『 綿胞子 何を好んで 悪ふざけ 旅路の空に 舞う上げ雲雀 』
幼稚な老人 / Childish old man
88) 三週間後にAnnalynのビザが届きフライトも5月19日に決定した。
89) 強行すれば物笑いの種になるばかりか、関係者に多大な迷惑をかける上に、大きな違約金を要求されてしまう。違約金は幾らだと開き直った。
90) 最後はAnnalynが日本行きの意思表示を宣告し渋々納得したが、こんな神経でこの国の女と生活できるか心配になった。
91) こうした状況の中で、『 永谷氏が若い女性を車に閉じ込め、アンティポロの山中を長時間に渡って連れ回した。』 こんな噂がキャディーさん達の間で囁かれ始めた。
知らん顔も出来ないのでゴルフ帰りに、永谷氏に事実関係を問い質すと、“ そんな事もあった ”と薄ら笑を浮かべ素直に認めたのです。
92) 彼の説明では、ホテルへ連れ込むのが難しかったので、カー・セックスでもと思い、適当な場所を見付けるのに苦労したのだと遂に笑い出した。
93) 見合いの当日に関係を迫った件もそうだが、今回の事などを考え合わせると、永谷氏の女性に対する欲情の中には、謀り知れない異分子が生息していることを痛感したのです。
そして、〝 別れた女房は女郎屋の女 〞だったと、嘲笑った彼の表情が脳裏に焼き付いて、背筋がゾクゾク音を立てる様な悪寒を覚えた。
94) 二度目と云う事もあって Annalyn も今回は、問題を起こさず帰国し数日が過ぎたある日、帰った筈なのに彼女から何の連絡もない。
95) その翌日だったと思いますが、Annalynが事務所へ帰国報告に訪れた。
永谷氏との六ヶ月間を話した上で、“ 約束の精算金支払が完了するまでは、決して先走った真似は慎む様に ”念を押したが、山中でのカー・セックスの噂は些かに切り出せなかった。
96) 次の日にAnnalynの母親が永谷氏の訪問を受けた事を告げに来た。
『 借金は綺麗にするし家を買ってやるから文句は無いだろう 』 と執拗に念を押したらしい。
97) 頭に血が上ったと思う。気が付くと受話器に向かって乱暴に文字盤を叩いていた。
『 本当の気持ちを伝えたまでだ。鶏小屋の様な家で生活しているのだから、内心では喜んでいるに違いない。体裁を作っているのだろう。』 これが永谷氏の回答でした。
98) 2005年も終わりに近づくと、Annalynとの具体的な話が軌道に乗ったと見え、永谷氏から久しぶりに上機嫌の電話が掛かりました。
99) 三十分もしない内に顧問弁護士から連絡が入る。
Childish old man
「This English sentence is machine translation. Please forgive the joint of the ignorance.」
88) A visa of Annalyn arrived three weeks later, and the flight was decided on May 19, too.
I said that Nagaya stopped going in Japan suddenly.
He babbled out the lines like the child without flinching really when it could not stand to spend alone a half year when Annalyn became absent.
Of course cancellation cannot come true for such a reason.
89) Not only it becomes the laughingstock if I force it, but also gives the person concerned a great trouble and is required big cancelation cost. If the cancelation cost was how much, I assumed a defiant attitude.
It is how to speak not to be against will at all to have called for help.
Such a Japanese was not able to help the practically slight loneliness that existed while being disgusted with a naughty old man.
90) Finally, Annalyn sentenced you to declaration of intention for Japan and understood unwillingly, but I could live a life with the woman of this country with such a nerve or began worrying.
Six months when she left the country were the days when looked like a baby-sitter of Nagaya.
When it is called almost every day by golf and can turn to the story for money of adjustment processing because I am too biting, I shut a mouth like a shellfish.
91) "I was with enclosure, the heart of a mountain of Antipolo for a long stretch of time and, in such situation, passed the woman that Nagaya was young to the car" Such a rumor has begun to be whispered among caddies.I admitted that the indifference asked Nagatani about facts for a golf return because I could not do it obediently to suppress "which there could be as for the" such thing and the thing which I laughed at.
92) Because it was difficult to bring you to the hotel by his explanation, even as for the car sexual intercourse, I thought and roared with laughter when I had a hard time though I found a suitable place.
At the age of the girl whom it brought to the office, it seemed to be sweet to have thought that it would be a sudden whim out of frustration at the time when a heart could waver in the talk about breaking up with the wife.
93) The matter that I pressed for relations on the day of the marriage meeting was so, but keenly realized that foreign elements I planned it, and not to be able to know inhabited in the passion for the woman of Nagaya when I considered this time.
And when the wife that ,〝 parted was woman 〞 of the whorehouse, his expression that I laughed at was branded on the mind and learned the chills that ice seemed to glide on the back.
94) Though I may say the second, and Annalyn goes back without raising a problem this time, and a few days should have returned on past one day, there is not what communication from her.
Nagaya called with a great angry look. I suppress a voice while becoming ムッ for an instant if the office does not have the communication either.
I muttered at the other side of the receiver whether there would not be mind to become a bride.
95) The; thought the next day, but Annalyn came in a return home report to the office.
The action that was never advanced pushed the "sense until money of adjustment payment of the" promise completed it after having talked about six months with Nagaya to be careful, but the rumor of the car sexual intercourse in mountains was not able to slightly cut and bring it down.
The feelings that seemed to betray her ached for some reason.
96) I came to tell that mother of Annalyn had a visit from Nagaya on the next day.
When "there would not be the words because the debt cleaned it and bought a house", I seemed to remind you obstinately.
It is very unpleasant for a parent and wears a complaint when I feel uneasiness in letting you marry.
The ashamed state of mind will be what is for it at such time.
97) I think that I flew off the handle. I beat the clockface towards a receiver violently when I noticed.
"It is just that I conveyed a true feeling". Because I live in the house such as the henhouse, I must be pleased in the heart. I will make appearance This was an answer of Nagaya.
It is the thing which laughter sounded like for a while slightly on the other side of the receiver which treated another person with contempt in a usual state.
98) It seemed that a concrete story with Annalyn got on track when coming to an end in 2005, and a cheerful telephone hung after a long absence from Nagaya.
Because the lines that were unreasonable when I worried about nothing came, I always went when I required handling of money of adjustment and have hung up one-sidedly. It was a really dirty man.
99) I get a contact from a legal adviser before I do it for 30 minutes.
Nagaya was belonging to the caddie of the golf course and seemed to say that I wanted you to make the documents which purchased a house.
I was not able to grasp the whole story of the thing for an instant. I think that there was it as a baud for a while.
I answered it that I wanted you to make documents in the name of Annalyn, but the resentment that was intense vortex went up at a stretch.