
Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.26

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

ഏ As for the cause that the accident problem of the Toyota car spreads to the open hearing of US Congress, United States Toyota did not accept the accident cause investigation request over repeated of the victim quite similarly to my event.   I hear that victims who run out of numbness seemed to be the results of moving Diet member in local because a too irresponsible, negligent attitude continues.

The friend told Toyota Motor to have declared the recall again though it was thought it was a certain January 25, 2010 when such every day was spent. 

I correctly thought that it was the street though it had a hearty laugh if penalty did not seem to be reduced in the place in which turnabout now.  Toyota Motor has become too haughty too much, and the mind to think a general customer to be one's clients might vanished if another expression is done.  


そんな日々を送る中で確か2010125日 だったと思いますが、トヨタ自動車がリコール宣言したことを再び友人が伝えて来た。

今更方向転換したところで、ペナルティーが軽減されるとは思えないと大笑いしていたが、正しくその通りだと思いました。 別の言い方をするならば、トヨタ自動車が余りにも尊大になり過ぎてしまい、一般の顧客をお得意先と思う心まで消え失せてしまった結果だろう。