
Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.19

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

Perhaps, there is no change in the document to lack sincerity completely though it is likely to cling to president's name, to have adhered from the surrounding of the length of president's room to the belly power that was able to be said even by the scolding, and to have bluffed.

The action of the Toyota Motor Philippines on my questionnaire is quite different, different with the content of the document by Mr. Harada, and there is no difference.

It is not at all thought that a mere clerk ordered it to the Toyota Motor Philippines without the general manager's instruction of processing to the questionnaire that I have sent to the foreign countries room related to the customer before. 

It was necessary to have originated a similar instruction many times at least Mr. Harada voluntarily in the past. In short, it is equal to there is no mind of sincerity to the customer in all sections at all. 

Thinking that this fact is a managerial policy of Toyota Motor might be more correct.  I will have completely piled up the water haul up to now based on this idea.





この事実そのものがトヨタ自動車の経営方針だと考えた方が正しいのかもしれません。 この考えに基づくと、私は今まで全く無駄な努力を重ねたことになってしまうのでした

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