Chief character / 主人公
This gentleman is Mr. Kazufumi Nagatani who is this hero, and the former wife.
Remainder 4 hole of the outside track was played together as it was invited. It came to receive invitation of golf like every day from the next day.
Since I just always refused, it will accompany to Tuesday for the third week from encounter.
Also as for the peculiarity (it seems to move a ball position) which was in sight with the hobby and wipes its own ball well more than needed, although Mr. Nagatani said that it was the handicap 24, it was strong to have explained others' play.
Since I was a selfish type devoted to its play on the contrary, even if it might unite the face on the golf course, it did not play henceforth together.
誘われるままにアウトコースの残り4ホールを一緒にプレーしました。 翌日から毎日の様にゴルフのお誘いを受ける様になったのです。
長谷氏はハンディー24だと仰ったが、他人のプレーを解説するのが趣味と見えたし、ご自分のボールを必要以上に良く拭く ( ボール位置を動かす様に見える ) 癖も強かった。