
Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.12

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

The Sony television of wearing out puts out smoke, and there is a thing that the grime is filled in the room in the apartment though it becomes a talk of the previous state for as many as 40 years or more.  Naturally, it was an article of the guarantee cutting. I presented only the malfunction reporting to Marui in the sales origin. 

Surprisingly, a manager of director and Marui of East Japan Sony had come before one hour passed, and an interior decoration supplier did it to run after it.

For me who is grateful, it is an enterprise that cannot exist without the customer. If it is not possible to greet it scrupulously at such time, it cannot be said the enterprise. It was spoken that this experience was useful for the following product development.

The fashionable hotel in Shinjuku was prepared until it bowed deeply, and redecorating the room ended. Everything even furnishing goods was substituted for the new article the surprise at going back into one's room in one week.

This was a Japanese company original heart. Sony thought it to be great at the same time to think. 

Toyota Motor Corporation does not have me by a request for mind of Sony. Because I achieved proper duty (report) as a user, I wanted Toyota to return common-sense support. I tormented a customer and there was not it and expected the appeased correspondence of the heart.

As the lover who changed Toyota car for 50 years.

四十数年も前の話になるが、使い古しのソニー・テレビが煙を出し、アパートの部屋にススが充満したことがある。 当然、保証切れの代物であった。販売元の丸井に事故報告だけは差し上げた。


恐縮する私に、『 顧客あっての企業である。こんな時にきちっと挨拶できなければ企業とは云えない。この経験が次の製品開発に役立つ 』のだと話されました。

そして深々と頭を下げられ、部屋の改装が済むまで新宿の高級ホテルを用意して下さった。 一週間後に部屋に戻って再び驚きました。調度品まで総てが新品に取り換えられていたのです。

これが日本企業本来の心であった。そう思うと同時に〝 ソニーは凄い と感心しました。

私はトヨタ自動車にソニーの精神を求めだのではない。 ユーザーとして当然の義務( 報告 ) を果たしたのだから、トヨタにも常識的なサポートを返して欲しかった。 顧客をいたぶるのでは無く、心の癒される対応を望んだのです。


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