
Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.23 

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ  

In addition, the explanation about the correspondence was the following thing.

About "the matter that a bolt was lost during tire exchange of Tamaraw in an occasion, cope in cooperation with an agency".   It was written now even if I did the arrangement that identified a car in an agency and dealers. 

The contents was soft expression, but was the answer book that showed off posture not to lend the edge to hear in the report from us to.

When "Toyota Motor Corporation was called from an American old friend in the middle of such exchanges between Toyota by American Congress public hearing", shocking information to say jumped. 

Malfunction occurred to the electric system of the prius car by the story of the friend, and it seemed to wake up an accident resulting in injury or death in the basis. Because the cause investigation and correspondence to a victim were insufficient, a public hearing seemed to be held.

I saw next day when I asked it to want a friend to examine the details, maintenance man two of the Toyota Laguna factory for confirmation by the bolt buckling up of the accident car.

The courtesy was right, but, surprisingly, I took five or six pieces of photographs and have just returned without I did not ask about the accident situation just to have brought one camera, and checking the rotation of the axle which a bolt curved to.

A family is any strange event as I look puzzled when I die and would come.  After all I was insincere in one's responsibilities, and General Manager Harada was a liar. 

I will say the useless administrator who is despised by the staff of the Toyota Motor Corporation Philippines if I talk in a different way.

タマラオのタイヤ交換中にボルトが折損されました件につきましては、代理店と協力し対応させていただいております。 現在、代理店及びディーラーにてお車を確認させていただく手配をしております 』と書いてありました。


トヨタとの間でこの様なやり取りの最中に米国の古い友人から、『 トヨタ自動車が米国議会公聴会に呼び出される 』と云う、衝撃的な情報が飛び込んできたのです。

友人の話ではプリウス車の電気系統に不具合が発生し、それが基で人身事故を起こしたらしい。 その原因究明と被害者への対応が不十分なために公聴会が開かれるとのことでした。

友人に詳細を調べて欲しい旨を依頼した翌日、トヨタ・ラグーナ工場の整備員が二人、事故車のボルト折れを確認に見えた。 礼儀は正しかったが驚いたことに、カメラ一台持参しただけで事故状況を質問する訳でもなく、ボルトが折れた車軸の廻りをチェックもせずに、写真を5,6枚撮ってそのまま帰ってしまった。

家内までが何しに来たのだろうと首を傾げるほどの珍事でした。 やはり原田室長は自分の職責に不真面目で嘘つきであった。


Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.22

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

〠 I wrote a document to a customer-related overseas general manager since a feeling waited to become quiet.

There was not at all the inevitability to make an absurd remark that I tried direct appeal to President Toyota expressly, and was rude. The local corporation is why and brandishes the last time and totally similar technique without a lie and a falsehood on your document and will make fun of me? Is it to imitate that I seem to play with us?

I appealed for these.

〠 The reply from General Manager Mr.Harada for my written inquiry was the following contents.

"I inform we field agency Toyota Motor Philippines and, about the proposal contents, order correspondence".

Seem to non-to have caused a turn about correspondence to Yamaguchi and is really sorry.

It was the too nasty-nice sentence that made a fool of another person as ever, but the willpower to take in good faith has been already lost by this answer. I was strong and felt whether I began to be angry whether I would not wait to give it up.

The consistency of a strange action of Toyota Motor Corporation matched if I thought like that, but I was not able to ignore the risk of the bolt buckling up.

〠 気持ちが静まるのを待ってから顧客関連海外室長にも書面を書いたのです。

わざわざ豊田社長にまで直訴を試みて無礼な暴言を吐く必然性は全くなかった。  貴方の書面に嘘と偽りがなければ、現地法人は何故に前回と全く同様の手法を振りかざし、私を揶揄するのでしょうか!?  当方を弄ぶ様な真似をするのですか!?


〠 私の質問書に対する原田室長からの返信は次の様な内容でした。

『  お申し出内容につきましては、私共現地代理店Toyota Motor Philippinesへ申し伝え対応を指示しております。 山口様への対応に関しご不番をお掛けしておりますとのこと、誠に申し訳ございません 』。

相変わらず他人を馬鹿にしたような慇懃無礼すぎる文章だったが、 この回答から誠意を感じ取る気力はすでに失われていました。 私が 怒りだすか諦めるのを待っているのではないだろうかと強く感じました。


Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.21

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

Of course, I did not think that I reached Toyota president's hand.

