
愛しき祖国のために / For the dear mother country No.11

これも平和ぼけ / This becomes dim peacefully, too






49)A picked member of the Diet controls town administration or municipal administration and I am connected to same kind members of the Diet and move prefectural government in this way. This local politics power finally speaks to the government.
The polity of our country forming a handbill mitt hides the fault that order is changed into once, doing it all the time is not assigned to. I understand it in now if I watch a meeting of the revolution closely.

50)While I spent 30 years laughing whether most of the Japanese citizens might be such fools, they interlaced legal illegality and were able to go ahead through the Japanese aggression steadily.
This tenaciousness cannot compete with the present Japanese. The evidence is Takeshima occupied illegally and is the act of the Prime Minister who I turn my back on the nation, and threw 5 trillion yen to Korea.

51)If even a protection of human rights bill is passed again, the pure Japanese disappears let alone speech if going out is .
I only warned the unseemly manner of Korea, Korean residing in Japan, and I may be arrested for the tax of the nation by the police officer whom I employed,
I receive an investigation to an assessor (prosecutor) of the protection of human rights station that parachuted from Ministry of Justice and am sent to a prison.

52)Their tenaciousness cannot be measured in common sense of Japanese. There is not the unreasonableness, too. We did not learn Korea, but the Korean learned Japan as an enemy country.
Therefore it is really invaded the mother country only by criticizing their behavior. I do and return politics to a kind of Japanese as soon as possible and am to guarantee the right appropriate for them.

53)I muttered once, but the feelings to say when I am without shoes, and it was polluted the territory by them will not disappear before even if a politician cleans the past using sophism no matter how well either.
Both the charity dame image and the Takeshima aggression are the symbols. When it is aggression, the new Prime Minister declares the past rule, and the thing indicating the attitude of Japan is the first thing to do towards the world like Korea.

愛しき祖国のために / For the dear mother country No.10

静かな侵略の始まり / Opening of quiet aggression

決論としはソノベ・アツオ?裁判長(親が在住韓国・朝鮮人 )が却下しだが、25年後に見直すと云う附則を付けた。この意味を深くお考え下さい。

45)25年後の確か福田政権の時だったと思うが、政府は国政参政権を与える代わりに、子孫の代までと言う在日特権を「永久在日特権 」に格上げしてしまった。

46)これで勢いづいた在日の人達は、自分達の論理に矛盾を感じた国政参選権から地方参政権へと要求を転換し、定住韓国・朝鮮人の不法行為を「永久在日特権 」の御旗で隠した。

47)この様な事情から「永久在日特権 」を持たない定住在日韓国朝鮮人が、複数の通名を使い健康保険証、生活保護証明、在日援助証明を取得し、違法に権利受給が可能となったのでしょう。


44)I file a suit when I give government franchise because the group of residence Korea, Koreans having this special privilege residing in Japan pays the tax in 1965.
The Sonobe Atsuo presiding judge (Korea, Korean resident a parent) rejected assuming it a decision theory and but touched an additional clause to say when I reviewed it 25 years later. Please think about this meaning deeply.

45)I thought that it was of the reliable Fukuda Administration 25 years later, but instead of giving you government franchise, the government has raised the staying in Japan special privilege which said to the charges of the descendant in "an eternity staying in Japan special privilege".
The eternity means an existence effect even after 1,000 years even after 100 years. It is petty suspicions, but an electoral district of Fukuda should be an area with much leading staying in Japan.
becomes. An election for last Kyoto mayor is a good example.

46)People encouraged in this residing in Japan switched a demand from three selections of government right which felt contradiction in their logic to local franchise and covered the wrongful conduct of domiciliation Korea, the Korean with the flag of "the eternity staying in Japan special privilege".
Because the Japanese school does not teach such a process, I see the police officer only to same staying in Japan special privilege Korea, Korean on the staff of the government office.

47)The domiciliation staying in Japan Korea Korean who did not have "a permanently special privilege residing in Japan" from such circumstances acquired a health insurance card, welfare proof, staying in Japan help proof using plural common names, and right receipt would be enabled illegally.
Please think it to have local franchise any further what kind of situation it

48)Because population decreases as much as it becomes the district, the election line falls down.
With that in mind, it cannot be distorted that the vote of several hundred votes of units residing in Japan controls election when a turnout seems to be under 50%.
I take it to them, and the political party is good anywhere. If it is a member of the Diet protecting their rights, I do not take care of even a rival in love.

愛しき祖国のために / For the dear mother country No.09

在日韓国朝鮮人の正体 / Real nature of the Korean residing


40)先ず在住韓国・朝鮮人と言われる人達は、日本が敗戦後まもなく連合国政府(米国マッカーサー元帥 )の指揮下で、賠償責任問題の一環として朝鮮半島への帰国を促した。



43)在住韓国・朝鮮人と言われる人達は、日本国憲法の基で正式に帰化し準日本人となった人が多い。正業に就き真面目に税金も払って生活していたから、子孫の代までは「在日特権 」の権利を与えられました。
いま話題の成りすまし日本人と言われる人達は、親が「在日特権 」を有する子孫です。

39)The Greater East Asia War past says the popular name of people who lived a life in Japan to people said to be Korea, Korean residing in Japan in a person mouth with residence Korea, a Korean.
I seem to call the people who entered Japan before and after the Korean War domiciliation Korea, a Korean, but, in addition, I enter Japan officially now, and a Korean repeating visa update exists.

