
Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.54

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

Recall declaration in the U.S., President Toyoda's public hearing appearance, an apology to each country, an excuse pilgrimage and processing of a fine, the private settlement negotiation with a victim, etc. took the period of six months for your company to deal with these problems. Of course, no message was got from your company.
It is also six months which made the heart heavy at me.

The talk is returned.
A national staff handled it with responsibility without being inferior to the Ms. Furuno without being defeated by Harada and was said when I reported the cause of the bolt buckling up to a family. Then I have suffered it until a ticking off without showing any embarrassment when the cause that a problem did not solve was because I did not take the receiver on the telephone of the national staff.

米国でのリコール宣言、豊田社長の公聴会出頭、各国へのお詫びと言い訳行脚、制裁金の処理、被害者との示談交渉など、御社がこれらの問題を処理するのに六か月の期間を要しました。 もちろん御社からは何の連絡も頂けませんでした。私なりに心を重くした六カ月でもあります。


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