第九章・マイク・ホンダ氏 / Mr. Mike Honda
『 大東亜戦争中に日本軍が、若い女性を性的奴隷として強制した事に対し、日本政府は明白にその行為を認めた上で謝罪し、歴史的な責任を受け入れる事を求める 』、
76)名前が示す通り日系三世の彼は日本名を本田実と言う。41年6月17日 カリフォルニア州生まれであった。
「 日本の総理大臣は戦争や慰安婦問題に関し、アジア各国と慰安婦達に心から謝罪と反省を示している」と本質には触れず、これ以上なにを謝罪するのだと開き直ったのである。
Chapter 9 Mr. Mike Honda
74)A resolution to say when "I demanded that the Japanese Government apologized for the Japanese forces having forced a young woman as a sexual slave during Greater East Asia War after having recognized the act clearly and accepted historic responsibility" from a representative from microphone Honda of January 31, 07, the Lower House, U.S.A. was submitted.
This kind of article was submitted to a past five times and was rejected.
75)In brief, it is secondhand information of Korea.
I am assigned to the issue of charity dame who is not sure whether it is a fact several years before 60 either and say that I apologize to Japanese Government and the nation.
Based on the testimony of the charity dame unlike the inspected historic fact, I really give it an order when I withdraw the past dictum that the compulsion by the military did not have Japanese Government entirely.
76)The boyfriend of the Sansei calls the Japanese name Minoru Honda as the name shows it.
I was born in California on June 17, 41. In those days that were a representative from state of California, the issue of Nanjing Massacre and charity dame investigated war crimes of Japan, and the resolution to hold it to account was it in the voted results.
I would have a connection with the overseas Chinese from this time.
77)With the document of the election administration center, it was a representative from Democratic Party of the 15th California ward election.
The executives of the American China system anti-Japan group where there is no his support mother's body in Koreans in an interesting thing, and the bond with the Chinese authorities is strong are often found.
This group objected in entering Japanese United Nations permanent member in 2005 and was the organization which collected the anti-Japan signatures of 42 million people.
78)I passed to a member of the House of Representatives since first election for six years in 2000, and I was around war and the history, the knob that seemed to be intended very much of the politics was strong by Japan bashing.
The issue of charity dame resolution who submitted it in 2006 was approved in the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, but it was thought that I revised contents based on withdrawn process this time and submitted a resolution again without turning around in a plenary session.
79)The Japanese Embassy upset by the movement of the representative from Honda in the United States accepts apology and words of the reflection written in the resolution and is disgusted because I say when I distribute Murayama statement and Koizumi statement to United States Lower House relations member of the Diet as an official document of the ambassador and turned around.
I assumed a defiant attitude without being able to touch essence when "the Japanese Prime Minister showed apology and reflection to each Asian country and charity dames about the issue of war and charity dame heartily" when I no longer apologized in what.
80)I can understand this act action for a countryman well emotionally if I write it down for the honor of the embassy staff residing in the United States.
I repelled the resolution of the representative from Honda and distributed the statement of Prime Ministers, and the Japanese Prime Minister resisted it when only this reflected on the apology properly.
It would be an appeal to tell not to maintain the bill of the representative from Honda at the same time to be certain threat.
81)However, it is a fundamentally big mistake if the embassy staff who is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs branch office where is full of bright people thinks about this with diplomatic negotiations.
Being usually devoted because such a problem to be related to at home is not originally taken up by the foreign assemblies as for the duty of the embassy staff is because is it.
I am very rude, and there is it, but the me is sure to be able to accomplish a duty better if I think that this degree is the duty of the embassy.
Probably it will be that the member of the House of Representatives who had a document from the ambassador in its hand realized it again when the Japanese Prime Minister accepts the forced participation of the military.