
国際貢献とは何だ / International aid will be what NO.5

Poverty of the heart / 心の貧困

It is to experience the person who has visited this country by all means, but a taxi, a nightclub, a restaurant, the payment with the open-air must be it, and a Japanese price exists. The change scarcely returns if I do not request it. It is completely licked.

The thing as the clearness does not return to the money which I lent even if I win a trial by borrowing and loaning it of the money.  This is because most partners hide a figure. It is a task of extreme difficult to find out the person whom a Japanese evaded in this country. 

Opposite is arrested for intimidation if I start it and it is intense and pursues even a loud voice even if I find a body and press it for return. 
It is the reality that I am totally unfair, and seemed to describe complaints in a painting.




国際貢献とは何だ / International aid will be what NO.4

Allowance not to be rewarded / 報われない援助金

It may be a state same in the Philippines where I live in.

For example, Japanese Government was made to take over the thing named the base contribution when the United States Armed Forces raised a Philippine Subic base. It is all right if it is once, I pay every year unless the Philippines become the enemy country.

This amount of money is a tax of the enormous Japanese citizens who can construct a nuclear submarine several with an amount of money as I can treat a heap of debris of the stricken area at one sweep in a year.

However, the Philippine civilian does not know even the helped fact at all. 

There is not the reason to know what a vast allowance is spent for. It may be said that it is natural for a feeling of thankfulness not to arise. Even the person concerned of the government will keep only the great person of the minister class under control.
The Japanese Government should know this reality.






国際貢献とは何だ / International aid will be what NO.3

The lesson that is not made use of / 生かされない教訓

The Liberal Democratic Party political power was so not only Prime Minister Noda, too. The amount of money that I poured into Middle East war for money of cooperation was the immensity which some carriers could buy. The evaluation that I received from all over the world in then is not made at all use of. 

The foreign severe media criticized the life of the own country soldier severely to a country to buy for money.

Study for the world situation is short because I spare much time for political dispute measures. It is proof controlling the country at the level that I told that I take care if I take out even money.

野田総理に限らず自民党政権もそうだった。 中東戦争に協力金とかでつぎ込んだ金額は、航空母艦が何隻も買える莫大なものだった。 あのときに世界中から受けた評価は全く生かされていない。


政争対策に多くの時間を割く余り世界の情勢に対する勉強が不足しているのである。 金さえ出せば何とかなる、と言ったレベルで国の舵を取っている証でもある。

国際貢献とは何だ / International aid will be what NO.2

Truthful image / 偽りのないイメージ

It will be said that I hand it over of 100 steps and built a friendly relationship for national interest. I say that diplomatic relations improve for the better how afterwards! But I think that the Korean public lends the hand to cleaning of the debris all together, and does come?

Moreover, it is a big mistake if it thinks that since it became the term of payment is said, and interest is also attached and returned as a promise.
100 % Even if the sun may rise in the west, a loan cannot return.

An excuse like a child will be carried out to since the past comfort-women problem was eventually also carried out or the President changed, and, finally it will be.
This country is educating the thing of our country how to children, or Prime Minister Noda does not know.

Supposing it lends and gives important people's tax on consent, it will be called a traitor as noise is made on the twitter.

The soul of affection, etc. should not be cherished from the instruction of enemy country treatment.

百歩譲って国益の為に友好関係を築き上げたとしよう。その後は国交がどの様に好転すると云うのだ!! 韓国の大衆が挙って瓦礫の掃除に手を貸すとでも思っておいでか??

また、返済期限になったからと言って、約束通り利息でもつけて返すと考えているならば大きな間違いである。 太陽が西から昇ることはあっても、融資金が戻ることは100 あり得ないだろう。

最終的には過去の慰安婦問題でも持ち出すか、大統領が変わったからと子供の様な言い訳をされて終わりだろう。 この国が子供たちに我が国のことをどの様に教育しているか野田総理は知らないのだ。 承知の上で大切な国民の税金を貸し与えるとしたら、ツィッター上で騒がれている様に売国奴と云う事になる。


国際貢献とは何だ / International aid will be what NO.1

The Japanese present conditions / 日本の現状

NHK reported that I furnished Korea with a vast amount of money that Prime Minister Noda called 5 trillion yen a few days ago.
It was the expression that was a proper state to help because it was an important neighboring country. How will this person think about the present conditions of the own country

Debris prepared the Mt. Botha into the earthquake disaster place, and, in the nuclear power generation outskirts stricken area, it became a town of the death. The radioactivity damage spreads in a national scale, and it is reality to begin to appear to the person evacuate to the foreign countries much less the country.

Even if a human being struggles so much, it is forced to coexistence with the radioactivity during the several decades.  
It is not exaggeration even if I say that a fight of no, the human and the radioactivity is continued up to a descendant.

数日前に野田総理が、五兆円と云う莫大な金額を韓国へ融資するとNHKが報じた。大切な隣国だから助けるのが当然の様な表情だった。 この人は自国の現状をどの様に考えているのだろうか!?

