第十二章・終わりなき戦い / Fight without the end
Chapter12 Fight without the end
100)It was to have talked to both the Japanese ambassador residing in the United States and a Diet member, but the contents of General Manager mayor was able to hint Kawano, Murayama, Koizumi statement when that the Japanese Prime Minister admitted when a charity dame problem was accompanied.
If there are not words to return, it will be time to say in this way.
There is the United States only in a suit large country. I attacked it and was able to stand from a genuine aspect based on public evidence.
101)Because it did not close if it goes down, it is the WH-related reason that had I talk to get to know and establish a signature site.
It was a simple question to say why the Japanese Prime Minister or the Chief Cabinet Secretary spoke of the remark that an own country seemed to become disadvantageous easily that most Americans ate.
Because I who am a Japanese do not know it, they cannot understand it.
102)There is not it despite the diplomacy that the government moves to the Democratic Party, and is splendid for a compliment for three years.
On the contrary, I give salt and miso and sugar unlimitedly to Korea, and they push forward a new charity dame monument erection plan based on it.
Irony is too hard that it is a Japanese citizen nothing but it that made the government pretending not to look to see this reality.
103)Korea let a charity dame stamp come up according to notice during the removal signature of the charity dame monument.
The fact that the effective charity dame stamp of tens of thousands of sets has been distributed to U.S. each place even if it is very poor does not pass away.
The fight with the issue of my charity dame followed such a progress and certainly ended in defeat.
104)A commander of the defeat is not a thing talking about most, but, as for the fight about the issue of charity dame, there are too many numbers of a bullet flying from the position of the friend.
The goddess of the victory will not smile at our camp as far as Kawano statement exists in the world even if the Japan-Korea stupid fight continues, and at first there will not be what I invite refreshing end to from now on either.