Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ
ഏ However, the content made public as a president of all Toyota Motor in the United States assembly was the one saying,
'The management company with the power to make decisions of the same case in the major city in the world with the headquarters was established, and arrogant management to disregard the customer was swept away'.
ഏ However, the content made public as a president of all Toyota Motor in the United States assembly was the one saying,
'The management company with the power to make decisions of the same case in the major city in the world with the headquarters was established, and arrogant management to disregard the customer was swept away'.
This image is quite different to the commitment. It has the memory reported that oneself and media are the apology pilgrimages.
When a perverse idea was done, this image was another one the outline of the commitment, and was not able to read consideration at all the person in the United States related to the accident the dealing by backdoor means of the economic effect priority.
ഏ I thought that it was the media of definite Germany, but when this was not an apology at all, I opened both hands exaggeratedly and shrank a neck like a tortoise, and what a wink did towards a camera was impressive.
Because Russia and China are not accidents resulting in injury or death that occurred at home, but will you think that you do not matter?
Even if economy took first priority, I thought to be a really mysterious phenomenon.
Even if economy took first priority, I thought to be a really mysterious phenomenon.
ഏ だが、全トヨタ自動車の社長として米議会で宣言した内容は、『 世界の主要都市に本社と同格の決定権を持った管理会社を配置し、顧客のニーズに合った営業方針を徹底させ、ごう慢な経営は直ちに一掃する』と云うものだった。
ഏ 確かドイツのメディアだったと思うが、これはお詫びではなく自社宣伝だと、大げさに両手を広げ亀の様に首を竦め、カメラにウインクしたのは印象的でした。