Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ
ഏ I who returned to the Philippines reviewed the whole circumstances about the accident of this time between about two weeks. Although most was a repetition of the verification about its fault, the necessity of resigning oneself as it is was not able to be found.
There is nothing with how often simultaneously and acquaintances' advice and laughing voice crossed by mind.
ഏ Since I, the victim, hurt my heart this much even if it made it Ms. Furuno he insisted that is a person in charge, a boss's command could be said and imagined surely that it was probably a bad thought of aftertaste. And it opted for presentation of the written inquiry again to Mr. Akio Toyoda, realizing anew the fear of the company which calls it Toyota Motor.
ഏ フィリピンへ戻った私は、二週間ばかりのあいだ今回の事故に関する顛末のおさらいをしました。殆どが自分の落ち度に関する検証の繰り返しだったが、このまま泣き寝入りする必要性を見付け出せなかった。同時に幾度となく知人たちのアドバイスと笑い声が脳裏で交差しておりました。
ഏ 自分が担当者だと言い張ったフルノ女史にしても、被害者の私がこれだけ心を痛めたのだから、上司の命令とは申せ、さぞ後味の悪い想いだったであろう事を想像しました。そして、トヨタ自動車と云う企業の恐ろしさを改めて実感しながら、豊田章夫氏にふたたび質問書の提出を決意したのです。
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