Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ
ഏ If it says that it is cunning, a way this much cunning to until and coldhearted is also incomparable, and how to carry out deer expression by it being brilliant for it not being different from the correspondence to the customer in the U.S. at all, either, either does not occur. For the purpose of what has Toyota Motor which I trusted it and loved large-reformed from the time of when?
ഏ Only a few should listen to an old tale.
Although I thought that President Toyoda must be considerably younger than I, and he was therefore unfamiliar, when we were young, there was a license of the class called four small size license. Since acquisition was allowed when he became 16 years old, it used to try to be the first and boys used to challenge, as fascinated.
ഏ 狡猾と云えばこれ程までに狡猾で非情なやり方も類を見ず、米国での顧客に対する対応と全く変わらないことも見事としか表現のしようが思い浮かびません。私が信頼し愛していたトヨタ自動車は、何時の頃から何を目的に大変革してしまったのでしょうか?
ഏ 昔話を少しだけお聞きください。 豊田社長は私よりだいぶ若いはずだからご存知ないと思いますが、私達の幼い頃は小型四輪免許と言う階級のライセンスがありました。十六歳になると取得が許されたから、少年たちは魅せられたように先を争って挑戦したものです。
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