Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ
ഏ President Akio Toyota, this have it each other and ask you a question other than a thing obstinately because they are important. What did only the maintenance man who took the photograph of the accident of evidence report the cause by which the bolt broke would be to the head office!! The clear reply was not got from Ms. Furuno which also gave her name to Section Head Harada's document as the person in charge, either.
ഏ It is proof that the employee of Toyota Motor did not feel efforts at the U.S. Congress public hearing which President Toyoda made even the tear spread and was explained not at all. Section Head Harada, not to mention it, and Ms. Furuno must be the responsibility sections on overseas and for an accident! The staff denied the president, your act and pledge. You were despised by the subordinate who was equal to the rank and file.
ഏ 豊田章夫社長、これはお互いに取りまして事のほか重要なので執拗に質問いたします。 事故の証拠写真を撮っただけの整備員が、ボルト損折の原因を本社へ何と報告したのですか!! 原田室長の書面にも担当者を名乗ったフルノ女史からも明快な回答は頂けませんでした。
ഏ 豊田社長が涙まで滲ませ弁明なさった米議会公聴会でのご苦心を、トヨタ自動車の社員は何とも感じていなかった証拠です。 それどころか原田室長とフルノ女史は、海外における事故担当の責任部門のはず!その職員が社長、貴方の行為と公約を否定した。貴方は平社員に等しい部下に舐められたのです。