The keyboard of the personal computer was beaten when noticing it. Details via the Tokyo headquarters, the Toyota headquarters, and the foreign countries room, etc. were spelt and everything was spelt. However, actually feeling that what was choked to the chest grew further was remembered.
I also lived through years of 67 years the average.

I was going to bite and to have tightened a moderate experience. However, it is an experience of starting that even human dignity was threatened. It was written that feelings forcibly polluted were not able to finish being restrained, and it was ruled by resentment near the tremble.

And I imagined it when Akio Toyota had this document in his/her hand in the heart when I would have what kind of action stolen as expected. 

I will not crush it possibly since it is the grandchild of the founder. There is just a few it, but thinks that such feelings passed through the mind.


気が付くとパソコンのキーボードを叩いておりました。 東京本社、豊田本社、海外室などを経由した経緯をすべて書きおわったのですが、然し、胸の閊えは一層大きくなったと実感したのです。






Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.20

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

I intended I shouted, and to throw you out.

It was staff of the agency not to have permitted it. I complained, the manageress "was called to come to the Japanese head office", and the youth who spoke broken Japanese was able to refer for accident contents again.

I did not want to think that it was an action as planned, but the local staff carried through the movement in contradiction to the document of General Manager Mr. Harada.

When I was examining a schedule to check an accident car, an irrelevant telephone entered at the staff who uttered a strange woman's voice from the top of the head which branded me as a complainer.  Of course I do not feel the sign to appear at all. 

Their such approach was not able to find the truth. The one that lost even passion to listen to will be right. 

Only meaningless time passed and cooled rule in ridiculous feelings and the irritation that there was not of the reason finally.


然し、それを許さなかったのは代理店のスタッフ達でした。 女性マネージャーは、『 日本の本社へ呼び付けられた 』と文句を言って来たし、片言の日本語を話す若者が、再び事故内容を問い合わせてきた。


私をクレーマーだと決めつけた頭の天辺から奇妙な女声を発するスタッフからは、事故車をチェックするスケジュールを検討中だと、的外れの電話が入りました。 勿論、一向に現れる気配はありません。



Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.19

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

Perhaps, there is no change in the document to lack sincerity completely though it is likely to cling to president's name, to have adhered from the surrounding of the length of president's room to the belly power that was able to be said even by the scolding, and to have bluffed.

The action of the Toyota Motor Philippines on my questionnaire is quite different, different with the content of the document by Mr. Harada, and there is no difference.

It is not at all thought that a mere clerk ordered it to the Toyota Motor Philippines without the general manager's instruction of processing to the questionnaire that I have sent to the foreign countries room related to the customer before. 

It was necessary to have originated a similar instruction many times at least Mr. Harada voluntarily in the past. In short, it is equal to there is no mind of sincerity to the customer in all sections at all. 

Thinking that this fact is a managerial policy of Toyota Motor might be more correct.  I will have completely piled up the water haul up to now based on this idea.





この事実そのものがトヨタ自動車の経営方針だと考えた方が正しいのかもしれません。 この考えに基づくと、私は今まで全く無駄な努力を重ねたことになってしまうのでした

Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.18

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

 I thought that I did not say too much even if I said that the fragment of the attachment did not feel a sense of responsibility for the company's product either. Most of causes to feel scary about while driving are a thing and malfunction of brakes to suddenly have a steering wheel stolen by the irregular turn of the wheel. 

Even a new face driver knows this degree. However, the administrator of the Toyota Motor Corporation head office did not show interest.

In addition, I could not develop into such a problem if there was processing capacity ( mind ) in the local corporation so that Harada was said. 

Because this reason was the level that even a primary schoolchild understood, this person thought that there was not the ability to understand a native language. 

Otherwise I may not write the document laughing at another person under the pretense of life of President Toyoda so much?The refracted theory by the principle of profit pursuit supremacy expelled it until the mind of the employee and waited. 

An idea and a soul and the mind of the founder are lost as a useless thing, and the self-importance that was far beyond common sense is forgotten and I become immaterial and will be become extinct?

