
『三流の詐欺師 / Third-rate fraud No.9』

  【綿胞子 何が欲しくて 狂い舞う 夕べの夢は 枕のしずく】

詐欺師の切り札 / Trump of the fraud

76) 2005年の四月でした。

『 女の借金は俺が払う。二百万や三百万の金なら何時でも用意するから女を頼む。』


77) 彼の境遇を考えれば解らない事もなかった。仕事を持たない上に言語も解さない老体が、一人で生活するのは苦痛である事は良く理解できました。

78) 当時、仕事を手伝っていたタレントの Annalyn に永谷氏の事を話すと、大多数のタレントは日本人との結婚を望んでいると眼を輝かせた。

79)Annalynの協力を得ながら、気立てが良くて借金も少なく、個人マネージャーを持たないLaila 嬢に白羽の矢を立てたのです。

Laila嬢から正式回答を得る前に、『 あの女は誘っても出て来ないから駄目だ。見合いの時一緒だった女にしてくれ 』 と、永谷氏から新しい要請が届いた。

81) Annalyn は事務所の仕事があり、日本からのビザ待っている状態だから出来ないと断ったが、彼女にして欲しいと言い張って、私の云う事など聞く耳を持たない状態でした。

82) 彼女の家庭環境は、数年前に父親が薬物の影響から癌を患い他界していた。

83) 同胞の結婚相手として紹介するには正直なところ気後れがする状況です。

84) 彼女の出した結論は、家族の借金清算、事務所との契約処理、母親の承諾を私が取ることを条件に、呆気ないほど簡単に結婚の承諾を得る事が出来たのです。

85) 母親との話し合いも精神的には辛いものがありました。
冷や汗をかきながら聞き出した借財のあらましは、他界したご主人の入院費と葬儀代、市庁への借地権代など、合計では四十五万ペソ ( 当時のレートで百万円 ) くらいにだった。

86) 結婚に付いては本人の意思を尊重するとの回答を貰う。

87) その日の内に永谷氏へ連絡を取ると、直ぐにでも一緒に生活を始めたいと言い出した。先ず結婚条件処理を実行する事を諭したけれど、いま冷静に当時の成り行きを思い浮かべてみると、果たして何処まで守られたのか信頼性に欠けます。

Trump of the fraud

「This English sentence is machine translation. Please forgive the joint of the ignorance.」

76) It was April, 2005.

 "I pay the debt of the woman. Because money of 2 million and 3 million prepares anytime, I engage a woman."

When a woman is not in the side, it is not settled down to uneasiness. I am troubled by insomnia and am the disposal not to be able to readily get up in the morning every night. The willpower to go out for golf does not spring out.
In this situation a cry of the poignancy was finished from Nagaya when I might die soon.

77) I might understand it if I thought about his circumstances. The painful thing was good and was able to understand that the old man who I did not have work, and did not understand the language either lived alone.
I think that I felt sympathy and pity for him wherever of the heart in conclusion.
I smiled wryly to oneself who put a face of some talents and Nagaya on top of one another when I noticed.
However, I do not go to the reason to say that please comes from the right to the left when it becomes the marriage.

78) I brightened eyes in those days when I spoke Nagaya in Annalyn of the talent who helped with work when the majority of talents expected the marriage with the Japanese.
I pushed the large seal if I had you handle a debt and the contract of the family when nothing had any problem.
When you asked whether you were the same from mischievous urge, I had a smile in the whole face and sounded a finger.

79) A nature was good, and there were few debts and chose Miss Laila which did not have a personal manager while getting cooperation of Annalyn.
As for the negotiations with her, Annalyn took the trouble of the intermediation, and a marriage meeting of Nagaya and Ms.Laila was performed by our co-starring a few days later, but this plan has been over for failure wonderfully.

80) When what I heard as a sequel settled the debt and bought the house, I approached by relations on the day of the marriage meeting and seemed to accord by staying out by the telephone offensive in morning and evening.
Before obtaining an official answer from a female worker for Ms. Laila; because "do not come out even if that woman provokes it, is no use". A new request arrived from Nagaya when I made the woman who was same as at the time of marriage meeting.

81) Annalyn had the work of the office and declined it because a visa from Japan was in condition to wait when it was not possible, but I insisted on it when I wanted her to do it and was in condition not to have the ears to hear such as my saying.
When I thought and looked, I worried about a mental condition of Nagatani in a serious thing purely at this time even if I wanted a woman and just thought that I did not help it somehow.

82) Father suffered from a cancer from the influence of the drug several years ago, and her home environment died.
I died at a hospital, but there was the process that I helped you, and was able to finish a funeral service without hospital charges were delayed, and being able to move the corpse.
The older sister has a baby without father, and the younger brother was a junior high student, but the little younger brother is in condition not to go to the school for an intelligence disorder.
Because the younger sister of the youngest child was around 5 years old, for the income of mother who did not have a main occupation, it would not be at all an easy living.

83) To be frank, it is the situation that diffidence makes to introduce it as a marriage partner of the countrymen.
At first I checked intention of the person himself and decided it with a state after I regarded the loans of the office as the thing of the family for a few days and talked without hiding circumstances and a demand of Nagaya from her.
Though it is oneself, and there is not it, a cardiac sound sounds intensely. I think that a mysterious chance lasted around five minutes.

84) The conclusion that she gave was able to easily get consent of the marriage with the proviso that I took the debt settlement of the family, the contract processing with the office, the consent of mother so as to be disappointing.
The words that I thrust her mouth next, and were given were money of contract processing and debts of the offices.
Was promised to settle it, but Nagaya was able to untie all her strain by having told that should be satisfied for around 1 million yen; looked.

85) The talks with mother had a hot thing mentally.
So that the summary of the debt that I got while breaking out in a cold sweat drank 450,000 pesos (at a rate 1 million yen) with hospital charges and funeral service charges of the master who died, the total including lease charges to the city hall.
When these debts told that Nagaya handled it, I was able to realize that feeling of strain fell out from an expression of mother.

86) I get an answer that I respect intention of the person himself when I am assigned to marriage.
At this point, I did not feel the sense of incongruity especially, but some think of the point hard to swallow if I think now.
The marriage consent condition that I reminded a pro-daughter of was not to bind the relations of the man and woman together until I finished adhering rigidly to the going of the visa wait state in Japan and settlement processing of Nagaya.

87)  I said that I wanted to begin life together immediately when I contacted Nagaya on the day.
At first reliability can lack in where I was protected as expected to though I persuaded that I carry out marriage condition processing when I remember the then course calmly now.
I feel like having seemed to be water, the day after the fair to a hot stone. Between the people who starved was used, and would meet a lot.