第七章・河野談話の裏話 / Inside story of the Kono statement
52)これを良い事に他方では、吉田清治の捏造物語を題材に 「 実録奴隷狩り 」 などの題名で頻繁にテレビ番組が制作された。
53)金泳三大統領はこうした国内の世論を逆手に取って、 「 このままでは民衆を押さえきれない。今後は賠償金の請求をしないから、日本軍が強制連行した事だけ認めろ 」、と日本政府に迫っていたらしい。
60)96年・日本では中学歴史教科書に、「 従軍慰安婦は日本軍による強制連行 」 と掲載された。
Chapter 7 Inside story of the Kono statement
51)When Prime Minister Miyazawa visited Korea, the charity dame was volunteer corps in Korea, and an idea that it was forced by the Japanese military has already settled among the nations.
When I took it in the group which assumed suit an occupation against Japanese Government, there would not be the so delicious story because Kawano statement was announced after the Japanese Prime Minister came without permission to Korea, and having apologized.
A suspect has accepted a crime without permission.
52)"Authentic record slave hunting" was dramatized about a forgery story of Seiji Yoshida in the other frequently by the thing that was good in this.
It becomes difficult I chase even the honest person who knows the prewar fact when it becomes in this way, and to advocate it and an objection.
The Korean ambassador of time to Japan just told the truth and was oppressed when it is pro-Japanese, and it is preached a job by President Kimuyonsamu.
53)The Kimuyonsamu President takes such a domestic public opinion underhand; and "in this situation cannot suppress the people". I seemed to approach in future in the Japanese Government when I admitted only that the Japanese military took you because I did not demand the ransom.
The then Nobuo Ishihara secretariat Deputy Secretary talks about there having been secret room diplomacy with Korea in answer to an interview of the Sankei Newspaper
54)The Japanese Government seemed to hear the testimony of former charity dame ten several whom the Korean government prepared for before reaching the Kono statement under such situation, but was that the hearing investigation to women was not ordinary.
Neither the cross question nor the inspection was permitted them at all by the Japanese side, and only the forcible escort by the military and words to say seemed to fly from their mouth.
55)It was that Yano deliberation general managers of Ministry of Foreign Affairs participated in the then Vice Chief Cabinet Secretary Ishihara beginning, but the Korean government did not destroy the outline when there was the forcible escort of the Japan forces since before an investigation.
Therefore it is overwhelmed by a forced attitude of Korea and says in conformity with historical view of Chief Cabinet Secretary Kono after return home when I worship you and have given ancient people to a beast of the sexual desire.
56)A serious crime to be able to put for the Kawano statement is to have received a Korean cunning fixed idea easily.
The fact of the forcible escort faded whenever I repeated an investigation.
It is that I am right, and brought about a false accusation that I entrapped a countryman in guilt while knowing that a citizen and the public servant of the situation that should protect the government official of the suspect are innocent.
The thing which I saw there was naked real nature of the cold-blooded egoism that neither the blood nor the tears had.
57)Another role that Kawano statement served as will be to have become the breakwater where nobody can deny a forgery of Seiji Yoshida and the Asahi Shimbun.
It does not need the special effort if I expect a really Japan-Korea friendship. The truth easily becomes clear if I inspect the article of the Jeju newspaper so as to be disappointing.
Both government kept off even such a thing for dozens of years.
I look like only a ready-made lace in the situation of we Japanese citizens.
58)Because the Japanese Government where was framed as distinction regrets even a so simple effort in the Korean government, and a rose sprinkles the tax of the nation unlimitedly, the truth is lost in the deep darkness that the hand does not reach more and more.
The Korean textbook specified a charity dame with girl volunteer corps and was considered to be a charity dame to the girl who did not reach the menarche, and a forgery was placed when I suffered the sex slave.
59)An act of the Japanese Government is slander for ancient people and will not be equal to the treason for the nation either?
If the government and a bureaucrat do not show posture to protect the mother country, it is the nation who is sovereign, but, as for what there remained, will the hungry mind that the Korean has stay to us who coveted peace after defeat for nearly 70 years?
60)"The charity dame was placed in the junior high school history textbook with the forcible escort by the Japanese military" in 96, Japan.
While the student who learned this and the person who did not learn it live in the present together, I have the same trouble.
I solve this contradiction and prove it and may persuade how many seniors as expected.
The evil of the Kono statement breathes in such a place.