40)I suggested individual security processing about the issue of charity dame as Japanese Government, but then Korea was terrible, and economic conditions were tight and reached the lump indemnification payment by a strong demand of the Korea government.
I was not able even to persist in a view forcibly, and our country governed by the government of victorious nation accepted a demand of the Korean government.

41)I suggested individual security processing about the issue of charity dame as Japanese Government, but then Korea was terrible, and economic conditions were tight and reached the lump indemnification payment by a strong demand of the Korea government.
I was not able even to persist in a view forcibly, and our country governed by the government of victorious nation accepted a demand of the Korean government.

42)People called domiciliation Korea, the Korean avoided being rolled up in the Korean War in disfavor with poverty. Counting on kith and kin, it is the human progeny who entered it illegally for own will for the purpose of escaping from military service.
The Japanese Government which was full of confusion by defeat processing goes to the states Korean Peninsula, and it never occurs in the Korea race which I abducted.

43)There are many people who people said to be residence Korea, a Korean are naturalized under the Constitution of Japan formally, and became the associate Japanese. Because I paid the tax about the honest business seriously and lived, it was given rights of "the staying in Japan special privilege" to the charges of the descendant.
People who I pretend to be it, and are said to be a Japanese of the topic are the descendants whom a parent has "a special privilege residing in Japan" now.

愛しき祖国のために / For the dear mother country No.08

TPPは化け物だ / TPP is a monster






34)I am clear at a glance if I watch a member of TPP than it. I occupy 80% higher than of the business in Japan and United States and Australia.
Because a handout from Japan and the United States is a purpose, the remaining countries do not deserve the person ball of the abacus including the foreign demand from Asia that the government emphasizes either. Still Noda will force it.

35)Noda does not seem to be a Japanese naturalized in in the place that I examined. I think that it is important the Prime Minister forces the act that is equal to a traitor, and to know a state and the reason doing.
For example, I bend it for a threat and I pay the money and watched it, but, like Prime Minister each generation that is faintheartedness, the diplomatic relations do not improve for the better. It may be wisdom so as to call for help to Obama because there is no help for it.

36)Because many nations are tender, I will say that I am not out of order to there. Will you seem to carry it out?
I hardly think of the behavior after I become the Prime Minister to be it with the ordinary man.
Anyway, the withdrawal is never permitted if I participate once. All the remarks of the Prime Minister and the cabinet minister are lies. It is the fellow whom only an original bill producer can understand.
愛しき祖国のために / For the dear mother country No.09

37)The trade that is fair in the place that the thing which does not go well winds up a coil in both five countries and six countries, and made a group with the trade negotiation only for two intervals.
There is not at all the need a country possessing much quality to lose lowers the Prime Minister oneself pekoe head, and to participate in TPP so that foreign countries envy it like our country.

38)I break it and lend it, and the free trade will be necessary in the near future, too. I take time slowly and carefully and study the weak point of the country and I make the preparation one that it is a huge rock and I am after and am in time enough now.
Our country is sure that the economy makes ends meet with the status quo enough, thing unless the Democratic Party government makes an incompetent move.
It is the lie that a politician forged that Japan says a world's best debt country.

愛しき祖国のために / For the dear mother country No.07

韓国と朝鮮だけではない / Not only north Korea and Korea





30)For the mother country where I decline it, but the special privilege residing in Japan and the nuclear power generation and the tax increase object very much.
While our country suffers from the issue of nuclear power generation, a rose will totally sprinkle money dirty hard on Korea, Korean residing in Japan like other people's affairs. An election for mayor of Osaka and Kyoto shows it.
You breathe the same air as far as I live in Japan and cannot understand that I am destined to be exposed to radiation sometime soon.

31)The good soft breeze of the feel like the last time never blows to the existing President in the United States ahead of a presidential election if I compare these roots with domestic politics and negotiations with U.S.A.
Even if I am a staff officer of the Obama camp, I fry a flag of TPP towards Japan and will launch the set-piece firework which is a fight of the justice based on the name of the world peace toward the Middle Eastern sky.

32)The political diplomacy is such a thing after all, but unfortunately, in the government of our country, an important cabinet minister bleaches disgraceful behavior of the lack of experience including Prime Minister Noda.
I do not understand politics and a diplomatic basic idea at all. It is that Obama should give off the interpretation that is advantageous to one's election after in finishing it if I do not do only an opposite expression for the United States.

33)If Noda really signs TPP without having such strength of personality, it is and will fall down to the American local government in the past invaded by the Korea race.
At first agriculture water business catches the severely wounding and will depend on import for most food more than now. If even war breaks out, Taiwan and Thailand and Malaysia may help it, but China and Korea turn to the side. I am reliable.