.