
The trouble that the nation has / 国民が抱える悩み

間違った自尊心の戦い / Fight of the wrong pride








15)I think that the working of the world history began with aggression with the view.
In Asia and Europe and Middle East and U.S.A., all repeated prosperity and the decline by aggression.
When the fault of our country was aggression in China and Korea, it will not be exaggeration when current discord was born from the place that I did not declare even if I say.

16)Because I planned an ambiguous end with the sophism such as the childish trick, the People's Republic of China created Nanjing Massacre as rivalry. Korea still performs the charity dame drama that there is not.
All the countries of the world are surprised, and our country should have finished these compensation, but does not declare that it was an act of aggression up to the present. The feelings of the partner cannot come loose calmly.

17)Feelings of the anger and the feelings of all the grudges will not pass away unless aggression and words to say appear from a mouth of the Japanese race Prime Minister Noda even if I am the People's Republic of China race even if it is the Korea race.
Besides if they are remarkable, and the Japanese race prospers, it prospers, and the feelings become strong. A human being is such a creature.

18)The answer is easily found if I recall the Pacific War.
It might be Southeastern Asian local defense if I think from our country, but, seeing from U.S.A., the Pearl Harbor attack is declaration of war and is not anything else of the act of aggression.
The miscalculation of Japan was defeated by the alliance national military. Therefore you should declare the fact that was aggression in the neighboring country.

19)If the Prime Minister really prays for the happiness of the national nation for the mind of the loach and expects a politician leaving the name in history, both the new bill and the administrative reform are unnecessary to all the tax increases.

It will be to declare the fact that was aggression in the neighboring country because it is not late now. If somebody does not do it, the argument should continue forever.

The work that the nation is pleased with waits for you like a mountain if I stretch myself a little towards the north if it is impossible. It is only national stability that the nation expects for politics.

The trouble that the nation has / 国民が抱える悩み

国民と政権のギャップ / Gap of the nation and the government





11)I am, or do tens of thousands of youths who cannot go to the high school much less the university even if results are excellent in Prime Minister Noda, our country either know?
While only this torments the own nation, I talk about the Noda Administration with Representative naturalization of the Liberal Democratic Party without still being satisfied and prepare for 300,000 Chinese foreign students and 10 million Chinese emigrant designs. I know!

12)It seems to be supported the rumor that nine at the rate of of the Representative Democratic Party where all is whispered to in the public pretends to be the protection of human rights related bill of the Ministry of Justice favorite, and both your TPP agreement theory and the foreign franchise bill say to when it is a Japanese when I think calmly in this way.
The new national establishment was tinged with faithfulness suddenly.
Prime Minister Noda, is this all really right?

13)I think that it is rich, and the country prospers if the mind and body of people are healthy, but it is impossible to be connected for Japanese prosperity even if I repeat investment to the person who is not DNA of the Japanese race how much.
To expect such a thing of other races is an insane incident.
The thing as the clearness of the high treacherous act against one's country and the pure nation pass the anger and are disgusted.

14)Between our country and People's Republic of China race and Korea race, there was surely the sad history for a past. I may not wipe this out.
I hate it, but am equal to the Japanese race having invaded the China and Korea race if I repeat mature deliberation carefully.
Even if I decorate it with beautiful words so much, according to a partner, I am nothing but the trespasser to the own country territory.

The trouble that the nation has / 国民が抱える悩み

血税の無駄遣い / Waste of the tax






6)Do you insist that you increase taxes because the Prime Minister is really a financial difficulty?
Even if our country does not increase taxes, there is the money a lot.
Held it after you became the Prime Minister, and but a rose sprinkled large sum of money of 5 trillion yen on total of a little less than 4 trillion yen, Korea with the loan of a little over 40 trillion yen newly to Africa and Asia. It is just these days.

7)I perform the vast expenditure that is extreme in unreasonableness for Tokyo Electric Nuclear Power Plant processing and hear it when prepared to money of additional support.
The Prime Minister can know life support gold paying to a Korean and Korean residing in Japan and the total sum of various medical treatments.
Even this total sum becomes the 3% considerable amount of money of the consumption tax, but how is it?