The founder will cry in the shade of the graveyard.



また、原田氏が云われる様に、現地法人に処理能力( 精神 )があるならば、こんな問題に発展はしなかったはずです。





Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.17

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

  I covered a long period to local Toyota Motor and Mr. Harada's belonging section before directly petitioning Mr. Akio Toyoda and was submitting several documents.

Along the mission original this section not the pretense to a customer if perform a normal function, and Harada accomplishes the responsibilities of the customer-related overseas general manager, the accident contents should grasp the correspondence of the field agency.

If a document from Mr. Harada did not have a lie and a falsehood, Toyota Motor Corporation itself would prove that I was systematically engaged earnestly in customer homicide.  This person is nothing but the salary thief who committed false evidence, the middle management of the man by the window if I insist obstinately when I did not know it.

The signboard of the customer-related overseas room is only a downright falsehood, too.  I think that I am too childish I hand it over of 100 steps, and to understand that it is an excuse.  It becomes the thing as the clearness of the sophism even if I interpret it softly.

It does not show real interest about the risk associated with the reality that a bolt curved to have been more disappointed. No, it is different. The one that said that I feign indifference will be correct! 

Because I only keep corporate image while being in a position to be able to assume an accident beforehand as a specialized company of the cars, it is arrogance to pretend not to know that a customer is jeopardized.



原田氏からの書面どうりであるならばトヨタ自動車そのものが、組織ぐるみで顧客殺しに奔走していることを証明したことになります。 知らなかったと強弁するならば、この人物は大噓吐きの給料泥棒、窓際族の中間管理職にほかなりません。

顧客関連海外室の看板も真っ赤な偽りになります。 百歩譲って言い訳だと解釈するには余りにも幼稚すぎると思う。 柔らかく解釈しても詭弁の冴えたるものになってしまう。

もっとも残念だったことは、ボルトが折損した現実から連想される危険性について、全くの関心を示さなかったことです。 いや違います。無関心を装っていると云った方が正確でしょう!!



Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.16

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

ഏ There was progress at the time of around two weeks.The first accident counted it from outbreak, and when it was life of President Toyota, it was with an explanatory note, and, for three years, a long-awaited answer reached it from Harada who gave a customer-related overseas general manager.

It was written for the contents, "I informed our agency Toyota Motor Philippines local than us because I did not understand the situation only by a document". 

It was written, 'They are made to take the responsibility for Toyota Motor Philippines after the accident car was confirmed for the bolt breaking and to correspond'.  

At the moment, the desire having been cheated by the fox did me. This is honest feelings.

It is not possible that this person really believed me to be an overseas related to customer general manager though the document is read after it passes for a while and it returned it.  A true taste to the accident was not able to be felt about sentences quite though this phrase was an original where.  

Because I am not a child, I agree to the letter of the business.  Still, as for this document, only the sentence that looked down on human another person who came for quantity was able to receive the signboard of the big company.  In the document that I presented, this time is not the first time.  

It seemed to be too rude as a formal answer of Toyota Motor of which Japan boasted.



文面には 『 書面だけでは状況が解らないので、私共より現地弊社代理店Toyota Motor Philippines へ申し伝える 』と記してありました。
『 ボルト折れに関しては、事故車を確認の上でToyota Motor Philippines に責任を持って対応させる 』、とも書かれてあった。

私は一瞬キツネにつままれた思いがしました。 これは正直な気持ちです。

暫く経ってから書面を読み返しましたが、私はこの人が本当に顧客関連海外室長だと信じ得なかった。 このフレーズは原文ですが、文章の何処からも事故に対する真実味を全く感じ取れなかった。

私も子供ではないから、商用の手紙くらいは承知しております。 然し、この書面は、大企業の看板を嵩にきた人間の、他人を見下した文章にしか受け取れない。 私がトヨタ自動車へ差し上げた書面は、今回が初めてではありません。


Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.15

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

ഏ  And, it induces as beginning to get angry because the customer is ridiculed by intention, chronic complainer's disgrace is dressed, zeal is lost so, and it is waited that the other party gives it up while exercising the pretension to be out at the end.

The truth was concealed even if what means was used and a lot of acts assumed to be externals were admitted.

