
朝鮮半島 / The Chosen peninsula (A)No.1

第一章・裏切りの産物 / Treacherous product

01)古代の朝鮮半島は、南西部に百済(クダラ・紀元346年 - 660年)、
北部から満州地方にかけ高句麗(コウクリ・紀元前37年 - 668年)、
南東部にあった新羅(シラギ・紀元356年 - 935年)、








歴史的にはこの侵略行動を 「 新羅統一 」 と称するが、高句麗を攻める途中で病死すると、新羅は九世紀まで王位継承戦争が続き、地方の豪族たちが以前の三国に分裂させた。







07)然し、日本流に云えば明智光秀の 「 敵は本能寺にあり 」 だったのです。










☎ このブログを執筆するに際し、チエ・ケイホ著 「 日韓併合 」 と リ・コウシュ著 「 民族改造論 」 およびグーグルの検索データーを参考資料とさせて頂きました。

Chapter 1 / Treacherous product

 『 This English sentence is a thing by the machine translation. Approve. 』

01)The ancient Chosen Peninsula calls the mid-seventh century including in, the middle southern district with the Age of Three Powers until the mid-sixth century in Kaya( A.D. of the small country group for Shiragi( from A.D. 356 to 935 that there was in), the southeastern part from), the northern part to the Manchurian district in the southwestern part for Koukuri( from B.C. 37 to 668 for Kudara( from A.D. 346 to 660.

02)It is the reason that these nations pass for several hundred years, and repeated the scramble for territory.
I think that Ieyasu Tokugawa opens the capital in the Edo era, and there will not be being wrong since Nobunaga Oda wants to be world unification if he applies it to the Japanese history.
It will be to have evacuated the territory for the betrayal of the countryman to a country of Kara which is an enemy country and a country of Min and the country of Shin in the case of what time that Korea was unhappy unlike Japan.

03) The first act of the treason drama is that Kinsyunjun of Shiragi held jealousy in Kudara which reached the highest standard with every aspect including industry, culture, the art for 660 years in the Christian era.
I approach Koukuri with the subjugation of Kudara, but it is caught temporarily by Koukuri.
I planned it this time with a country of Tou of the enemy country and destroyed Kudara when I ran away, and it was to the King of 29th charges of Shiragi somehow.

04) Kinsyunjun which became King destroys Kokuryo by the help of the country of Tou again, and it is conveyed the territory of the native land by a present even if I fitted into the King of Shiragi as a dependency of the countries of Tou. I named this aggression action "Shiragi unification" historically, but demise war continued until the ninth century, and local powerful families disrupted Shiragi in the former three countries when they were in the middle of attacking Koukuri and died of an illness.

05)Gokudara performed the founding of a country again in the Chosen Peninsula for 892 years, and Gokoukuri performed the founding of a country for 901 years, too.
I called it the Age of Three Powers after this after , but territory struggle with Gokudara and Gokoukuri did not die out.
A revolt of the demise happens in Gokudara for 935 years, and Gokoukuri has Gokudara in its hand without making effort.
King of Shiragi nominated a lord and vassal in November of the year and submitted in Gokoukura.

06)Kurai let Gokudara ruin for 936 years and should have had unified the Chosen Peninsulas in this way.
I restored a territory of lost ancestral Koukuri and built the voluntary independent democratic system and saw it whether the system as the Korai nation was decided.
Riseikei started an attack to Min of the neighboring country aiming at recapture of Kanto State Liaotung the right military commander of the chief vassal in 1392.

07)However, if say in Japanese style; of Mitsuhide Akechi when "there was an enemy in an instinct temple", was the same.
Riseikei exchanged a secret agreement with a general of Minkoku and retraced the military.
I killed the chief of staff and the prime minister of time and King of the 32nd and I established new Chosen country and have become the dependency of Min.
Thereafter it was covered by an illusion, and the country went to ruin, and, for 518 years, as for the Chosen voluntary independence, as for the nation, it was able to be other ways in the days when looked like a slave.

08)I am ordinary.Since is the country which established by cooperation of Min which is an enemy; of Riseikei cannot run it just as wanted.
The nation became the slave race and forfeited the private property. I introduced an autocracy sovereignty system as a feudatory of Min, but the fragment of the pride that the Korea race continued protecting without a break from the ancient times to Korai did not exist.

09)Because the king was a nominal person of no real ability, I do not propose any policy, and national budget is to have been a state not to exist in the government.
Because the rotten class system was immobilized by such environmental cause, government officials who lost the mind of the inventive idea drove oneself to the world of a bribe and the exploitation rushingly.
As for the nation, dark days to repeat labor to pay a tribute continued in spite of anarchy for 500 several decades.