8)The tax that a simple story took up from the nation is intended to keep the life of the nation.
Middle-age sisters with an obstacle starved to death in Hokkaido since it was this year. There is no end to the nations killing its life by oneself without being on welfare. The Prime Minister that all these are pure Japanese.
If you are a true Japanese, it will be a point to protect the own nation without being daunted by the threat of the neighboring country.

9)There is that I say foreign student scholarship support.
Nine at the rate of is occupied in Koreans with a Chinese, and money of support of national university four years is one approximately 10 million yen. The Prime Minister please examine the total number.
The annual general budget seems to be 45 billion yen, but, by the way, the money of support for the Japanese foreign student is 2,500 million yen a year. The unfairness is infinite, but does not think that you are strange?

10)Of course a tuition exemption, transportation expenses exemption, the medical expenses pay and are admitted operation on 80% exemption, little less than 80% of hotel charges exemptions of the total sum.
As for the noon, receive higher education with the tax of the Japanese citizen, and work at night in restaurants, and remit it to the family of the mother country; hear.
I cannot see the country doing such an utmost support in the race which treats Japan like an enemy country even if I look for wherever in the world. A person passes the good range in this and is an insane incident.

The trouble that the nation has / 国民が抱える悩み

迷惑な権力者 / Annoying man of power

1)野田総理が青年相手に増税の必要性を論じたらしい。 「 過去の内閣が先送りして来たから、財政も社会保障も行き詰まった 」。





1)Prime Minister Noda seemed to lecture on the need of the tax increase to a young man partner.
Because "a past cabinet postponed it, both the finance and the social security came to a deadlock".
I say as it is because I do not go for a translation to let the next generation succeed it when I cut off a vicious circle in the Noda government. Let's express it clearly. The nation does not expect a tax increase and reform from you.

2)The nation got tired of hearing your sophism and learned neither the repulsion nor the anger now.
If I let a secretary having a lot investigate a net and watch it if I feel when it is a lie, I understand that it is not violent language minutely.
It is to resign en masse as soon as possible that the nation expects from the Prime Minister not to take any action.

3)I think that this was because the highest support item seems to be faithful, and it seems to be reliable in NHK public opinion poll when you became the Prime Minister.
As for the nation, it was touched by the simple figure that you distributed a handbill to one hand by a loudspeaker along a private railroad.
This is the pure Japanese heart that is the Japanese race. Is it the Prime Minister, understanding?

4)I sent a support message at Twitter on the day before when the Prime Minister went to Hawaii and the People's Republic of China and I expected the diplomatic achievement of the Prime Minister and looked forward.
You did not need to talk about a result, but you missed a live come-from-behind grand slam homer in a crisis time.
I think that no, you expect it by oneself and were chosen the way of the destroying a country.

5)Though you were the Prime Minister of Japan, I have turned my back on the nation.
I scolded TPP participation, and the nation was not able to see the China visit at all. When the President of the neighboring country came to Japan, you went out to states Kyoto and were threatened by the issue of charity dame after large size behavior.
As for the Prime Minister, it was become a naked general at this point in time.

The trouble that the nation has / 国民が抱える悩み

国有地の売却密約 / Sale secret agreement of the national land No.3





11)It was June, 2008 that the mistake of the building was found out, but, according to the statement of Genba, has completed a building in July of the last year without reporting the thing in the Chinese side.
Even if a report arrived at the turning point, an embassy said, but the government official of the central government office would never notice the duty of the report for China.

12)I submitted the note statement, but asserted that we did not have to worry because the sale and the issue of the national land move of Japanese Embassy gave a warning that it was a totally different story.
Neither the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the ambassador nor the government official understood at all on the conditions of a country to be called China.
I cannot have even ability to imagine whether the Chinese government demanded a note statement from why.

13)We nations entrusted the diplomacy about the ups and downs of the country to people of this level.
I may not serve the administration of the country even if I increase taxes in this no matter how much, and the national defense will not meet it even if I deploy the latest fighter.
It is to recognize Chinese forward base in the country to say that I sell national land, but they will not understand the meaning.

