『貧しさに 夢膨らませ 背伸びする 流れる雲に 明日を託して』
皆が貧しかった / Everybody was poor
44) この国では彼女達のことを関係者までがJAPAYUKIと称し、日本でも彼女達を〝 なんだ、フィリピンのタレントか? 〞と隠語で呼ぶ人が多かった。
45) 否、経験者の他にはとても理解できない筈です。
46) 細かく説明いたします。
タレント養成で最初に出て行く必要経費は、彼女達が自宅からプロモーションへ、面接にやって来る時の往復交通費 ( 同伴者を含み、不採用でも支払う )です。これが馬鹿にならない。
47) 採用すると大半の少女達は、その日からプロモーションの寮に住み込むのです。
48) 並行して、住民票、卒業証明書、就学成績表、クリスチャン証明書、健康診断書が必要となりますが、七割の娘たちが手元に重要書類を保管していない。
49) その間に訓練が始まり、歌手の場合は歌唱レッスン代、( カセット・テープ代、カラオケ・テープ代、マイクロホン代など )、踊子の場合は舞踏レッスン代、( レッスン曲テープ代、タイツとシューズ代 )が掛かります。
50) 真面目に頑張った娘でも六か月、平均では一年間の時間と動力とお金を掛けて、資格試験を受ける準備が整う訳です。
51) 訓練を開始してから日本へ出国するまでに、どんなに優秀な娘でも一年間は無収入の状態になります。
52) ですから途中で逃げたり、妊娠したり、少しでも手数料の安い話に惑わされ、借金を平気で踏み倒し引き抜かれて行く。
Everybody was poor
「This English sentence is machine translation. Please forgive the joint of the ignorance.」
44) There were many people who called them by whether it was a Philippine talent secret language the person concerned in them in Japan under the pretense of JAPAYUKI in this country.
I surely needed patience as it was unbelievable and time and an expense to train the talent even if there was the incorrigible part even if looked down.
I may not understand their actual situation at all only by having bitten some these countries.
45) It may be hardly understood other than no, an experienced person.
It will be some kind of mistakes from the day when I founded a talent training school. There is not such a reason. It is not counted whether it is the thing which did dozens of times of such whether I may be stupid and stand clenching very much now.
I was not able to understand all for our common sense and should have said an event of another world False with one can be false with two.
However, it was not quite possible to find a sense to say if ashamed from the behavior about a commonplace at all when it took you as them.
46) I explain it finely.
The cost to leave is coming and going transportation expenses when they do it for an interview from the home to promotion by the talent training first (I include a companion and pay even non-adoption). This is never negligible.
As for six people, I brought five families when I became a terrible daughter and was to an insensitive woman to bring to a child and a man.
47) You must pay room rent to live from the day when I adopt it, meal charges, the water expenses for lighting and fuel, life article charges, sanitary protection charges, return transportation expenses of the weekend.
In the case of a poor family, the person himself suggested the cost of living of the family at this point in time, and it was not unusual at all for mother to propose money borrowed in advance routinely.
It is the true sad story such as the lie.
48) A resident's card, a certificate, an attendance at school report card, a Christian certificate, a medical examination report are necessary in parallel, but daughters of 70% do not keep it at hand.
In addition, a registration of a birth ground is unidentified and may not submit the registration of a birth and needs four months before all are prepared, and pay and transportation expenses and the meal charges of people moving each time disappear almost every day.
49) Meanwhile, training begins and, in the case of a singer, in the case of song lesson charges, (including cassette tape charges, karaoke tape charges, microphone charges), a dance girl, takes dance lesson charges, (lesson music tape charges, tights and shoes charges).
Because an office paid all expenses, cash disappeared like water.
50) Even the daughter who did her best seriously hangs time of one year and power and money for six months on the average and is ready reason to receive a qualifying examination.
An average of four times of one faced an examination to pass this qualifying examination, but of course the person who became unacceptable put on 30% even if I took an entrance examination for it how many times.
There is no end to a daughter missing on the way and the daughters becoming pregnant.
51) Even how excellent daughter is the state of no income for one year before she leaves the country to Japan after starting training.
350,000 yen did not fall at least when I added up debts such as the disease medical bill of the child, the cost of living of the family and might reach 1 million yen when it was not so.
It is to think nothing at all of this reality that they are great. I do not think money to be money and do not think unless it is money to disappear from one's wallet even if it is a debt.
Therefore I train a parent to be a sick person unconcernedly and repeat a debt and avoid paying it. There was often what a parent took part in.
52) Therefore I escape on the way and become pregnant and am pulled up unconcernedly to the cheap place of the fee.
Because evaded one was the reason why large sum of money disappeared, it was made a fuss, and trouble did not die out all the time.
In addition, the, ascertaining it was one of the serious trouble because the daughter who went to the promotion for the purpose of satisfying hunger was considerably in them.
Philippine girls who appeared to a Japanese nightclub pass through such a process and acquire an entertainer license and are reason permitted an entry visa by the Japanese Government.