Toyota Motor's becoming it shook and pointed out the opportunism about which it did not care.

Moreover, it is revolutionized to a very shameful because of will incline in the remainder only because of the earnings pursuit the constitution of Toyota that studies the top in the world thoroughly by a certainty of the quality and a steady business policy a corporate spirit, and a large amount of unexpected employees have been brought up. 

It was shouted that even a childish problem of not becoming even this laughingstock had been made to be born.

Then I adhered rigidly to the mind that Toyota spoke at a president assumption of office press conference and barked even if it was not only me that desired Toyota full of the passion at the time when I let kind Toyota at the time when I listened to a public voice, excellent car Grande and a high ace saloon appear, the revival of the true Toyota soul.  

It was the feeling that prayed that I wanted it to be understood.




また、「 品質の確かさと堅実な営業方針で世界の頂点を極めたトヨタの体質が、この二十年余の間に収益追求にのみ傾斜した結果、恥ずかしい企業精神に変質したことにも気づかずに、とんでもない社員を大量に排出してしまった。

そして、今回の様に物笑いの種にもならない幼稚な問題まで誕生させた 」、と叫びました。

豊田章夫氏が社長就任記者会見で述べた精神を厳守し、巷の声に耳を傾けた頃の優しいトヨタ、名車グランデやハイエース・サルーンを登場させた頃の情熱あふれるトヨタ、真のトヨタ魂の復活を願望しているのは私だけではない 」、とも吠えたのです。


Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 NO.14

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

Our generation is a Japanese of the old type last.

It was hesitated about for the , world and the race that I was taught, and grew to give the document of such a kind to the presidents of Toyota.

There was an intense tangle, and heart throbbed and felt of the hand, shaking, but was desperation finally.

A becoming poor shoe bolt of the Tamaraw  was broken this time.

It is the car model of great marketable goods, but compromising is good and hears a bolt in the district of Asia.

It is not reported for the moment because it does not lead to a casualty. I wrote the off-the record information from the media which handled an M car de-ring accident.  

I think this another view to express the particularly present Japanese social conditions precisely. Even if it was condensed in these words, I felt my anxiety.


こうした種類の書面をトヨタ自動車の社長に差し上げることは、〝 世の中に対し憚られる と教えられ育った世代でもあった。






Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.13

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ
Because two cars owned it, I used a different van car, but both Toyota Motor Corporation and I would be given up by luck!

When one year passed, quite the same adversity circle detainment bolt had broken short off from the root while repairing the blowout of the minivan on quite the same condition last time.

It was a question, "after all it was what to say when the bolt of the same point was broken, or it might have a problem" to have appeared to a brain at once.

The chest made noise very much because it became steps where the document was made though I who had thought so decided to waiting for Mr. Akio's of Toyoda president assumption, and sending the direct appeal card to the Toyota headquarters and the Tokyo headquarters.



咄嗟に頭へ浮かんだことは、「 同じ箇所のボルトが折れると云うことは、やはり何か問題があるのではないか? 」、との疑問だった。


Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.12

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

The Sony television of wearing out puts out smoke, and there is a thing that the grime is filled in the room in the apartment though it becomes a talk of the previous state for as many as 40 years or more.  Naturally, it was an article of the guarantee cutting. I presented only the malfunction reporting to Marui in the sales origin. 

Surprisingly, a manager of director and Marui of East Japan Sony had come before one hour passed, and an interior decoration supplier did it to run after it.

For me who is grateful, it is an enterprise that cannot exist without the customer. If it is not possible to greet it scrupulously at such time, it cannot be said the enterprise. It was spoken that this experience was useful for the following product development.

The fashionable hotel in Shinjuku was prepared until it bowed deeply, and redecorating the room ended. Everything even furnishing goods was substituted for the new article the surprise at going back into one's room in one week.

This was a Japanese company original heart. Sony thought it to be great at the same time to think. 

Toyota Motor Corporation does not have me by a request for mind of Sony. Because I achieved proper duty (report) as a user, I wanted Toyota to return common-sense support. I tormented a customer and there was not it and expected the appeased correspondence of the heart.

As the lover who changed Toyota car for 50 years.

