
大日本帝国の崩壊 / Collapse of Great Japanese Empire No.10

朝鮮進駐軍の出現 / Appearance of the Korea Operation Army




自らが勝手に「戦勝国民朝鮮進駐軍 」であると詐称し、三万人もの武装集団となって全国主要都市に出現し暴れまくった。










93)Though it did not make war on Japan, the hoodlum who gave the Korea Operation Army with the end of the war was the same as a bamboo shoot after the rain, and the Korean residing in Japan occurred in various parts of Japan.
I stole a military uniform and the firearms of the Japanese military and committed all kinds of every tyranny including the illegality ride of a rape, an assault, plunder, the surprise attack of the police station, the illegality occupation of land, the building, the railroad.

94)The postwar Korean residing in Japan did not have an approved position in international law.
When oneself "was the victory nation Korea Operation Army" without permission, I falsified it and it became the armed group of 30,000 and appeared in the whole country major cities and acted violently and rolled it up.
Because it was not permitted the then police officer the possession of firearms, I couldn't but permit the tyranny of the Korean without art to make.

95)2,000 armed military units of the Korea Operation Army attacked the Prime Minister's office, and the represented reckless action became the big shooting battle between the United States Armed Forces military police.
In addition, the most remarkable symbolic example includes mob violence, case of bodily injury for later prime minister, Ichiro Hatoyama.
When an old man returned to Tokyo from the rest of Karuizawa, unfortunately, I met with the Korea Operation Army.

96)You are the defeat nations. I seemed to yell when I handed over a seat to the victory nation.
It is to have matched a good beating instantly because Hatoyama reproved a nonpayment ride.
There will not be the grandchild it is nearly killed an aged grandfather, and not to bear a grudge against, but how will not the old man shed tears in the shade of the graveyard that a grandchild carries front poles of the harm on his/her shoulder a badly made grandchild imitation?

97)In the postwar peace and order being good in the blank that is not set, in the Korea Operation Army, illegality plunder of the land, money and goods plunder, rape, bank surprise attack, homicide abbreviation, police surprise attack act violently; is free; committed all kinds.
I committed mob violence, and bilking a restaurant bill was ordinary, and an assault to rape the women and children who stood out in broad daylight in a group on a street was repeated in a daily occurrence by a passing citizen.

大日本帝国の崩壊 / Collapse of Great Japanese Empire No.9

国民は知らなかった / The nation did not know it













88)As for the censor, it was forbidden the disclosure of work contents as a matter of course, and the oversight of the censorship was not permitted, and the report of the English sentence was required about the indistinct thing.
The media always prepared for two manuscripts and received a check and rewrote a corrected part newly, and it was allowed to receive approval neither the publication nor the broadcast when not after.

89)Because it was the basics of the press cord I applauded the United States, and to train Japan to be a bad person, as for the fact that received censorship, it was muzzled the media.
All the question and the criticism for allied powers are cut, and the protection speech to Japan is not permitted at all.
The commentaries such as the ideology, censorship criticism, land of the gods Japan, militarism, Daito sub-co-prosperity sphere were taboos.

90)The Asahi newspaper which placed the statement of the atom bomb through eyes of the censorship was subject to a foldup, and the alliance news agency which reported the status of the U.S. army and navy corps was broken up.
GHQ announces the verboten of press cord ten items; and direct; still severer censorship was carried out, but is said that, above all, the article about the Tokyo trial censored one character and one syllable.

91)The act that burnt the book which existed for a long time seemed to be called book burning, but GHQ confiscated seven thousand several hundred kinds of books of every field published by about 19 from about 1930 and has put it out in front of a Japanese.
In the back that pushed freedom of speech and freedom of the press, I repeated destruction of speech and the history calmly.

92)The history was crossed out in this way during 10 several years by book burning.
As for the nation, it was deprived of materials to compare while feeling an accident while it was made the new history by the United States, and a forgery and distortion were repeated with time.
Right historical view cannot be born after it was taught the wrong history at school if it is discharged false information into the media.

