『誰が知る 貧しさゆえの 苦しみを 胸に刻んだ 今宵の宴』
偽善が生んだもの / The thing which hypocrisy produced
64) 2003年に米国の人権擁護に関する小委員会 ( 公聴会 ) は、フィリピン芸能人の日本における活動が、人権擁護および人身売買の原則に抵触すると烙印を押した。
65) 国連の専門家たちが幾ら理想の理念を謳い上げても、それはあくまでも現実にそぐわない、偽善的な論理に過ぎないだろう。
66) これが事実上の芸能人ビザ廃止の引き金となった訳だが、偉い人達が言われる通りなのだろうか、本当にこれで良いと考えておられるのでしょうか!
67) 今この場に至り、当事者だった者として断言できるのは、我々両国のリーガルな立場の人間は、国連で取沙汰される人権迫害や人身売買の様に、手荒な行為には一切手を染めなかったと、声を大にして叫ぶ事です。
68) この美し過ぎる偽善こそが人間の尊厳を脅かす元凶であると思えてなりません。
69) また、彼女達を取り扱う窓口は、フィリピン政府認可法人であり、最終的には両国政府の采配で、一回の興行は六カ月以内と制限されております。
70) フィリピン芸能人ビザが事実上廃止され、偉い外国人の提唱する論理で日本は健全化されたのでしょうか。
71) 芸能人ビザ廃止によるフィリピン国内の弊害は、二十万人とも云われたタレント達が職を失い、その十倍強の親族が苦しい生活を余儀なくされた。
72) そして、巷では連絡が途絶えた恋人や婚約者や連れ合いを探す日本人男性が増え、父親に置き去られた混血児の憐れな姿が目に付く様になった。
73) 日本とフィリピン芸能人の交わりは、1948年頃米軍統治下の日本へリンボーさんと云う歌手が、米軍将校の慰問に見えたのが元祖と云われます。
74) 日本での夢も夢のまた夢になり果てたのです。
75) 芸能人ビザが廃止になり7年が過ぎた今、小さな慈善団体設立の準備を始めました。
The thing which hypocrisy produced
「This English sentence is machine translation. Please forgive the joint of the ignorance.」
64) When activity in Japan of the Philippine entertainer conflicted with a principle of the protection of human rights and the flesh trade in the subcommittee (public hearing) about the protection of human rights of the United States in 2003, I pushed the brand.
However, this is a too simplistic behavior and thinks that I deny guaranteed occupation freedom of choice, and the act and technique persecute the human being anyone.
65) Even if I declare a no matter how ideal idea, and experts of the United Nations put it up, it will be only the hypocritical logic unsuitable practically to the last.
Will not it be a top priority problem to save poor women who assume prostitution bread in Central Asia border zone if controversial?
Most of them hear that it is sold to the brothel by economic distress, and women of the friend are invaded by a heavy venereal disease and are told if there are a lot of people cut off life every day.
I want it saves such a reality to shade with pure idealism and to empty it.
I correct a talk. If the Japanese side that purchased a false singer and dance girl was bad, a great Director General of the Labor Relations Division did it until an avowal about a Philippine entertainer.
66) This is the reason that triggered the virtual entertainer visa abolition, but will it be thought that this is really enough whether it will be just what great people are said?
Then Prime Minister Koizumi would stand the face to President Bush of the companion.
Even if I hurl defiance at a government official partner in Japanese ministries and government offices, and I follow pride, and the Philippine Secretary of Labor lowered the heartily gratification, there will not be the reason the life of the own nation changed to the situation severe how, or to know.
67) To this place, it is to cry loud now that I can assert as the person who was the person concerned when the human being of the situation that is Regal of we two countries did not dye a hand for a rough act like human rights persecution and the human traffic that there are rumors about in the United Nations.
The Director General is said to be a false entertainer, but they are people who they repeat determined training, and passed an examination of the government.
68) I think that this too beautiful hypocrisy is a ringleader threatening human dignity and do not become.
It is what I establish the talent training in this ground and understood, but majority of daughters applying for a talent come to the pro-brother kith and kin it is accompanied, and to receive an oral examination.
It never occurs that a fierce older brother takes you by force.
69) In addition, the teller treating them is Philippine government authorization corporation, and one performance is finally limited by command of the two countries government with less than six months.
The great people who do not know any actual situation are seduced to surround it and brandish an ideal idea, and that is going to fit logic unsuitable practically in imposition, one's result by force cannot but say with nonsense.
70) A Philippine entertainer visa was abolished virtually, and would Japan be made by the theory that a great foreigner proposed soundly?
As for such a thing, it never occurs. I would be stained surely than before.
The bogus marriage visa that the government did not extend to the thought either suddenly strides, and the complicated crimes with it occur frequently and hear it when they founded it to a marriage visa investigation room.
It is a well-known fact to have lengthened a power by the organized prostitution activity of a Korean woman calling for a topic in a net flourishingly newly.
The Philippine entertainer whom we participated in did not revolve by prostitution performance. It was the act action in the law range of the two countries and violated no law to the last.
If the prostitution act of the Korean woman is permitted and says that entertainment activity of the Filipina violates humanity, both the Japanese Government and the U.S. Government can be going to be purchased to the United Nations by Korea.
I may understand that these are never imaginations when I search an American politician and an officer of the United Nations making noise in humanity and human rights to understand even the matter of the charity dame monument.
71) Talents who were said to be 200,000 people lost a job, and a relative of the little over 10 times was forced to painful life by the evil of Philippines by the entertainer visa abolition.
In addition, in the Japanese nightclub which there was in the downtown of Manila more than 500 houses, it was changed its wardrobe all by the Korea club.
Though the performance fee of the talent was an average of 150,000 yen in Japan, appearance turned into Korea for 35,000 yen uniformly.
This reality will be human rights relief advocated by the United Nations and the U.S. Government or I do not think at all like that and am not an intelligible thing.
72) And Japanese men in search of a lover and a fiance and the husband that communication was cut off increased in the public, and the poor figure of the child of mixed racial origins who I put it to father, and was left for came to stand out.
While great experts brandish humanity or the flag of human rights, and even this presents too beautiful idealism, I open a world map without learning lesson and will look for a hypocritical almsgiving point.
73) As for Japan and the acquaintance of the Philippine entertainer, it is said to be an ancestor in about 1948 that the singer who says a limbo to Japan under the United States Armed Forces rule was seen for the consolation of the United States Armed Forces officer.
When the cultural exchange of the two countries proud of this long history followed these progress and borrowed words of Prince Hideyoshi Toyotomi, the dream of the Filipina was over in a dream within a dream.
74) The dream in Japan was reduced to a dream within a dream, too.
I think that I became extinct with highlighting much absurdity and contradiction by poor unnecessary interference in the reality of a few irresponsible hypocritical idealists who can accomplish neither no charity nor the responsibility directly.
I achieved great contribution in bringing up a new criminal, but the dream of really poor girls has trod it mercilessly.
75) Now that an entertainer visa was abolished, and seven years passed, I began preparations for small charity organization establishment.
I want to hold out a hand to a child of mixed racial origins whom a countryman left and man and woman expecting a regular marriage.
Because I report it as soon as I can acquire permission of the Philippine government, please support the gnarl by all means.