四十数年も前の話になるが、使い古しのソニー・テレビが煙を出し、アパートの部屋にススが充満したことがある。 当然、保証切れの代物であった。販売元の丸井に事故報告だけは差し上げた。


恐縮する私に、『 顧客あっての企業である。こんな時にきちっと挨拶できなければ企業とは云えない。この経験が次の製品開発に役立つ 』のだと話されました。

そして深々と頭を下げられ、部屋の改装が済むまで新宿の高級ホテルを用意して下さった。 一週間後に部屋に戻って再び驚きました。調度品まで総てが新品に取り換えられていたのです。

これが日本企業本来の心であった。そう思うと同時に〝 ソニーは凄い と感心しました。

私はトヨタ自動車にソニーの精神を求めだのではない。 ユーザーとして当然の義務( 報告 ) を果たしたのだから、トヨタにも常識的なサポートを返して欲しかった。 顧客をいたぶるのでは無く、心の癒される対応を望んだのです。


Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.11

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

I have sent a document to the customer-related overseas room in the last aim. 

If "all of you of Toyota receive such handling in the situation of the customer, but do you rush in with great glee to the repair shop what kind of feeling it will become?" .
It is a fact to have cursed oneself since I finish writing it when useless.
It was empty. I think that the feelings that I want to begin to appeal for towards something were pervasive.

Of course I was able to have no communication.

I read the document which I presented to Toyota again many times, but I was able to see the phrase which seemed to be called a complainer nowhere particularly. I only called for cause investigation of the bolt buckling up if I said forcibly.  Will a common-sense request be equal to a complainer act in Toyota Motor Corporation? 

I changed Toyota car more than 40 years, but there was not the experience that was in an accident like this time and has not received so rude handling.

ഏ  最後の心算で顧客関連海外室へ書面を送ってしまった。

「トヨタの皆様が顧客の立場でこんなあつかいを受けたら、どんなお気持になるのでしょうか? 喜び勇んで修理工場へでも駆け込みますか !?」。



トヨタへ差し出した書面を何回も読み返しましたが、特別クレーマー呼ばわりされる様なフレーズは何処にも見当たらなかった。 強いて言うならば、ボルト折れ原因究明を迫っただけです。トヨタ自動車では常識的な要請がクレーマー行為に匹敵するのだろうか!?



Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.10

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

  English ofBolt accuracy inspection data reached from the Toyota Motor Philippines several days later.

Is this a response of Toyota Motor to which Japan boasts to the world?It was feelings to have the dream of old Hollywood picture. Did the person of temporary transfer understand all, too? I stared at the ceiling darkly when I noticed. 

It was with the vague, but felt that I had watched real nature and an evil of the globalization at the same time.

A human being is different in everybody sense of values. You may have various plans. But this too bad is not business.

However, it is the big company where Japan catches cold if Toyota sneezes in now, but I run it and I am patient and repeat support from the times of a hateful corona car, and it is Japan, public people that pushed up Toyota Motor Corporation in the current position.
Because Akio Toyoda is still young, I will not know it.

  数日後トヨタ自動車フィリピンから、『 ボルト精度検査データー 』  の英文が届きました。

これが日本の誇るトヨタ自動車の対応なのか? 古いハリウッド映画を見ている気分だった。出向者も総てを承知していたのか?! 気が付くとぼんやり天井を見詰めていた。


然し、今でこそ〝 トヨタがくしゃみをすれば日本が風邪をひく 大企業だが、あつかい憎いコロナ車の時代から辛抱強く支持を重ね、トヨタ自動車を現在の地位にまで押し上げたのは日本国、巷の民である。


Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 NO. 9

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

What is husband's true aim? Does the chronic complainer know? 』。

Whether to look at suitable when the power of the shoulder came off when there was not a communication from the part management section and the foreign countries room either and to manage it, an unbelievable violent language was poured on the home by the local staff. 

I felt that this was threat of Toyota Motor Corporation. I thought whether I did it to here.

ഏ The rank and file who are given neither no authority nor the responsibility. It is the people which do not understand even the distinction of a customer and the commoner. In the place that preached the need of the accident cause investigation to such a person, become the harm and is good for nothing. I persuaded oneself desperately.

