第十四章・主役たちの横顔 / Chapter14 Profile of leading role
118) 日本では西岡力氏や秦郁彦氏などの現地調査取材によって、朝日新聞の主張して来た 「 軍の強制連行 」 に関する主な捏造部分は既に崩れ掛けていた。
120)とても信じられる事ではないが、 93年8月4日・時の官房長官・河野洋平によって、未来永劫に悔いを残す事になる亡国河野談話が公表されてしまった。
「 わが国は遠くない過去の一時期、国策を誤り、戦争への道を歩んで国民を存亡の危機に陥れ、植民地支配と侵略によって、多くの国々、とりわけアジア諸国の人々に対して多大の損害と苦痛を与えました。」
128)06年9月・総理に就任していた安部晋三氏は、翌年の予算委員会で 「 韓国に正式謝罪しなければ、日本が先の戦争を反省していないと受け取られる 」、と野党から迫られた。
『 仮に米下院で法案が可決されても、客観的事実に基づいていない限り謝罪する必要はない 』、
『 戦後60年、日本の歩みは世界から高く評価されている。議員は日本の歩みを貶め様とするのか。ホンダ決議案を正しいと考えているのか。 』、
Chapter14 Profile of leading role
118)The main forgery part about "the forcible escort of the military" that I insisted on of the Asahi Newspaper has been about to already collapse by a field work and coverage of Mr. Tsutomu Nishioka and Ikuhiko Hata in Japan.
Anjonjiku honorary professor of Seoul University played a key role in Korea, and the group which called 40 several people who came forward as a charity dame volunteer corps meeting for the study was carrying out hearing investigation.
119)The evidence of the forced participation of the Japanese forces faded so as to advance if hearing investigation of Korea advanced to the ironical thing, and a person of object of 40 several has been able to hold two first finally.
This dossier was sent to the Japanese Government as a collection of testimony.
However, I couldn't but say that the Japanese Government was extremely negative against clearing itself from a disgrace.
120)I have announced the destroying a country Kawano statement which would have regret for eternity by Chief Cabinet Secretary, Yohei Kawano of time on August 4, 93.
It will be the composition that a bright person of Ministry of Foreign Affairs thought about.
I used the sophism that I could dodge even if attacked by the technique that seemed to totally dandle dog and cat from wherever and was made a part of the forcible escort that was essence in question vague.
121)I take it in Japan and the Miyazawa Cabinet was the bad government, but thinks that the next Murayama government gave you a severe trial by the nation.
While a Japanese citizen had the mud after defeat, I was disappointing, and the racial dignity that I followed desperately was smashed by Kawano statement.
Besides, it has been asserted that I invaded a friend country of the Eastern Asia from the entrance of Prime Minister Murayama without one year passing and did colonial rule.
122)The muddy stream which burst into "our country took the wrong national policy for past 1:00 period that was not long, and walked a way to war, and fell into a crisis of the life and death in the nations, and, in particular, by colonial rule and aggression, many countries inflicted it with the great damage for the people of Asian countries". 」
Murayama declared it as if I was fascinated by one's speech and put it up.
123)How many Japanese citizens might the handcuffs fetters which I strangled the mother country a decade later, and could be turned on integrally imagine when Murayama statement was given when it was?
The countryman activist in hope of China and the Korean Peninsula and overturn of Japan will be to have certainly raised a voice of the joy.
They strengthened ties with the anti-Japan power of the United States in the evidence.
124)Junichiro Koizumi who became the Prime Minister under such situation accepted the participation of the military for the issue of charity dame in 2001. I stated, "I apologized when I hurt honor and the dignity of the woman deeply and was experienced a great number of pain as a charity dame and wanted to tell mind and body about an apology and a feeling of the reflection heartily for all various places where it was carried the wound that I crossed it and was hard to heal on its back".
125)We do not go for a translation to get away from the responsibility to the future from past heaviness.
Based on an apology and a feeling of the reflection, I looked the past history in the face while keenly realizing moral responsibility as Japan and added this to the honor of the woman and problems dignitary, to be concerned with by violence to the attendant who told in history definitely when I would wrestle positively.
126)Whenever there is some event, Junichiro Koizumi thinks that I continued apologizing when I inflicted Korean people with the great damage by colonial rule using the same words.
There will be no help for it even if said to be the worshiper of Kawano statement and the Murayama statement in this.
Was apology for Korea where was higher than Kono statement and Murayama statement in this, but, anyway, was selected like a priest as Koizumi; pass, and advocate it, and, as for the Prime Minister who repeated an apology to the person concerned, it is unusual.
127)When the former Japan forces made a Korean woman a sex slave forcibly, the representative from January 31, 07, Mike Honda
submitted a resolution to ask the responsibility compensation to U.S. Lower House plenary session again.
The upset Japan embassy in the United States distributed Kawano statement, Murayama statement, Koizumi statement to a member of the House of Representatives and seemed to circulate it when Japan apologized so as to be too enough.
128)When Shinzo Abe who took office as September, 06, the Prime Minister "was received in Committee on the Budget of the next year by the opposition party when Japan did not reflect on former war if I did not apologize to Korea formally", it was approached.
When Prime Minister Abe "did not have to apologize unless it was based on an objective fact even if a bill was approved in the U.S. Lower House", I answered it clearly.
129)It is the moment when the Japanese Prime Minister denied it about the issue of charity dame formally for the first time.
Without Prime Minister Abe putting interval hair;, in "60, the step of Japan is appreciated after the war from the world". I diminish step of Japan, and does the member of the Diet assume it a state? It is to have cut deep from a genuine aspect resolutely whether you think Honda resolution to be right.
130)The one step issue of charity dame whom I saw whether I advanced was June 26, 07, the United States of America House Committee on Foreign Affairs, and the resolution that the Representative microphone Honda submitted it to was approved by 39 votes of agreement vs. two votes of objection.
The government turned busy from Abe to Fukuda and Aso in Japan, and the issue of charity dame has flown to the sky each time.