
日本は病んでいる / Japan is sick No.9

試される闘争心 / The devil which is tried



時の福田赳夫総理は「 人の命は地球より重い 」 との名台詞を謳い、獄中の犯罪者に16億円の見舞金を添え犯行グループの武力に屈したのである。














(40)The second is antisocial struggle of people who were strongly influenced by such a thought. It was symbolized by security treaty, but a member of the Japan Red Army raised a Japan Airlines airplane hijacking case in Dhaka Airport of the Bang horseradish in 1977.
Prime Minister Takeo Fukuda of time declared excellent lines, "the life of the person was severer than the earth" and went and bent an ex gratia payment of 1,600 million yen for the military power of the crime group to a behind-bars criminal.

(41)Germany Lufthansa plane was hijacked two months later by the German Reds.
The German government gave the Special Forces an order for the shooting to death of the criminal without a hesitation.
Megumi Yokota leaving school in Niigata in the same month is abducted.
Japan would demonstrate that it was a coward all over the world and, through this hijacking case, has let you cause an unjust Japanese abduction case by North Korea more.

(42)Was not Japan able to take the action same as Germany in why? One is the Constitution of Japan and is education of the left wing planted by Japan Teachers Union and will be morality mind peculiar to a Japanese.
A person is too good if I say softly.
When I yearn for ancient people scattered to in the sea of the southern country and a nameless island while thinking that I grow wealthily even if I plan many races like foreign countries and lack a state and attachment to greed to do if I cut it off clearly, nothing is satisfied.

(43)The capture of the Japanese fishing boat by the Soviet Union, Korea, China continued afterward and was repeated the issue of Nanjing Massacre and charity dame many times, and still the nation endured humiliation.
As for the nation, it is accepted a right to have a weapon at the same time to be inflicted with duty of the mother country defense.
China and Korea knowing it cannot guess willpower and the courage of we nations, and the United States will be cautious of the Japanese race standing up.
It is not long at all then. What will soul and ancient people who became it entrust present us with for the mother country?

日本は病んでいる / Japan is sick No.8

消えない怨念 / Grudge not to fade away














(36)In consideration of such Korean situation, our Japanese empire would annex Korea with all the countries of the world approval.
Imagination points out that I did not take the ignorant masses method by the colonial policy such as Western European countries at all easily.
However, the sympathy becomes an enemy if it is now and thinks.
It was impossible to cultivate even the human lowest dignity that you should have from crooked enemy country education.
When it was unnecessary sympathy, it should be understood.

(37)It was a disappointing thing, but Japan surely lost for a one-time important fight throughout a life.
But the fight of the justice that our country performed saves friends of the Eastern Asia from the white nation, and there is neither the lie nor the falsehood nor the mistake in having helped the independence.
Only China and Korea which did not fight against us cannot yet recognize the value and grope for compensation and an act of aggression without hiding the feeling embarrassed.

(38)Because this will be the skill that their ethnicity can make, I cannot be helped, but cannot live if China and Korea do not make Japan a bad person for a long time of 70,
It is necessary to discover a true reason.
When I catch only this real nature as a person living in the present thanks to the suffering of innumerable ancient people who became soul and do not keep it, I strongly feel that I do not make an excuse as a minor one of the countrymen when I met you sometime soon.

(39)When the biggest reason entered in the 1970s of the Showa era, our country has begun to be despised more than required by China and Korea. I strongly feel that such. The causes understanding are classified in two greatly.
People who received prewar spirited education and a new Japanese brainwashed for replacement by education of the left wing after the defeat went into the social center, and one came to pursue always free rationality.

日本は病んでいる / Japan is sick No.7

先人たちの想い / Thought of ancient people

(31)「 くよくよと思ってみても愚痴となり敗戦罪とあきらめるよし 」。


フィリピンで戦った韓国の英雄だが、連合軍が朝鮮人だから助けると言ったのに、「私は帝国陸軍の中将である。免罪は不要だ 」と笑って英霊となられた。















(31)"It becomes the complaint even if I think over and over again defeat punishment and reason to give up".
This is a phrase of the death poem that a Kin saic lieutenant general of the Korean family register wrote as an empire officer.
Though was the Korean hero who fought in the Philippines, but said that helped it because the Allied Forces was a Korean; "I am a lieutenant general of Imperial Army". When the acquittal was unnecessary, it was become the soul laughingly.
It is the splendid Japanese spirit.

(32)Mr. Kin sogon of the military academy 27th graduate made an outstanding performance as if I cleared myself from a grudge of the long time as a lieutenant colonel of the Japanese military the fight with the China forces when China incident broke out.
I defeat China soldier thoroughly and am Korean Kiyomasa Kato and the hero who took a nickname.
The Japanese Government reported the bravery of lieutenant colonel Kim to His Majesty the Emperor and was granted a decoration after even a Japanese could not get a decoration.

