At the time of parting / 決別の時
You used the connection of all me for the man that both a lawyer and the interpreter arranged a marriage visa without permission.
I do not say that I pay commission. You should exert the courtesy for some partners if you use the connection of another person without permission.
You are the man who is too dirty so as I am unreasonable, and to vomit in self-centeredness.
Because it is such a thing, three people are thrown away to the beautiful wife who established the child on the pretext of one flirtation.
Still Takashi cannot consent what I say after unreasonableness.
It will be good if I insist obstinately when I do not pay the price for shopping that I promised. Continue the shameful action such as the thief cat.
The act that you were shown in for my goodwill multiplied all these challenge will and struggle mind and repulsion feelings.
I do not expect an unsightly fight for Merylyn and child who has been had for me either. However, I never accept your way of life and do not permit it throughout the life. I borrow it by all means sometime back.
私としては Merylyn と生まれて来るお子様の為にも、見苦しい争いを望んではいない。然し、私は決して貴方の生き方を認めないし一生許すことはない。何時か必ず借り返させて頂きます。