The expedition has been fairly done. A happy thing, a shameful thing, and a mortifying thing, etc. are obstinately projected onto a dream pillow recently. Please ask lonely traveler's mutter.
『三流の詐欺師 / Third-rate fraud No,2』
『遠い日々 返らぬ夢と 知らずにか 旅路の果てに 舞う綿帽子』
永谷和司との出会い / Encounter with Kazuji Nagaya
10) 私はこの国へ渡るとき自分に一つの誓いを立てた。
11) アンティポロ市の山間にあるフォーレスト・ヒルズGCは、インターネットで検索すると、フィリピンでも屈指の難コースと紹介されております。
12) グリーンは極端に小さくアップ・ダウンが強いから、ボールの回転速度差が驚くほど激しいのです。
13) この日もお気に入りのキャディーを従え、六番のロング・ホールへ差し掛かると、私より少し年配の同胞と20代半ばの綺麗なフィリピン女性のベアーに追い着いた。
14) 翌日から毎日の様に、ゴルフやナイト・クラブへのお誘いを受けましたが、何時も断ってばかりだったので、最初の出会いから三週間目の火曜日に、18ホールを一緒にプレーしたのです。
永谷氏は他人のプレーを解説するのが趣味らしく、自分のボールを必要以上に良く拭く ( ボールを動かす様に写る ) 癖も強かったと思う。
15) 我々の業界もこの頃になると、フィリピン芸能人ビザが廃止になるとの噂が流れ、このゴルフ・クラブでも多い時は、30人近くの日本人プレーヤーで賑わっていたのが、当時はプレー中に同胞と出くわす事も稀になっていた。
16) いま冷静に振り返ってみると、永谷氏のようにタガログ語を話せない上に決まった仕事がある訳でもない。
Encounter with Kazuji Nagaya
「This English sentence is machine translation. Please forgive the joint of the ignorance.」
10) When I went over to this country, I opened one oath to oneself.
It was not to build the close relations with a countryman other than business.
Therefore, not to mention keeping company at night, two times a week of golf that are the only hobby should be what I always play alone and still protect a style to accept when it was expected a joint.
On one day of April, 2003, it rose in the first T of the member course alone.
11) It is introduced in the Philippines when I search the Forrest Hills GC in the valley of the Antiporo city on the Internet when it is an outstanding difficulty course.
The fair way treats an intentional upheaval abundantly and lies in the place where a swamp of small nature reaches, and, as for the flat aspect, it is rare.
After all 6,684 yards is long even from regular tea.
12) Because the green is extremely small, and ups and downs is hard, the rotary speed difference of the ball is surprisingly intense.
I break score on green when careless.
Most of friends coming to play from Japan are single players, but I must be it and am not different in the difficulty course because what most people play with the score that is lower than 15 overcoats is a task of extreme difficult.
13) When I was accompanied by a favorite caddie on that day and approached the sixth long hall, I caught up with the raise of wages of an elderly countryman and a beautiful woman in her mid-twenties a little than me.
This person was Kazuji Nagaya and the ex-wife, and it has been a chance to get to know to have played the remainder hall of the wide throw together as it was provoked.
14) I received golf and the invitation to a nightclub almost every day from the next day, but played the 18 holes from the first encounter together on Tuesday three weeks after because I always declined it.
It seems to be a hobby to comment on a play of another person, and Nagaya thinks that I was strong in the habit to wipe one's ball more than required (I come out to move a ball).
Because I was a type to be devoted to one's play for objection, since then it was rare that I accepted an invitation.
15) When a rumor that a Philippine entertainer visa was abolished spread if it became about time when these, and there were many our industries in this golf club, it was full of nearly 30 Japanese players, but it became rare to happen to meet with a countryman during a play recently.
The temporary force that the night downtown overflowed with a Japanese, and returned disappeared and rarely heard the scandal.
16) There is not the work that I cannot talk about the Tagalog like Nagaya, and was decided now when I look back calmly.
The wife lives in such situation in Japan; when took it to a man alone, would not be the feeling that did it, and was thrown in to the Hell of the hell that was boring in a higher-tone noh song at time to live a life in every day?
It is to be able to say to me, but such a medium will not be a thing comfortable at all when, anyway, it is in one's youth in a year to be able to step in 60 years old with one leg.
Such; was like this and was not readily answered an invitation of Nagaya.
投稿 (Atom)