
Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.51

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

There is not the reason that I know the order that President Toyota was given to and of course does not understand it what kind of expectations there is in your company. However, there is too much unreasonableness since scotch bolt fold loss passing to twice is a fact to crush it. I never think that I take the appropriate correspondence even if I consider a title of General Manager Harada.

Moreover, there is no lie falsehood in Section Head Harada's document, if Toyota Motor comes to have will which solves this case earnestly, at least the whole circumstances of an accident and the circumstances of negotiation will be grasped in advance, and the opposite method will completely be taken till the present the place which should set the direction which can perform an appropriate answer on charge. It is felt that I am intentional.

豊田社長が下された命令を私が知る由もないし、御社にどの様な思惑がそんざいするのか勿論わかりません。然し、二回に渡る車輪止めボルト折損が事実である以上、にぎり潰すには無理が多すぎる。 原田室長さんの肩書を考え合わせても決して適切な対応を取っているとも思えないのです。


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