大日本帝国の崩壊 / Collapse of Great Japanese Empire No.8









日本は「 邪悪な帝国主義国家 」であり、その日本を懲らしめたアメリカは「 国際的正義を守り通した民主主義国家」である。

GHQは日本の戦争犯罪宣伝作戦を企画し。民間情報教育局が「 太平洋戦争史 」と銘打って、主要新聞各社に連日掲載を義務付けたのであります

86)更に、アメリカ国務省監修の『 平和と戦争 』10万部を日本全国の官庁へ配布し、歴史教科書として徹底した洗脳教育を強要する。




83)The censorship carried out by victorious nation U.S.A. rearranged aggression and a big crime of the colonization that European and American Great Powers country performed in East Asia for war responsibility of all Japan and was the stratagem that was too extreme in heartlessness to say when I settled it.
It is a purpose to infiltrate a way of thinking I assume act of war of Japan evil, and to assume the fighting back act of allied powers good into a Japanese citizen.

84)I defined the war action of the Japanese Government as aggression to the East Asia, and the inconvenience of the allied powers side was considered to be no object entirely and smashed it to mind and soul of Japanese thoroughly.
Even the room including an objection for word was not permitted.
That is why I carry a sense of guilt and the qualmishness with a planted incantation on my back, and the Japanese citizen still lives.
It is that still lead that 70 years is going to pass after defeat.

85)The brainwashing work of GHQ was careful.
Japan "is a wicked imperialism nation", and U.S.A. which punished the Japan "is the democratic nation which kept on protecting international Masayoshi".
GHQ plans war crimes advertising operation of Japan. The private information education station was name as "history of Pacific War" and obliged the main newspaper companies to a publication day after day.

86)Furthermore, I distributed "peace and 100,000 copies of war" of the Department of State supervision in America to the government office of the all over Japan and forced thorough brainwashing education as a history textbook.
The Tokyo trial for two and a half years was carried out under such an environment, and the nation was inoculated with the historical view that curved.
I was too enough for a factor to produce an illegal personal war criminal in international law.

87)Besides, GHQ founds a private Board of Review, and five thousand several hundred people collect the human beings that English is proficient from the whole country and carry out thorough censorship for the media such as a newspaper, a magazine, the broadcast.
Because I said that the yearly income of the censorship worker roped in comparison with all property of Prime Minister Hideki Tojiyo having been 150,000 yen was 30,000 yen, the service was unprecedented.

大日本帝国の崩壊 / Collapse of Great Japanese Empire No.7

平和憲法ではない / It is not a peace constitution













82)国民の多くは第九条を指し平和憲法だと言うが、第二項の陸海空軍その他の戦力を保持しないとの、 「その他の戦力」 と云う単語を、どれ程の日本国民が理解しているのだろうか!?



78)The current administration relaxes entry of the China and Korea race under the name of emigration or a foreign student intentionally so that all of you know.
It is the reason that lends the power to the sale of the territory on the top, but staying in Japan changes itself into a soldier immediately and should develop a guerilla war if declared war suddenly.
We must not forget the unjust massacre by the Korea Operation Army just after the defeat.

79)All is thought about if I remember a phenomenon after it becomes the Democratic Party even if the current administration uses good sophism so much when politics moves for China, Korea, Korea race residing in Japan.
The most of the crime that wants to cover the eyes are caused by a Chinese residing in Japan and a N&S Korean.
If the local franchise and protection of human rights method are approved in the Diet, Japan will be certainly taken over even tomorrow by China and the Korea race.

80)Civilians of the current administration did not become a civilian of the Japanese race.
I became a civilian residing in Japan by a vast dirty fund residing in Japan and the mobility to an election campaign.
It was to representative will of the neighboring country race the civilian who was the representative of little less than 100 nations in the Prime Ministers in the first on the list so that an animation proved it.
All learned the administration and the media and the education and the religion from the left.
What could save a country has become only the democracy now.

81)Constitution of Japan enactment has many opinions, but Secretary MacArthur drafts the original bill of three draft principles, and the opinion which says when Whitney civil administration chief of the bureau made it in conformity with it is influential.
I put it in the Japanese Imperial Diet and was revised, but I changed the expression of the writing style, and there is not being wrong in the forced constitution of the victorious nation violating international law in time of war.