14)The land does not return unless China falls if I sell it once.
Anything is performed in the territory which sold; of a state and the Constitution of Japan cannot come into force.
There is neither brain to assume in the present government including the expectations that two Chinese government needs a consulate as for three in so small Japan nor the willpower. It is right a crisis of the life and death.

15)The next arranges the new excuse and will aim at national land of Niigata or Fukuoka if I sell national land of Nagoya-shi.
Even if it takes it how many years, the partner challenges it as a national policy.
Because it does not become the reappearance of the Kyoto-shi Utoro district staying in Japan Korean town, not to make any what is confused by a childish policy, I pray for tenacious negotiations heartily.

The trouble that the nation has / 国民が抱える悩み

国有地の売却密約 / Sale secret agreement of the national land No.2
6)In brief, both Minister of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Foreign Affairs take an important-looking attitude toward the nation, but the actual situation is only the selfish amateur who relied on power.
It may be a commonplace in fact because most of Democratic Party officials seem to be comprised of the patriot to China and the neighboring country when they watch animations of Youtube if I think at the point of view.

7)We are the extremely serious races which are unique in the world.
If faithfulness or the ranking indicating the straightness degree open, the nation of our country will be in the world top three.
It depends on such a sincere national traits that you do not need to remember revival will after the defeat, and the world watched the attitude of the nation who confronted East Japan great earthquake disaster of the last year with eyes of the admiration.

8)On the other hand, this seriousness and forbearance are fraught with the dangerous aspects.
I occasionally defend strong intention and vested interest to the death, and I am easy to be deceived by a state and tacticians doing it to be going to accomplish a thing with the sum than carrying through one's opinion.
This problem is a thing as the clearness if I do bad expression and is not anything else of the peaceful senility.

9)Three Prime Ministers were born after becoming the current administration, and we nations paid the high tuition each time.
I did my best for the national nation with one's blood and guts, but will not vomit the 私如 liver such violent language if the sadness that just took the government says when I failed.
The reality is tragedy existing in the place that was totally different from the will of the nation.

10)A sad event surely existed between Japan and China in ancient times.
I bit lips, and thoughtful many Japanese citizens endured an unreasonable demand of China from inborn moral sense and sense of justice.
Ghosts of money gathering around the vested interest in a good thing in it provoke Japan recklessly to the way of the destroying a country. The patience of the nation has exceeded a limit, too.

The trouble that the nation has / 国民が抱える悩み

国有地の売却密約 / Sale secret agreement of the national land No.1
3)玄葉さんは国会答弁で、「 この違法建築を使用させて頂く為にはどうしたら良いか 」、と中国政府に伺いを立てたと云ったらしい。

1)Because a building was not completed as for problem and saying in relation to a move of Japanese Embassy built in Beijing in the plan street which I attached on a construction plan application, licensing did not go down from the China government.
This is August of the last year. We nations should have a question, and a thing is to say why an article according to plan was not completed.
2)Who fought at a stage of the article delivery before criticizing the Chinese government?  Was the person of construction contracting business a company of what country?  Who admitted extended floor space?  Why was the Chinese government able to know the non-permission floor space?
It is necessary to pursue these seriously.
3)When Genba put up inquiry in "what I should do to use this illegal building" Chinese government by Diet statement, I seemed to say.
This man is like the person who did not have to become a minister. The diplomatic relations were held by the aid of the Tanaka authority in the daytime, but our tax was wasted how much up to the present or does not care at all.
4)It is equal if I think from a different angle if I throw a sheep into the fish preserve of a hungry shark.
It is what I entreat when I teach a wish if I change into soft expression because I pay a penalty.
Even if I am a Chinese official, I will do the same demand. No, I deliver Senkaku Islands, and the rank will say.
5)The logic of Genba seemed to hand the note statement of the contents which paid national land disposal convenience because there was a request from China.
As a permission to use Japanese Embassy condition, a country and a country deserve the contract which they exchanged if they interpret it from the Chinese side. I develop into the issue of compensation or the issue of Japanese Embassy closedown in the near future if I do not carry this out. I am too childish and am speechless even if I make diplomatic interpretation as Diet statement of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs.