Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ
ഏ English of〝 Bolt accuracy inspection data 〞 reached from the Toyota Motor Philippines several days later.
ഏ English of〝 Bolt accuracy inspection data 〞 reached from the Toyota Motor Philippines several days later.
Is this a response of Toyota Motor to which Japan boasts to the world?! It was feelings to have the dream of old Hollywood picture. Did the person of temporary transfer understand all, too!? I stared at the ceiling darkly when I noticed.
It was with the vague, but felt that I had watched real nature and an evil of the globalization at the same time.
A human being is different in everybody sense of values. You may have various plans. But this too bad is not business.
However, it is the big company where Japan catches cold if Toyota sneezes in now, but I run it and I am patient and repeat support from the times of a hateful corona car, and it is Japan, public people that pushed up Toyota Motor Corporation in the current position.
Because Akio Toyoda is still young, I will not know it.
ഏ 数日後トヨタ自動車フィリピンから、『 ボルト精度検査データー 』 の英文が届きました。
これが日本の誇るトヨタ自動車の対応なのか? 古いハリウッド映画を見ている気分だった。出向者も総てを承知していたのか?! 気が付くとぼんやり天井を見詰めていた。
然し、今でこそ〝 トヨタがくしゃみをすれば日本が風邪をひく 〞大企業だが、あつかい憎いコロナ車の時代から辛抱強く支持を重ね、トヨタ自動車を現在の地位にまで押し上げたのは日本国、巷の民である。