
『三流の詐欺師 / Third-rate fraud No.3』

     「老いらくに 夢を求めて 綿胞子 似合わぬ蝶へ 心躍らせ」

結婚ビザと美少女 / A beautiful girl and marriage visa

17)  2004年10月の中頃、何の前触れもなく永谷和司氏が、若い魅力的な少女を伴い私の事務所を訪れました。

18) 男の心を覗き込む様な瞳の輝きがとても気になった。私は暫く永谷氏と少女の顔を見比べていたと思う。

19) 幼さが見え隠れする細い足の重ね具合や、長い髪を無造作に掻き上げる指先の仕草には、己の若い魅力を充分相手に意識させる、少女の強かさを漂わせていた。

20) 何度も断ったが執拗に食い下がられ、最後は永谷氏がタレント養成費を払う条件で、簡単に云うと押し切られてしまった。
もうひとつの話と云うのは、〝  結婚してから子供を三人設けたが、奥さんが中々結婚ビザの書類にサインをしない 〞 のでどうすれば良いか、相談に乗ってくれと云うものだった。

21) この国では日常茶飯事に持ち上がる話題だが、この種のことは拗れる場合が殆どなので、奥方を説得する方法しか思い当たらないと告げました。


22) 愛が芽生え結婚するケースなどは千にひとつもないに等しい。

23)  然し、永谷氏の話では、奥方は飲食店に勤めながら二人の娘さんと日本で暮らし、フィリピンへ中々戻りたがらないと言う。

24) また、実家の隣に三階建賃貸アパートを建て、六部屋とかを貸しているから、奥さんの家族が生活する収入源は、充分に担保してあるとも強調した。

25) 永谷氏が彼女の実生活をどの程度まで理解しているか不明だが、子供を三人も設けながら、結婚ビザに署名しないと云う事は、署名してはいけない理由が存在するからだろう。

A beautiful girl and marriage visa

「This English sentence is machine translation. Please forgive the joint of the ignorance.」

17) Kazuji Nagaya visited my office with a young attractive girl without middle part of October, 2004, any sign.
It is the thing which I cut and brought down when I want I make this daughter a talent soon and to send it to Japan sitting on a sofa.
The girl retained the shade which had a member of society of the bar in the corner of a pretty smile.

18) I was worried about the brightness of the eyes which seemed to look into the heart of the man very much. I think that I compared the face of the girl with Nagaya for a while.
I will surely hold a problem by all means even if I am young and am attractive, and the visitor jumps at a talent because it is the features that the amorous woman does if I do it.
Because such a type does not think about the right and wrong of things at all, the disposal is bad.

19) I was able to have the formidability of the girl who let I was easy, and the gesture of the finger-tip to smooth upward be conscious of the stack condition of the thin foot that childishness appeared and disappeared and long hair against young charm of oneself enough.
However, eyes of the experts who treated a woman for 40 years are not things to be able to easily deceive with the Japanese entertainment world as a start even if I can deceive the middle-aged man of the amateur.

20) I declined it many times, but it was harassed obstinately and has been overcome when I easily said on the condition that Nagaya paid talent training costs for finally.
It established three children to say another story since ,〝 married, but what to do guided you in a thing of 〞 which did not readily sign the documents of the marriage visa, and a wife said.

21) It was a topic to happen to a daily occurrence in this country, but told this kind of thing when a case to become complicated thought of only a method to persuade a back room because most.
When the woman that the Philippines was young as for the true reason that did not pay attention to consultation married a remote foreigner of the age, it was the first purpose that most evaded economic distress.

22) As for the cases which love arises, and marry, one is equal to nothing to 100.
It should be always true that I chase it later in the case of what time, and the thing which I take it to them, and love is runs it.
When it is, I play with close relation like a kitten and am accompanied and am about to lean to miss it because passionate, Filipina is full of jealousy feeling, and what do not do a side with detached room is common at all.

23) However, the wife of a nobleman lives on the story of Nagaya with two daughters in Japan while working for a restaurant and says that I do not want to return to the Philippines.
Judging from common sense of the Filipina, it becomes the considerably unique class.
I left a husband in one's country and could not guess the psychology of the woman who lived calmly in Japan and have almost leaned forward in an instant.

24) In addition, the income source where the family of the wife lived talked because I built a 3 stories rented apartment next to the parents' house and lent six rooms even if it was secured enough.
The inevitability, in addition, it is watches of the night, and to act in Japan if it is it is thin.
One thinking that a new plan arises to a wife with such a case is natural, and there may be the on the way.

25) It is unknown how much Nagaya understands her, but the reason why I say when I do not sign a marriage visa will be that there is the reason why you must not sign while making three children.
This problem certainly becomes complicated, and after all it should become the man to finally watch crying.
In the case of a divorce, it becomes the big evil when I make signatures in an official document.