『夢多き 蝶を求めて 千鳥足 今宵も舞うか 桃源郷で』
男と女の思惑 / Expectations of the man and woman
53) 日本で興業活動が始まっても、借金を返すのが嫌で逃げる娘、男の甘い言葉に乱れ舞う女、男を躍らせる強者、妊娠が発覚し途中帰国する少女、唆し唆され客と駆け落ちする娘、国へ残して来た子供や旦那に会いたい一心から、金だけ取って帰国しようと契約違反を申し立て、入管や比国大使館へ駆けみむ馬鹿女達が後を絶たなかった。
54) こうした悪質な行為は、大半がタレントの気を引こうとする、お客さんの浅知恵から始まり、既に日本で結婚している少女たちの、姉妹や縁者の旦那 (日本人) が間違いなく裏で糸を引いております。
55) お客さん達も自分の選んだ相方が、多くの付帯条件を背負っている事を承知で、実益だけを追い求めて血眼になる。
56) 突然、相方が本命の愛と姿を晦ましても、眼を吊り上げ右往左往するだけの、信じ難い光景が後を断たなかった。
57) 冷静に考えれば解ることですが、フィリピンに限らず若い女性が何を好んで、年齢が一回りも二回りも違う日本人男性と、深い関係を持ったり結婚を考えたりすると思われますか?
58) そこには双方にお互い様の、そうせざるを得ない事情が存在するからに他なりません。
59) その老年紳士は遠くを見つめながら呟きました。
60) 八百万円を持ち逃げされた店の社長が、二人を追いかけフィリピンへこられた時、マニラのホテルでお叱りを蒙った折りに聞かされた話です。
61) 日本へ渡って一獲千金を夢見る少女たち、彼女達を芸能人に仕立てる業者や日本で待ち受ける者、仲介するプロモーターや出演先のお客さん達など、総ての人達が両国政府との約束を守る気持は、間違いなく希薄だったとしか表現の仕様が思いつかない。
62) 取り扱われる彼女達にして見たら、タレント資格を得るずっと以前から、ブライドよりもモラルよりも、何よりも空腹を満たすことが最優先課題であっただろう。
63) 所詮は他所の国での夢物語と割り切って、少々胸が痛んだとしてもじっと目を閉じ、口を塞ぎ、耳を閉ざし、実入りの多い楽な懐へと身も心も侍らせた。
Expectations of the man and woman
「This English sentence is machine translation. Please forgive the joint of the ignorance.」
53) Even if encouragement of new industry activity began in Japan, I stated a breach of contract I hated that I paid a debt, and I took only the money from one heart that wanted to see a child and the master whom I left for the woman who I was confused, and danced, the strong man who let a man jump, the girl who the pregnancy was found out, and went back on the way, a daughter, the country which I seduced you and was seduced and ran it with a visitor, and failed, and to go back to the daughter who escaped, the sweet words of the man, and there was no end to fool women who made a direct appeal to an Immigration Bureau and a ratio country embassy.
54) Such a vicious act begins with the lack of deep consideration of the visitor that most are going to draw attention of the talent and the master (Japanese) of sisters and the relative of girls who are already married in Japan must be it and pulls a thread in the back.
Because the fugitive of 7,000 a year appeared for the Koizumi Administration era, I think that the Japanese Government took the countermeasure I am unbearable, and to limit Philippines entertainer visa strictly in the name of Commission on Human Rights.
55) Visitors pursue only the actual profit by agreement in the woman of one's partner whom I chose assuming many incidental conditions and become frantic.
The inward passionate techniques completely makes me dizzy and gets nervous.
I bluff it in the aim that became rich without knowing whether you know the spider line which was set up around several folds and develop large size behavior day after day in every night.
It was right pink sigh itself of the man and woman.
56) Even if the woman of the partner disappeared with the love of the favorite suddenly, there was not the back no from the unbelievable scene which I lifted eyes, and only ran about in utter confusion.
My office has experience stormed into time and time again by a visitor.
However, there was never that it was let a source go through when I wanted you to cooperate because you married. It is mean reality.
57) It is to understand it if I think calmly, but a young woman likes what not only the Philippines, and is it thought that age has deep relations with the Japanese man who is one size different in walking twice and thinks about marriage?
I like what, and will the standard of living that the culture varies in the different culture choose the woman whom there is too much difference as a marriage partner even if I make a countryman man?
58) This is because there are both circumstances that I cannot but do so in both sides there. I trained the talent approximately 150 and sent me to Japan.
It is once throughout the life that received greetings from a visitor while approximately 30 people become pregnant during term of a contract and escape and marry and are missing.
59) The old age gentleman muttered while staring at the distance.
I laughed when I gave you large sum of money because I loved you seriously. Unfortunately I let I seduced a manager of appearance ahead without letting you become vacant and take proceeds 8 million yen and disappeared with two when the companion was given the house of an excellent single-family house in the Philippines.
80% of the woman who was a talent will be only such a thing and the person who I avoid paying a debt, and I am the same as a moonlight flit, and marry.
60) When I run after two people, and the president of a shop stolen 8 million yen was able to come to the Philippines, it is the story that was told to break it that suffered a ticking off in a hotel of Manila.Oneself who cannot stick out its chest somewhere of the heart exists now where you caught the business that you lived by seriously to when you looked back on those days calmly whether even this was really an international contribution.
61) When girls who I go over to Japan, and dream of getting rich quick, a person to wait for in supplier and Japan preparing them to an entertainer, all people including a promoter and visitors of appearance ahead mediating it must be the feeling to protect a promise with the two countries government and were thin, specifications of the expression hit.
Money flew so much, and a dream danced a dance so as to be sad.
62) When I made them who were treated and looked, it would be the problem that it had top priority much more to meet hunger than a bride above all than morals from the past to take the talent qualification.
Because it would be a main purpose to save a family from poverty such as the hell by one's work as soon as possible, the rules and the promise and the pride should have been nexts of the next next.
63) Even if I was practical with the dreamlike story in other country, and a chest ached a little, I closed still my eyes and blocked up the mouth and shut an ear, and the comfortable place where there were many incomes was able to let heart and soul serve after all.
When I took it to them, it should have been quite the action in front of the area.
The visitor regarded the actual situation of such a girl as a good opportunity and was absorbed in the gap of the heart too much.
However, actually, I cannot yet know how many people the countryman whom I find a too sad falsehood to hide behind in the backside of a beautiful smile to be left of the childishness and understand it and permit it and brought up existed..