Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ
ഏ In addition, the explanation about the correspondence was the following thing.
About "the matter that a bolt was lost during tire exchange of Tamaraw in an occasion, cope in cooperation with an agency". It was written now even if I did the arrangement that identified a car in an agency and dealers.
ഏ In addition, the explanation about the correspondence was the following thing.
About "the matter that a bolt was lost during tire exchange of Tamaraw in an occasion, cope in cooperation with an agency". It was written now even if I did the arrangement that identified a car in an agency and dealers.
The contents was soft expression, but was the answer book that showed off posture not to lend the edge to hear in the report from us to.
When "Toyota Motor Corporation was called from an American old friend in the middle of such exchanges between Toyota by American Congress public hearing", shocking information to say jumped.
Malfunction occurred to the electric system of the prius car by the story of the friend, and it seemed to wake up an accident resulting in injury or death in the basis. Because the cause investigation and correspondence to a victim were insufficient, a public hearing seemed to be held.
ഏ I saw next day when I asked it to want a friend to examine the details, maintenance man two of the Toyota Laguna factory for confirmation by the bolt buckling up of the accident car.
The courtesy was right, but, surprisingly, I took five or six pieces of photographs and have just returned without I did not ask about the accident situation just to have brought one camera, and checking the rotation of the axle which a bolt curved to.
A family is any strange event as I look puzzled when I die and would come. After all I was insincere in one's responsibilities, and General Manager Harada was a liar.
I will say the useless administrator who is despised by the staff of the Toyota Motor Corporation Philippines if I talk in a different way.
ഏ また、対応についての説明は次のようなものでした。
『 タマラオのタイヤ交換中にボルトが折損されました件につきましては、代理店と協力し対応させていただいております。 現在、代理店及びディーラーにてお車を確認させていただく手配をしております 』と書いてありました。
トヨタとの間でこの様なやり取りの最中に米国の古い友人から、『 トヨタ自動車が米国議会公聴会に呼び出される 』と云う、衝撃的な情報が飛び込んできたのです。
友人の話ではプリウス車の電気系統に不具合が発生し、それが基で人身事故を起こしたらしい。 その原因究明と被害者への対応が不十分なために公聴会が開かれるとのことでした。
友人の話ではプリウス車の電気系統に不具合が発生し、それが基で人身事故を起こしたらしい。 その原因究明と被害者への対応が不十分なために公聴会が開かれるとのことでした。
ഏ 友人に詳細を調べて欲しい旨を依頼した翌日、トヨタ・ラグーナ工場の整備員が二人、事故車のボルト折れを確認に見えた。 礼儀は正しかったが驚いたことに、カメラ一台持参しただけで事故状況を質問する訳でもなく、ボルトが折れた車軸の廻りをチェックもせずに、写真を5,6枚撮ってそのまま帰ってしまった。
家内までが何しに来たのだろうと首を傾げるほどの珍事でした。 やはり原田室長は自分の職責に不真面目で嘘つきであった。