Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ
ഏ The fighters of Toyota Asia will be instructions of the Secretariat chief neighborhood, hearing his simple narrative style tone over a receiver.
This young man will put, will be persuaded by Section Head final-stage Harada to accept his fate, and has surely connected inevitably. It was keenly realized that the management who can do work was not in Toyota Motor, imagining such a thing.
ഏ Because ringleaders who had complicated a small problem in this way were going to coax a visitor by a stratagem of this level, I felt it even if it would be a very stupid fool. Poor thought that a soldier and the messenger who worked with such boss seemed to be stupid, and the willpower to act seriously would not get up.
ഏ彼の素朴な語り口調を受話器越しに聞きながら、トヨタ・アジアの戦士は秘書室長辺りの指令だろう。 この若者は差し詰め原田室長に因果を含められ、否応なしに連絡して来たに違いない。 そんなことを想像しながら、トヨタ自動車には仕事の出来る管理職がいないと痛感しておりました。
ഏ 小さな問題をこの様にこじらせてしまった張本人たちが、この程度の策略でお客を丸め込もうとしているのだから、余程おめでたい愚か者だろうとも感じました。 こんな上司の下で働く戦士や使者は、馬鹿らしくてまじめに働く気力は起きないだろうと、気の毒にさえ思えたのです。
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