(33)Last Crown Prince Mr. Iwan he has been sent to Japan as a hostage at the age of 10 years old Korea dynasty.
The Japanese Government let this Crown Prince advance from Gakushuin University to the military academy 29th graduate by Imperial Family equal service and promoted you to Lieutenant General of army.
And I took the trouble of was candidate princess of the His Majesty Emperor Showa, marrying pear former shrine Masako.

(34)Because poverty continued in the case of Korea for several hundred years, the military power was a thing of the hunting degree if there was not the economic power.
I asked about the tide of war of Soviet Union and China and always barely maintained countries by becoming the colony.
Therefore I was treated as the slave and accumulated the history of the distress.
The Korea dynasty gave you several thousand beautiful women of the own country, too and couldn't but take the bow of the subject to China It can be said that I am sorry for the thing.

(35)What could never understand only one would have the woman with a woman and the lover who were already married in the beautiful woman.
In addition, there should have been an older brother and a younger brother if the charity dame who made noise when abducted in the Japanese military had father. It is the place where a question springs out very much whether the Korean man did not protect them at the risk of life in why.
Have you thrown away it until the pride of will and the man who fought in surplus poverty somewhere?

日本は病んでいる / Japan is sick No.6

侵略されている / It is invaded





















(26)I should understand it if I remember what the Chinese Communist Party did at the time of sacred-fire relay in Nagano.
If 10,000 Chinese are called together in front of Okinawa and the Diet, Okinawa is occupied in a day.
It may be such a fool. I cannot prevent the Self-Defense Forces. Even international law is no use not to mention a Japanese civil law.
The Chinese navy blockades the sea, and ground is a guerrilla corps posing as the commoner.

(27)Okinawa stands alone if cut off a communications network by a guerrilla. It is easy than I twist the hand of the baby.
Therefore you must not sell a territory to China.
If I relax the issuance of the visa and easily accept a foreign student and an emigrant, it is equal if I say that I steal a country.
The Chinese appealing for against US base in Okinawa dyes Ryukyu recapture to a health band magnificently.

(28)There will be the Ryukyuan of the left-winger who hates Japan in Okinawa. Even if people who lived for bread in it as a flag mark by base objection after return as for 40 years exist, I am not mysterious.
However, the story of the move happened to the Futenma elementary school considered to be danger world's most several times in the past.
If the nation does not know that it was blocked all by a vested interest person, it is not talked.

(29)It is that it is piled up in present Japan to be dangerous to the truth that the nation does not know in this way.
There is Ryukyu Republic for an occupation plan of China in Japan and is to be comprised of Amami and Okinawa and three prefectures of Yaeyama.
In addition, China has already bought up 320 jars of 300,000 tsubos in all over Japan including a primeval forest of Hokkaido. This is a fact, too.

(30)The purpose is very clear.
As for the Yangtze River of the third place that was a Chinese jar of the world, it was now in the most polluted ditch river in the world.
I say that the stored drinking water bottoms out in several years. Therefore China is serious, but many Japanese citizens do not notice at all.
I rest on the richness that ancient people vomit a bloody vomit and followed.

日本は病んでいる / Japan is sick No.5

何も知らない日本人 / The Japanese who knows nothing
















(21)Has the nation thought about whether Chinese Communist Party and American CIA and Korea stared at where of Japan?
Because many nations became able to easily send information and will by the spread of nets, I came to send most for the light feeling that became even a commentator.
It is the thing that this phenomenon is an important thing, and is good.

(22)However, only discharged much strange information spreads over the mind, and I doubt whether you are really troubled.
Will not you become a sudden scholar and newscaster before you notice by oneself?
Knowledgeable young people are fierce and play a journalist the other day when a certain woman talent starts comment to a Korean talent.

(23)It is robbed Korea in particular of Takeshima and continued being blackmailed money by the issue of charity dame for many years, and it is damaged Japanese honor now by the foreign countries.
Only this should understand the nature of the Korea race at the present when net society spread out, but still the childishness to run after a cosmetic surgery human being does not change with a certain poisoning patient.

(24)It is a disgraceful product of the education after the war.
The Chinese Communist Party begins in Senkaku Islands and does aggression clearly calmly now under the pretense of Ryukyu Republic in Okinawa. The United States starts an attack in TPP, and North and South Korea of the downgrading do not loosen a handle of clever anti-Japan activity.
All these ask about the attitude of we Japanese citizens. Therefore large, liking it is no use in the Korean wave of the youth.

(25)Speaking frankly, the present Japanese investigates whether there are courage and the nature that only fight against each other when I put it away if I provoke it as in the past.
It is not a politician and a bureaucrat I take it to them, and to be the scariest. These people have been already bribed.
But I cannot steal the heart of many nations having sovereign power and cannot finish reading.