
戦後の朝鮮半島 / The postwar Korean Peninsula No.6

朝鮮戦争が生んだもの / The thing which the Korean War produced








22)Nothing changes even if I shout at the young minister who does not seem to be able to become adult even if I entrust feelings, and anyone of the nation gets angry at staying in Japan even if I torture a bureaucrat and accuse tyranny residing in Japan. I appropriate the passion to an action of the Diet dissolution immediately, and it is the first thing to do that at first the political party does not matter, and each election inhabitant of a ward chooses a candidate of the pure Japanese race.

23)Still the corruption does not disappear from the Japanese society. However, I am better than I can be connected by the tax of the nation to a police officer and a public prosecutor and the presiding judge whom I employed to the prison.
I think that it is improved that a Japanese quitted welfare starves to death while Korea, Korean residing in Japan is illegal and acquires a life allowance. Need to work on from this standard now very much.

24)I am known like some mutter that there is not desired, but am that a situation playing with Twitter in such a thing is happy.
I steal to the side neighborhood while cursing you by temporizing means because they do not have it.
I got only the wrong knowledge abundantly thanks to Japan Teachers Union, but the ability to find out the truth that hid behind in the back of the knowledge must be it and decreased.
Therefore I forget it immediately even if easily deceived by the Democratic Party.

25)Because people of a young generation were residents of the developed country by nature, I was secure, and the racial dignity did not have to think about the defense of the territory. The life that I was rich, and was free by security was natural.
The education did not persuade that it was a treat. The parent did not teach the importance of fighting as the nation as a human being.
My generation who consented tacitly to discipline at the home of parents is responsible without advocating an objection for partial education of Japan Teachers Union.
When a youth gets rid of eyes, it is now. It does not need the surface beauty. Racial, fighting will add to advantage characteristics only by getting the truth to hide behind in the undercurrent of the problem even if I put it in anything.

戦後の朝鮮半島 / The postwar Korean Peninsula No.5

朝鮮民族の悩み / Trouble of the Korea race





18)I think deeply, and please look. In the Korea race, the mind is already succeeded from a Nisei by a Sansei and is not exaggeration even if I say when the fourth is going to meet an adult now.
Their mind is trained by Korea education, but a body is stained with free democracy of the rich Japanese race when I put it in the real life.

19)It will be impossible that the human being throws away the pleasure that the body has got. It is nothing but they Korea race not we Japanese to be anxious about this contradiction not to be able to do anything for.
Nephew it and sad fate not to be able to return wait at the mother country even if seized with the homesickness that wants to return to the mother country.
The domiciliation Korea Korean is in particular that the brand of the coward who ran away is pushed by a disturbance.

20)Therefore it is the life-threatening war that I spent the life on for them even if it is the unjust act action that I watched from a Japanese.
Even if the nation who has lost mind I become senile with peace, and to fight shouts at Twitter so much, it will not be to fight even if I hit you and hang.
On the contrary, it is bound that you / woman is arrested for slander or violence.

21)During 60 several years when the nation got sick from peaceful senility, they mix legal illegality together and say when a rose continued sprinkling money stained slightly hard.
The private enterprise is the same in the government and the judiciary and the government, too. There is not if I count it up. Prime Minister happy goes to their own country for the top and I attach gift wrapping paper and do not present the tax of the vast nation?

戦後の朝鮮半島 / The postwar Korean Peninsula No.4

在日韓国朝鮮人の誕生 / Birth of the Korean residing in Japan





14)It was the event of approximately seven years, but the Korean whom the situation stayed in in disfavor with the confused Korean Peninsula and the person who I avoided the internal disturbance that broke out, and entered Japan illegally became a dependent since Japan removed the rule of the Korean Peninsula.
And I plundered the military uniform of the Japanese military and formed the thing named the Korea Operation Army. The Japanese who was said to be tens of thousands of people was killed by this mob.

15)This mob rushed wildly in each place of the whole country and occupied a territory and built Korea village represented in the Utoro district. It is mind same as Takeshima aggression.
These progenies are domiciliation Korea, Koreans monopolizing a topic now.
When I think about the Korean Peninsula played with for a tide of the cruel history, as for them, what I staked my life on in dignity and territory defense of a race must not forget the fact that there is never between Japan in talking about a peninsula.
16)The person whom there was who disliked Japan although peninsula in itself was the rule of Japan and tasted a benefit of the modernization learned Communist Party thought in China and the Soviet Union, and the different power polished democracy in the United States.
However, if it regards an internal disturbance as the disturbance of the Korean Peninsula based on a historical fact, it is finally the internal disturbance between races, and it is a fact not to be the war that I spent the dignity between other ethnic groups on.

17)It is a well-known fact in these at developed country and the Korea race interval, but it is in the common sense that is sad as for it being Japanese democracy that do not know now.
The parent persuades a child, and tell it after having understood knowledge like this at least before criticizing tyranny of the Korea race this and that, and the child suffers the humiliation by all means in the near future if I do not understand the soul of the Korea race. Both the politics and the media are already doubtful to a constitution.

