
Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.10

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

  English ofBolt accuracy inspection data reached from the Toyota Motor Philippines several days later.

Is this a response of Toyota Motor to which Japan boasts to the world?It was feelings to have the dream of old Hollywood picture. Did the person of temporary transfer understand all, too? I stared at the ceiling darkly when I noticed. 

It was with the vague, but felt that I had watched real nature and an evil of the globalization at the same time.

A human being is different in everybody sense of values. You may have various plans. But this too bad is not business.

However, it is the big company where Japan catches cold if Toyota sneezes in now, but I run it and I am patient and repeat support from the times of a hateful corona car, and it is Japan, public people that pushed up Toyota Motor Corporation in the current position.
Because Akio Toyoda is still young, I will not know it.

  数日後トヨタ自動車フィリピンから、『 ボルト精度検査データー 』  の英文が届きました。

これが日本の誇るトヨタ自動車の対応なのか? 古いハリウッド映画を見ている気分だった。出向者も総てを承知していたのか?! 気が付くとぼんやり天井を見詰めていた。


然し、今でこそ〝 トヨタがくしゃみをすれば日本が風邪をひく 大企業だが、あつかい憎いコロナ車の時代から辛抱強く支持を重ね、トヨタ自動車を現在の地位にまで押し上げたのは日本国、巷の民である。


Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 NO. 9

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

What is husband's true aim? Does the chronic complainer know? 』。

Whether to look at suitable when the power of the shoulder came off when there was not a communication from the part management section and the foreign countries room either and to manage it, an unbelievable violent language was poured on the home by the local staff. 

I felt that this was threat of Toyota Motor Corporation. I thought whether I did it to here.

ഏ The rank and file who are given neither no authority nor the responsibility. It is the people which do not understand even the distinction of a customer and the commoner. In the place that preached the need of the accident cause investigation to such a person, become the harm and is good for nothing. I persuaded oneself desperately.

I sent four written inquiry copies which I submitted to an overseas room in the past to the Toyota Motor Corporation Philippines.

ഏ 『 ご主人の本当の狙いは何だろう? クレーマーって知っているか? 』。


これはトヨタ自動車の恫喝であると感じました。 ここまでやるのかとも思いました。

ഏ 〝 何の権限も責任も与えられていない平社員。顧客と一般人の見分けすら心得ない輩だ。この様な者に事故原因究明の必要性を説いた処で、害にこそなれ何の役にも立たない 。 必死で自分に言い聞かせた。


Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 NO. 8

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

ഏ   Is your car that wherever is a problem to such an arrowhead? If the check is hoped, it sees in the nearby shop.  Such a report entered from the local staff in the Toyota Motor Philippines.

Whether it was hearing mistake at the moment was confirmed to the home. The struggled courage did not spring. An important point has gone mad. ?
I told this fact and the following question to the foreign countries room related to the customer at once. My request what is inconvenient, damage, and will disadvantage it to Toyota Motor? If what technology and the connection are used to manage this problem promptly, is the way of the urgent solution opened? 』. 

It is Toyota Motor Corporation of the world even if artificial.  I felt that I was too poor even if I made the correspondence to a mere customer partner.

ഏ そんな矢先に貴方の車は何処に問題があるのか? チェックを望むなら近くの販売店で見てやると、トヨタ自動車フィリピンの現地スタッフから連絡が入りました。

一瞬、何かの聞きまちがいではないか家内に確認した程です。 取り合う勇気も湧きませんでした。何処か大事なところが狂っている!?

私は直ちにこの事実と新しい質問を顧客関連海外室へ通知いたしました。『 私の要請はトヨタ自動車にどの様な不都合と被害や損害を与えるのでしょう? この問題を速やかに処理して貰うためには、どんなテクニックなりコネクションを用いたら、早期解決の道が開かれるのですか? 』。 


Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 NO. 7

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

 " I do not remember that the extremely easy accident met with a past in this way as the user who changed Toyota car ". Based on the judgment of the expert, I carried out the precision of the part and extreme inspection and called whether it was lot blurring of simple part in itself when I wanted you to teach whether the strength by the slip-up was short.

The answer from the part management section charge director did not reach though it waited by getting tired of waiting.

It did not become possible to be necessary to investigate strictly, and for me to think that the value, the responsibility, and the obligation passed enough if the installation place of the bolt and the importance of the role were considered if it gave voice though one bolt merely broke.

『 トヨタ車を乗り継いで来たユーザーとして、この様に極めて安易な事故は、過去に遭遇した記憶がありません。専門家のご判断を基に、部品の精度や強度の検査を実施し、単なる部品自体のロットぶれなのか、手違いによる強度不足なのか教えて頂きたい 』、と要請をしました。


言葉にすれば、 単にボルト一本が折れただけのことだが、ボルトの装着場所と役目の重要性を考慮すれば、厳密なる調査が必要であり、その価値も責任も義務も充分すぎると私には思えてならなかったのです。

Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 NO. 6

 Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

The friend in Japan looked up at the telephone number of the Toyota Tokyo headquarters. Support was received as inquired of the Toyota headquarters at the end when the phone call was transferred to various posts, and the telephone was forwarded to the post in about six places by the Toyota headquarters.

