Unexpected development / 意外な展開
I took approximately one week and picked candidate several brides from the day while getting cooperation of Annalyn. Furthermore, character was serious and chose Miss Laila Carata which did not have the personal and few manager of the debt from that. Annalyn cooperated like one's thing.
A marriage meeting of Nagatani and Laila was carried out at a Japanese restaurant at 7:00 p.m. on April 25. However, this plan did not succeed. I heard it as a sequel, but Nagatani was in the middle of seeing Laila and was to have pressed it for relations when the debt took it over and bought a house.
And before obtaining an official answer from Laila; Nagatani because "do not hear that say even if that woman provokes it, is no use". I said, I made the woman who was same as at the time of marriage meeting. Annalyn had the work of the office and declined it with saying that it was visa wait state, but did not hear my words.
更にその中から性格が真面目で借金が少なく、個人マネージャーを持たないLaila Carata嬢に白羽の矢を立てた。Annalynは自分の事の様に協力してくれました。
そして、Laila嬢から正式回答を得る前に、長谷氏が『 あの女は誘っても言う事を聞かないから駄目だ。見合いの時一緒だった女にしてくれ 』と云って来た。
Annalyn は事務所の仕事があり、ビザ待ち状態であるからと断ったが、私の言葉など耳に入らなかったのです。