Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ
ഏ As for the examination car of the examination room where I went to, Toyota corona was a ratio of one to four Nissan Datsun. The examination car which I was given was always a corona for some reason. I was round, and, as for the then corona car, a bonnet swelled like a bean-jam bun. In the bench-type driving seat, the back was deep and was the fellow who was heavy if a steering wheel was thoughtless.
ഏ At last, to me whom 160Cm was not worth height, a tiptoe arrived on brakes and a clutch. I was in condition I peeped out, and to seem to look at the bonnet tip from the ring of the steering wheel when I sat in the driver's seat. The driving that is good even if I make an effort so much. The subject examination did not have any problem, but practice was totally no use.
ഏ 私の通った試験場の試験車は、日産ダットサン四台にトヨタ・コロナが一台の割合でした。何故か私に与えられる試験車は何時もコロナだった。 当時のコロナ車は、ボンネットが餡パンの様に丸くて盛り上がっており、ベンチ式の運転座席は背もたれが深く、ハンドルがむやみと重い代物でした。
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