戦後の朝鮮半島 / The postwar Korean Peninsula No.3

偉大なる指導者たち / Great leaders





10)The power in disfavor with the rule of Japan existed as a matter of course. Because Japan was defeated by the allied powers, these discontented elements groped for the independence of the Korean Peninsula vigilantly. It is a matter of course.
It is informed that the representative person was Mr. who took refuge in the United States Syngman Rhee and Kim Il Sung who became a dependent on current Russia.

11)Even if the independence activity of both leaders who came back to the mother country was a remarkable thing, I would not permit that two great rivals never crossed with the ideology of the general who pursued the new nation establishment in Russian thought with the general who groped for the independence of the mother country in American thought like a legend not to stand in a row.

12)The United States which was anxious about the Korean Peninsula advance of the Russian military in such a complicated reality decided two differentiation of the peninsula between Russia.
A new country called North and South Korea was in this way formed. It was a digression, but a civil war was caused in Mainland China for the same period, and Mr. Mao Zedong who received support of Russia won, and the Chinese Communist Party was born.

13)Mr. Mao Zedong makes the People's Republic of China in 1949, and I get away, and Mr. Chiang Kai-shek defeated by reaches Taiwan at the present.
In the peninsula where a sign of the peace had begun to be seen in such a progress, the North Korean armed forces went over the virtual border 38th parallel suddenly on June 25, 1950. It was Korea internal disturbance, but was a fight of democracy and the communism.

戦後の朝鮮半島 / The postwar Korean Peninsula No.2

不合理は金を生む / The irrationality produces money





06)When I put it in the human being society, a bureaucrat and the business executive receive pure education of a race in each in a politician and grow up.
But I tie knowledge and sense of values and the ideology that I cultivated to one's profit and make a state and a new equation, and a rose sprinkles more effective dragon's teeth on a Chinese, the Korean , Japanese plotting a bad thing from the wrong education each other.

07)The good example is the special kind treatment of the Chinese foreign student and is the Korea race kind treatment method that is close to the many offences that the special privilege and district franchise of the Korean residing in Japan and the nation do not know.
The human rights protection law that there are rumors about is equal now if it is thrust a one-way ticket to the hell when I take you as the nation. Please open eyes.

08)We do not have to become a scholar, but it is necessary to know the modern history of the People's Republic of China race and the Korea race as the common nation.
As for the big difference with the Korea race, the China race was at war with the People's Republic of China race for Japanese aggression in a relation with Japan, but, in the Korea race, there is the process that accepted the Japanese perfection rule.

09)As for the fight, both sides have justice as if I talked in the beginning, and the true process is the same even if it inspects which fight of the world that it is unknown forever.
In the Korean Peninsula, what I encountered under the rule of our country does not have the mistake until Japan is defeated by Greater East Asia War. It is a fact I get together to a Japanese fund, and to have stepped forward to the first step of the modernization.

戦後の朝鮮半島 / The postwar Korean Peninsula No.1

日教組に嵌められた / It was fitted in Japan Teachers Union

01)戦争における「開戦の大義 」など、第三者から見れば双方ともに至極理に適ったものである。



誠に不都合な間違った自由への融和(妥協 )教育に置き換えてられてしまった事から現在の不幸が始まった。


01)According to the third party including "the important meaning of the outbreak of war" in the war, both sides quite met a law of nature together.
There is justice on the east side, and there being it can give the judgment to nobody a fault in the west.
When even if is a retaliation war in an aggressive war, do not win since fight; nonsense. Justice will be a castle in the air if I do not win.

02)I tell you about the inequity characteristics that is extreme in unreasonableness of the Korea race which Japan continues still having are right, and the theory mentioned above being right.
I put it in the modern society, and, as for us, a neighboring country is the reason that I set a shoulder beside the neighboring country again, and must be valid, but our race too has no intellect and others at all with the ethnicity of the partner.

03)If I cut it with a word and threw it away, the Constitution that was a Japanese life rule was made to receive by the United States though I was not thankful.
The basics of the education about root and trunk of a race turned completely opposite to it of the Japanese race. This education rule and education method of the teacher and Japan Teachers Union to bundle up have the biggest cause that a dissonance to the Korea race does not stop sounding.

04)I am abstract and am hard to understand it. As for the stupid false evidence battle for more than half a century with the Korea race and the People's Republic of China race, their education of a race taught Japan with an enemy country, an invader.
However, the education of our Japanese race focused on an American education policy like a constitution, but I pretended to be it, and it was tampered with Japanese and Communist Party thought intentionally by good and Japan Teachers Union which did it.
Current misfortune began from what I had been able to replace with harmony (compromise) education to really inconvenient wrong freedom.

05)Current small, parents of average, the high university student are asked the evidence whether Japan invaded China and Korea from one's child, and there will be few parents to answer that I challenged an aggressive war immediately. Because I do not teach the truth at school, it is not answered.
It will become the source of feelings to say that a Japanese is a hypocrite when I put this in China and Korean people.