
朝鮮半島 / The Chosen peninsula (A)No.2

独立へのチャンスだったのに / Though it was a chance to independence







12)韓国を代表する作家・李光洙は 『 民族改造論 』 の中で、朝鮮人の最大の欠点は 「 噓吐きで他人を騙す事だ 」 と述べている。



















Chapter 2 / It was a chance to independence

10)The Chosen Peninsula was in state that it was far from the healthy independent nation by the true unification although I had at one time at hand victory in my hand with the help of the power of a country of Kara of the neighboring country and a country of Min and the country of Shin in the times of what time in this way.
In the case of the Chosen Peninsula, it is a fact most unlike Japan to be hard to think about the Chosen race which is pure because a territory is adjoining.
Reseikei is said to be the lineage of the Mongolian family military commander.

11)There would not be the true patriotism in the tribe of the Chosen Peninsula if I observed it historically.
Such as the history in 2000 when is a seizure of the power by the violence not to mind the consequences, and the product repeats destruction and a failure in the source which let traitors burn feel like.
The inclination sense of history of Confucianism and satin studies rubbed for flattering compliments and would renew this act.

12)Writer, Rikosyu on behalf of Chosen states, the biggest fault of the Chosen "is mendaciousness is strong, and to deceive another person" in "a remodeling theory of a race".
When it adds the past history, and it returns, lack of the insight and self-centered interpretation mistake the actual situation, and it can call to have destroyed a country several times.
The propensity it is spread in the feelings, and to bend a fact by pushing by force may be a hereditary thing.

13) Would not the rule of 500 years by Rishi-Chosen be near to the autocracy where most nations suffered from starvation?
Told it that a family of Rishi succeeded to the king, and the king was made to take the bow of the subject by the inspector of a country of Min and the country of Shin from generation to generation. It is left almost every year by a much history book when the gift was several thousand Chosen beautiful women.

14)When it was the middle stage of 1800, both the country of Shin and the Chosen Peninsula have begun to be exposed to the external pressure of the European and American Great Powers country.
Japan planned an advance to Chosen against East Asia aggression of the Great Powers and was opposed to a country of Shin which assumed Chosen a dependency for 500 years intensely.
Independent Party which I tied it up to toadyism party and Japan which depended on the country of Shin in the Chosen country, and wanted to be able to go ahead through the modernization was at the height of the opposition rivalry.

15)A Japan-Rishi Chosen diplomatic relations treaty was concluded triggered by the case that the Japanese warship which surveyed the Kouka Island sea near the shore of the peninsula in 1875 was bombarded.
Because Rishi Chosen was a policy of seclusion, I am ignorant about international law, and it cannot be distorted generally to have been an unequal treaty.

I let Pusan open as trade port, and Japan made an effort for the foundation of a country after having recognized Chosen as an independent country.

16)When the peasants insurrection believing in the Eastern principles that was the revolt of the farmer happened in Chosen in 1894, and Chosen demanded a reinforcement from the country of Shin, Japan was nominal by the protection of the settler and sent troops and had the war of both Sino-Japanese militaries.
The Japanese military with modern armaments went into Manchurian from Chosen and put victory, and the country of Shin surrendered in 1895 and I opened the peace conference in Shimonoseki and bound Shimonoseki Treaty together.

17)Because Japan won by Sino-Japanese War, Rishi-Chosen was relieved of the incantation of the dependency of the colony for 500 several decades, and the nation was freed from the dark world like the slave.
In Japan, opposition with Russia deepened by three interference after the Sino-Japanese War and, after the Boxer Rebellion that broke out in Manchurian, turned worse for the relations that were not strange even if I entered into war in what time.

18) Anyone of the world should have thought that Japan was defeated by Russia.
Because it was the same thought, I would send Rishi Chosen to the secret letter to Russia.
In Japan, it was guaranteed the superiority right for Chosen from the global community by having won for this war.
But, as for the country of Shin and the Chosen homage, the life of the nation did not escape from a slave state without changing.