Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ
ഏ Cause investigation of the bolt crease for which I am asking you is taken to Toyota Motor. Is it such a fatal thing!? If it generally thinks and just early detection will be taken to your company, it gets used just to plus, and it does not become impossible that I think that an adverse element etc. do not exist at all. Is it my misapprehension!?
ഏ Even if it says since all human society progresses like the present and is managed by so-called highly efficient computer, it is only the tool that man made after all. One cannot have nothing perfect etc. in some in which a world evolves into how and man makes appearance.
It cannot be an exception in Toyota Motor which reached to an extreme of the peak by performance serious consideration, either.
ഏ Even how the expensive product of the famous brand has one and two malfunction. Is not the superiority and inferiority of the company decided how the important thing can carry out fair processing promptly when a problem was found out? I think that the answer comes back easily if I reverse a viewpoint and think.
ഏ 人間社会すべてが現在の様に進歩し、高性能のコンピュターなるものに管理されているからと云っても、所詮は人間の作った道具にすぎません。世の中が如何に進化し様とも、人間が作りだすものに完璧なものなどひとつもあり得ない。 性能重視で頂点を極めた御社でも例外ではない筈です。
ഏ 有名ブランドのどんなに高価な製品でも、ひとつやふたつの不具合はあります。大切なことは問題が発覚した時、如何にフェアーな処理を敏速に実施できるかによって、企業の優劣が決まるのではありませんか!? 立場を反対にしてお考えになれば答は容易く返って来ると思います。
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