82)I point to Article 9, and most of nations say that it is a peace constitution, but how much human being will understand "other forces" that I do not maintain armed forces or other forces of Clause 2 and a word to say?
Other forces are meanings to abandon until the act that I hit a ruffian even if one's daughter is raped and reject. When it is a peace constitution, can you say this?

大日本帝国の崩壊 / Collapse of Great Japanese Empire No.6

アメリカの弊害 / Evil of America





「正義の国民主義国家はアメリカ、極悪非道の独裁国家は日本 」という構図の歴史であるがこれは真っ赤な嘘だ。












73)It is a thing by the American occupation policy to let our country weaken that recognition that the Japanese officer takes charge spread out.
At the Tokyo trial, I caused Greater East Asia War by the reckless driving of the officer.
When the human of the world was remarkable and were threatened peace, and the Japanese citizen was forced to big sacrifice by an officer, the victorious nation forged the Japanese history.

74)The modern Japanese history was virtually forged by victorious nation U.S.A.
Of the composition called "the nationalism nation of the justice U.S.A., the autocracy of the atrocity Japan" is the history, but is a downright lie.
However, pick quarrel with an incantation without being able to still steal out of dirty historical view of victorious nation U.S.A. and is caught, and our country continues struggling.

75)It is sophism of the Japanese dismantling debater of the groups to say that an officer likes fights.
It is a soldier to stand in the battlefield, and it is a soldier first that die.
Anyone does not want to see the figure that a co-worker and a subordinate die in front and will be our life tomorrow.
There will not be a human being expecting such a thing.
What I want to avoid says the feeling of the person if possible.

76)The Japanese military let Nanjing of China fall on December 13, 1937.
The army and navy Naval General Staff applied for end of the war to Prime Minister Imperial Guardsman then.
The General Shun Tada seemed to appeal to Prime Minister Imperial Guardsman while shedding tears.
When the Prime Minister Imperial Guardsman who was a civilian was despised by the People's Republic of China if I closed war here, I drove the armed forces to China incident and the bog which said more.

77)If the United States appealed for peace of the human loudly, the Greater East Asia War terminated by Tokyo University aerial bombardment of March 10, 1945.
The Allied Forces should have known that Japan did not have ability for battle well, but U.S. President Truman of time gave it an order for atom bomb throwing down to Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
He was a representative of the American nation who loved peace deeply again not an officer.

大日本帝国の崩壊 / Collapse of Great Japanese Empire No.5

文民統制 / Civilian control






一般的に軍事に関する最高指揮官は首相大統領 )とされ、文民統制の主体は国会であり国民である。











68)Civilian control is a politician chosen among the nation by national election manages the armed forces, and to supervise it.
A civilian is a politician chosen in election and, with the control, will manage the armed forces.
In other words, through the politician whom they chose in election, all responsibility is meanings to say to the nation when there is it because the nation controls the armed forces.

69)Politics has priority for military affairs in the democratic nation, and the nation who is sovereign finally has the final judgment, decisive power for military affairs with the civilian control. I set this of a democratic bedrock.
Generally, the commander in chief about military affairs is considered to be the prime minister (the President), and it is the Diet, and the main constituent of the civilian control is the nation.

70)Because the problem of war and the peace is life, property, an important item to be connected directly with freely of the nations in a democratic nation, it is declared the need I judge the military affairs use through the politician whom the nation who is sovereign picked, and to be decided.
However, in a wrong historic fixed idea to take charge, the word civilian control enlarges our country, and the officer is advertised too much.

71)Because a war is business, the officer wants to fight immediately.
I will want to say that it is necessary to control reason to hold it. It is a terrible mistake.
People cursing the armaments like "honorific title of a Japanese god of the evil" exist in our country. Recognition with the property of the nation is common in the other countries, and the particle does not think that the military takes charge.

72)The explanation will be unnecessary and should understand it if I remember this East Japan great earthquake disaster if who defends China, Korea, Russian territorial waters violation or thinks.
It is the present conditions that sharpen to sharpen the military affairs defense budget every year so that many politicians who still keep the government in spite of it put it out immediately because the Self-Defense Forces are difficult baggage.