第十三章・慰安婦のおさらい / It is reviewed the charity dame
105)捏造慰安婦物語は、83年に吉田清治の著作である 「 私の戦争犯罪・朝鮮人強制連行 」 によってその幕は切って落とされた。
107)六年後の89年に吉田清治の 「 私の戦争犯罪・朝鮮人強制連行 」 が韓国で翻訳され出版された。
109)日本で始まった賠償裁判をテレビで知った、「 金学順と言う元慰安婦のお婆さん 」 が慰安婦だったと名乗り出たのです。
110)植村隆の記事には、日中戦争や大東亜戦争中に 「 女子挺身隊 」 と偽って戦場に連行され、日本軍人相手に売春行為を強要された、気の毒な朝鮮人従軍慰安婦の一人が名乗り出たと書かれてあった。
111)朝日新聞の記事が配信された三日後に記者会見を開いた 「 金学順さん 」 は、生活苦から14歳の時母親によって、40円でキーセンへ売られ慰安婦になったと証言を繰り返した。
112)朝日新聞の大スクープは、「 金学順さん 」 が韓国で記者会見を開く三日前に、既に日本経由で世界へ報じられておりました。
113)韓国に 「 金学順さん 」 も原告に名を連ねる 「 太平洋戦争犠牲者遺族会 」 と言う団体がある。この団体の常任理事の娘婿が植村記者でした。
つまり訴訟原告団の幹部が義理の母親の為に、「 金学順さん 」 の単独インタビューが取れたという絡繰りです。
115)朝日新聞の恐るべき大犯罪は、92年1月11日朝刊一面トップで、「 慰安婦所へ軍関与を示す資料・政府見解揺らぐ 」 との記事を掲載した事でした。
116)書類を詳しく読んで見ると、慰安婦を斡旋する業者が人さらい同然に女性を集めているが、 「 軍の権威に関わるから業者の選定を厳格にせよ 」 と云う命令書だった。
117) 92年1月13日・当時の加藤紘一官房長官が世論に堪えきれず 「 お詫びと反省 」 を発表してしまいました。
Chapter13 It is reviewed the forgery drama
105)I cut the curtain, and the forgery charity dame story was lost in 83 by "my war crimes, Korean forcible escort" by Seiji Yoshida.
I took the armed forces in Jeju Island of Korea in 1943, and the contents of the note performed woman hunting and said it proudly when I was in the middle of taking you and tasted, but were not a valuable thing such as a book.
106)What the person who said Seiji Yoshida thought of afterwards; of Korea appeared on television, and apologized for forcible escort, but the fire was not turned on in a topic.
I filed a suit regarding the charity dame whom wartime, Korean old people who knew everything about a postwar own country had not heard and would never think that I could take the indemnification from Japan before the war.
107)"My war crimes, Korean forcible escort" of Seiji Yoshida was translated in Korea in 89 six years later and was published.
The reporter of the Jeju newspaper which read this demonstrates it based on a book of Yoshida and observes it and uncovers that I am disappointing and was a downright lie.
This is the ending of the first forgery charity dame story, but the author should live now.
108)Because housewife, Atsuko Aoyagi of Oita went to Korea while the visit to Korea of Prime Minister Miyazawa was planned in 92, and the expense to modify a trial bore all, it recruited a state and plaintiffs including suit to Japanese Government partner.
The applicant did not appear, but the family of the person who it was commandeered by the Japanese military after going back to its own country, and was forced to forced labor came forward, and a trial began at that point.
109)"The old woman of former charity dame who said Kimuhakusun" who knew the compensation trial that began in Japan on TV came forward.
Takashi Uemura and the reporter who said reported the first report in the form of the interview alone with hiding the charity dame name who came forward from the morning edition of the Asahi Shimbun dated August 11, 91.
110)It was written for the article of Takashi Uemura that the one of the poor Korean charity dame that I was taken to the battlefield during Japan-China War and Greater East Asia War in the disguise of "girl volunteer corps" and was forced a prostitution act on a Japanese officer partner came forward.
This article was that it went without saying that it was delivered to the world as a great scoop on the day.
111)When it was sold to a brothel in 40 yen from economic distress at 14-year-old time by mother, and it was to a charity dame, "Kimuhakusun" who held a press conference three days after an article of the Asahi Newspaper was delivered repeated testimony.
This testimony did not overturn for 1 degree by the hearing investigation of the Korean side to a complaint for the Japanese Government afterwards either.
112)The great scoop of the Asahi Shimbun has been already reported to the world via Japan three days before "Kimuhakusun" held a press conference in Korea.
In addition, the important part which said that it was sold in the brothel by mother fell completely.
It is a matter of course that big doubt happened why such a trick was possible for a reporter of the Asahi Shimbun called Takashi Uemura.
113)There is a group called "Pacific War victim bereaved society" where "Kimuhakusun" links the name to a plaintiff in Korea.
The son-in-law of the permanent director of this group was reporter Uemura. In other words it is the mechanism that the executive of the plaintiff corps was able to take an independent interview of "Kimuhakusun" for mother-in-law.
A so good story cannot roll that much.
114)It would be necessary to conceal the truth to say when sold to the brothel by mother from economic distress to do the trial of the mother-in-law profitably even if anyone thought.
This is a grave offense punishment unworthy for communications.
It was the breach of trust for the national nation, and it was the act that should be called a traitor, but the inclination news of the morning sun did not remain only in this.
115)The dreadful great crime of the Asahi Newspaper was to have placed an article, "document, government opinion indicating the military participation shook at the all over the morning edition top to a charity dame place" on January 11, 92.
I told when I found out this document as documents about the recruitment of charity dames that Professor Yoshiaki Yoshimi of Chuo University engaged in a charity dame place of the military in National Institute for Defense Studies.
116)When I read documents in detail and looked, the supplier who mediated a charity dame was the same as kidnapping and gathered women, but was the letter missive which said, "I did the choice of the supplier strictly because I was concerned with the authority of the military".
It was the thing which regulated forcible escort, but torsion じ changed a fact on understanding such a thing, and Professor Yoshimi and the Asahi Newspaper , so to speak, reported a forgery article.
117)When I announced "an apology and the reflection" without then Chief Cabinet Secretary Koichi Kato being able to finish bearing it on January 13, 92, and it was on January 17 four days later, I went out, and I lowered the head to the Korean President in an obsequious manner eight times, and Prime Minister Miyazawa apologized to states Korea.
The Chief Cabinet Secretary and the Prime Minister have apologized before they conducted an official investigation as Japanese Government.