Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ
ഏ It was anger of mother to tell the great founder of an excellent company to be extremely impolite. An event touched than such a thing happened. It is that the invitation such as the dream please to say when I take a test for employment of Toyota if graduation is decided reached it from the general affairs department of Toyota Motor Corporation the one and a half years later.
ഏ For a strong demand of mother finding employment graduated from a university, and to tell I was after, and not to be late either, I did not realize the goodwill of your grandfather. However, the mind of warm consideration to be considerate of another person of the great person who cannot express it and the bottomless attachment for one's company is still branded on my heart by the words.
ഏ 立派な会社の偉い創業者に無礼きわまりないと云うのが母の怒りだったが、そんなことよりもっと心を打たれた出来事が起こった。その一年半後にトヨタ自動車の総務部から、卒業が決ったらトヨタ自動車の入社試験を受けてはどうか、と云う夢のようなお誘いが届いたのです。
ഏ 就職は大学を卒業してからでも遅くないと云う母の強い要望で、貴方のお祖父様のご好意は実現しなかった。然し、言葉では言い表せない偉大な人物の、他人を思いやる温かな心配りや、己の会社に対する底知れぬ愛着の精神は、今も私の心に焼き付いております。