When having started giving it up, the operator muttered that there was a foreign countries room related to the customer in Nagoya City.

I was exposed to an unpleasant question rapidly at this post, but was how to handle like the suspect who received an investigation from a detective. I have you teach an FAX number and transmit a letter of question to ( post ignorance ) to Mr. part management Officer director somehow. 

I attached the report copy which they sent to the Toyota Motor Corporation Philippines, and I was particular, and the contents spelled the whole story before reaching it at the present.  Will there be really the answer?

ഏ 日本の友人にトヨタ東京本社の電話番号を調べてもらった。いろんな部署へ電話が回された末、豊田本社へ問い合わせる様に支持を受け、豊田本社でも六ヶ所くらいの部署へ電話が転送された。


ഏ この部署でも不愉快な質問を矢継ぎ早に浴びた。何とかFAX番号を教えて頂き、部品管理部門担当重役氏宛(部署不明 )に質問状を送信しました。


Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 NO. 5

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

 A certain out day when only two weeks passed, All your characters cannot be understood because of Japanese though the report was received. It was made to hear that a strange report entered from the local people employee from the home.

I was completely a singular tale though I had to have sent the settlement book to Japanese workers on loan.

It will contact the Toyota Motor Philippines the next day. The answer with 'It would try to call the telephone tomorrow because a person in charge and a Japanese staff were absent' was repeated. With whom were not you able to come in contact though contacted the next day? 

I thought that I might run away why. Can do nothing but it be consulted about to the headquarters about the leaving method?

  二週間ばかり過ぎた外出中のある日、『 報告書を受け取ったが、全て日本語のため貴方のキャラクターが理解出来ない 』、と現地人社員から変な連絡が入ったと家内から聞かされました。


翌日トヨタ自動車フィリピンへ連絡する。『 担当者も日本人スタッフも不在なので、明日にでも電話を掛け直す様に 』、との返事が繰り返されました。 翌日も連絡をとったが、どなたとも接触できなかった。

どうして逃げるのだろうと思いました。 残された方法は本社へ相談するしかないのか!?

Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 NO. 4

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

ഏ  The answer to Toyota Motor Sales was, "a run did not have influence at all".  An answer, "I submitted an investigation application to me to promote when I wanted you to investigate it to run because you were uneasy as it if anxious" returned. 

However, the vendor has already finished the investigation request. I do not feel the sign taken up no matter what it speaks. It was emptiness that was not able to be indescribably divided.

I made a whole story book and reported it to the Toyota Motor Corporation Philippines for a few days since I thought.

I wrote, "I wanted I inspected a broken bolt immediately in a special department, and an axle fixation bolt did not such easily compromise at the mileage of less than 36,600km and weight of my around 58kg in weight and to teach" it and added it.
I thought that I did not be excited a little for one's age.

ഏ トヨタ自動車販売の回答は、『 走行に全く影響ない 』、とのことでした。 運転するのに不安だから調査をしてほしいと促す私に、『 それほど心配なら調査申請書を提出しろ 』 との答えが返った。 


「 折れたボルトを早急に専門部署で検査し、36600 Km たらずの走行距離と、私の体重 58 Kg 程度の重量で、これほど簡単に車軸固定ボルトが折れてしまうものかを教えてほしい 」、と書き加えました。


Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 NO. 3

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

To the elderly person who steps on one foot and put it in the life of the extra, giving vigor and having led to the blog Twitter Facebook, it was global company Toyota Motor.

The becoming poor shoe bolt of the sedan which I owned several years ago suffered a loss during tire exchange in an occasion.

I reported it to the Toyota store, but it does it by an opening not to have been had anything to do at all.

ഏ   おまけの人生へ片足踏み入れた老人に精気を蘇えらせ、ブログ・ツイッター・フェイスブックへと誘ったのは、世界的企業トヨタ自動車でした。



Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 NO. 2

Bolt breaking of Toyota car /  トヨタ車のボルト折れ

The story placing here is a summary version of the contents that I muttered at Twitter.

The principle of profit supremacy forced globalization by a catchphrase. Stupid human self-importance by overconfidence multiplied there.

About the tyrannical morals change of the company which these arrogance walks alone, do not you have you think together?

The problem that I have is not a complaint for simple service being bad.

I include a lot of one possibility to be concerned with human life when wrong.

In addition, please permit the inconvenience because it is all machine English translation.

ഏ これから掲載いたしますお話は、私がツイッターで呟いた内容の総集編です。