I sent four written inquiry copies which I submitted to an overseas room in the past to the Toyota Motor Corporation Philippines.

ഏ 『 ご主人の本当の狙いは何だろう? クレーマーって知っているか? 』。


これはトヨタ自動車の恫喝であると感じました。 ここまでやるのかとも思いました。

ഏ 〝 何の権限も責任も与えられていない平社員。顧客と一般人の見分けすら心得ない輩だ。この様な者に事故原因究明の必要性を説いた処で、害にこそなれ何の役にも立たない 。 必死で自分に言い聞かせた。


Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 NO. 8

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

ഏ   Is your car that wherever is a problem to such an arrowhead? If the check is hoped, it sees in the nearby shop.  Such a report entered from the local staff in the Toyota Motor Philippines.

Whether it was hearing mistake at the moment was confirmed to the home. The struggled courage did not spring. An important point has gone mad. ?
I told this fact and the following question to the foreign countries room related to the customer at once. My request what is inconvenient, damage, and will disadvantage it to Toyota Motor? If what technology and the connection are used to manage this problem promptly, is the way of the urgent solution opened? 』. 

It is Toyota Motor Corporation of the world even if artificial.  I felt that I was too poor even if I made the correspondence to a mere customer partner.

ഏ そんな矢先に貴方の車は何処に問題があるのか? チェックを望むなら近くの販売店で見てやると、トヨタ自動車フィリピンの現地スタッフから連絡が入りました。

一瞬、何かの聞きまちがいではないか家内に確認した程です。 取り合う勇気も湧きませんでした。何処か大事なところが狂っている!?

私は直ちにこの事実と新しい質問を顧客関連海外室へ通知いたしました。『 私の要請はトヨタ自動車にどの様な不都合と被害や損害を与えるのでしょう? この問題を速やかに処理して貰うためには、どんなテクニックなりコネクションを用いたら、早期解決の道が開かれるのですか? 』。 


Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 NO. 7

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

 " I do not remember that the extremely easy accident met with a past in this way as the user who changed Toyota car ". Based on the judgment of the expert, I carried out the precision of the part and extreme inspection and called whether it was lot blurring of simple part in itself when I wanted you to teach whether the strength by the slip-up was short.

The answer from the part management section charge director did not reach though it waited by getting tired of waiting.

It did not become possible to be necessary to investigate strictly, and for me to think that the value, the responsibility, and the obligation passed enough if the installation place of the bolt and the importance of the role were considered if it gave voice though one bolt merely broke.

『 トヨタ車を乗り継いで来たユーザーとして、この様に極めて安易な事故は、過去に遭遇した記憶がありません。専門家のご判断を基に、部品の精度や強度の検査を実施し、単なる部品自体のロットぶれなのか、手違いによる強度不足なのか教えて頂きたい 』、と要請をしました。


言葉にすれば、 単にボルト一本が折れただけのことだが、ボルトの装着場所と役目の重要性を考慮すれば、厳密なる調査が必要であり、その価値も責任も義務も充分すぎると私には思えてならなかったのです。

Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 NO. 6

 Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

The friend in Japan looked up at the telephone number of the Toyota Tokyo headquarters. Support was received as inquired of the Toyota headquarters at the end when the phone call was transferred to various posts, and the telephone was forwarded to the post in about six places by the Toyota headquarters.

When having started giving it up, the operator muttered that there was a foreign countries room related to the customer in Nagoya City.

I was exposed to an unpleasant question rapidly at this post, but was how to handle like the suspect who received an investigation from a detective. I have you teach an FAX number and transmit a letter of question to ( post ignorance ) to Mr. part management Officer director somehow. 

I attached the report copy which they sent to the Toyota Motor Corporation Philippines, and I was particular, and the contents spelled the whole story before reaching it at the present.  Will there be really the answer?

ഏ 日本の友人にトヨタ東京本社の電話番号を調べてもらった。いろんな部署へ電話が回された末、豊田本社へ問い合わせる様に支持を受け、豊田本社でも六ヶ所くらいの部署へ電話が転送された。


ഏ この部署でも不愉快な質問を矢継ぎ早に浴びた。何とかFAX番号を教えて頂き、部品管理部門担当重役氏宛(部署不明 )に質問状を送信しました。
