
Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.70

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

When I scold you, and it was encouraged by father when I cannot but make limit good faith of one's power from the messenger of the overseas room, it is told and thinks that I felt a hot thing on eyes in an instant.
From a soldier of Toyota Asia, I received an obstinate repair request according to words of the person himself and have begun to feel some agony.

I threw what you did for the charges car of the whole the period trap of ill-natured words once when I sent an accident vehicle on inspection from me.where the rental car costs are not necessary because they change an axis supporting front wheel entirely.

Sense of the regret that showered a certain sense of let-down and unnecessary questions on an immediate answer intersected.


一度だけ私の方から事故車両を検査に出したら、その期間中の代車はどうするのかと意地悪な言葉の罠を投げてみました。〝前輪を支えている軸をそっくり交換するから代車は必要ない 。 即座の回答にある種の失望感と、余計な質問を浴びせた後悔の念とが交差しました。

Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.69

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

Even if one bolt was not enough in the beginning of the thing if I reconsidered it, the influence began from words that there was not it for a run. As for the next, it was crushed all written inquiries in an overseas room, and the harassment of the local corporation began.
It was the continuation that was in state that there was not it in time to brave a false evidence act of General Manager Harada, flattery false evidence and the breath of the girl employee either this time when I carried out direct appeal to President Toyoda without standing.

The talks with the telephone were repeated several times, but were a story of the harmony solution by the repair of the bolt which was broken with the two people throughout afterwards.
It never reached it that a conversation extended to the investigation caused by the fact of the bolt buckling up because there was not it before it shook my heart. A method to push forward a story theoretically even if I made them would not be found.

思い返してみればことの発端は、ボルトが一本足りなくても走行に影響はないとの言葉だった。 次はすべての質問書を海外室で握りつぶされ、現地法人の嫌がらせが始まった。

ボルト折れの原因究明に会話がおよぶことは一度もなかったので、私の心を揺さぶるまでには至りませんでした。 彼らにしても理論的に話を進める方法が見つからなかったのでしょう。