 震災地には瓦礫がボタ山を作り、原発周辺災害地は死の街となった。 放射能被害は全国規模に拡散し、国内はおろか海外へ避難する人も出始めているのが現実である。

人間がどんなに足掻いても数十年の間は放射能との共存を強いられる。 否、人類と放射能の戦いが子孫に至るまで継続されると云っても過言ではないのです。

Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.75

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

And, Announce an apology and the pledge in American Congress public hearing towards the world, and, in those days when I continued the appeal with the written inquiry, Akio Toyoda is piled up with the time when I flew about the world by an apology pilgrimage until the middle of 2010.

I want to think that Akio Toyoda did not really know my appeal at least now.

Finally, as for the left question, how would the matter to install an accident management company in the world major cities that Akio Toyota pledged in American Congress public hearing turn out? 
If the U.S. assembly which I am angry like that, and penetrated has ceased fire for hush money of 1,400 million yen, I will have the similar tragedy again.

I bore shame to Twitter, Facebook, blog and yelled.

However, unfortunately, in these days when all information was spread out in the world every corner in real time, it did not reach world eminent big company Toyota Motor Corporation.

Even if no, some grasped information, a sense of responsibility that the true love company mind was simple has lied low before the self-self-protection. It will be the proof that there was neither the sense of justice nor a sense of guilt for huge power.
I will be happy without tasting reality to tell to be oneself on a day of what time tomorrow.

Even if I step on stamp on the ground and expose unseemly disgraceful behavior, I am incorrigible.
For the bolt buckling up of the front wheel, I want to pray for accidents resulting in injury or death not happening heartily now.








Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.74

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

When seeing from Toyota Motor, it began from the Kramer denouncement things to be also although one worthless person like me is eradicated, and tried to childish perjury maneuvers beyond all sense of shame. Even now, the secret design in which it was going to scrap to the campaign pledge which Mr. Akio Toyoda turned to the world without being still insufficient, and what tended to erase the bolt crease anything is very wonderful.

It remains in the heart considering why do carry out until like this and it covers up a bolt crease as an honest question. It did not need to recollect deeply, the second bolt crease occurred, and a problem which Toyota Motor resembled even in the U.S. had surfaced around June, 2009 when the letter of direct appeal was given to President Toyoda.



Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.73

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

Both a soldier and the messenger were the reality that had shut communication suddenly as soon as they read over a written inquiry again seriously and prayed for reexamination what a customer appealed to Mr. Onoe of Toyota Asia for as for the event that could be called the evidence. Even if it is a fact to be made a fool, I feel that I am too childish for world Toyota Motor Corporation.

And I watched the too arrogant human cunning that came to the quantity with the signboard of the company by the corner of polluted one's sense when I was going to understand this reality more deeply. I knew the stupid vanity and principle of the people who grew powerful there self-protection. I was exposed to the help-like pity that there was not and helpless resentment to a body.



Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.72

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

In addition, if oneself is the situation of the overseas general manager, half sacrifices the simple subordinate who is poor in worldly affairs by the disgraceful affair that occurred from a way of difference of one's stupid command and will run about in utter confusion to be able to hold it for self-protection? I was made, and only an answer that I was engaged earnestly was seen for the excuse that I was too servile, and was mean to say that I exerted both the good faith and the beneficence.

When because I walked some lives, like it; good; the coffee which there is not of bitter water, color drinks up bitter tea without several degrees without being concerned if join, and is the aim that invited this age to. There were not aims to attack these people personally at all, but did it with a flinch in the too crafty company idea and principle of cunning self-protection. It was the feeling that the fatigue that smoldered spouted out at one sweep.

また、己が海外室長の立場だとしたら、半分は自分の愚かな采配の振り違いから発生した不祥事を、世事に乏しい純朴な部下を犠牲にし、保身のため右往左往するだろうか?  誠意も仁慈も尽くしたとの云う、余りにも卑屈で汚い言い訳に作りに、奔走しているとの答えしか見えてこなかった。 


Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.71

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

After all the corporate warrior was young. " We never have the fact that required repair ". I feel apprehensive about the bolt which there is not which should be broken having been broken for twice and I repeat patience for three years and negotiate it. Please read written inquiries again well once again what a customer appeals for. It was all one could do to convey only this.  I think that it was emptiness than I say anger.

I am common and if there is it and brandishes the direct complaint to the president, and oneself is appealed to the position of the secretary general manager for when "I want the stage of the Kiyomizu temple to stand", I give the unrelated subsidiary an order a momentary idea imitation and, in strange development not to get the imagination, will do temporizing imitation to send an assassinator to? It is the action that is not thought about at the normal.

 やはり企業戦士も若かった。 『 当方は一度も修理を要求した事実はない 』。折れる筈のないボルトが二度に渡って折れたことに危惧を感じ、三年間も我慢を重ね折衝しているのです。顧客が何を訴えているのか、もう一度よく質問書を読み返して下さい。これだけ伝えるのが精一杯だったのです。怒りと云うよりも虚しさだったと思います。 

普通では想像も付かない奇妙な展開の中で、もし自分が秘書室長の地位にあり、社長への直訴状を振りかざし、「清水の舞台に立って欲しい」、と嘆願されたら、咄嗟の思いつきにせよ無関係の子会社に命じ、刺客を差し向ける姑息な真似をするだろうか? 普通では考えられない行動である。