
Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.21

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

Of course, I did not think that I reached Toyota president's hand.

The keyboard of the personal computer was beaten when noticing it. Details via the Tokyo headquarters, the Toyota headquarters, and the foreign countries room, etc. were spelt and everything was spelt. However, actually feeling that what was choked to the chest grew further was remembered.
I also lived through years of 67 years the average.

I was going to bite and to have tightened a moderate experience. However, it is an experience of starting that even human dignity was threatened. It was written that feelings forcibly polluted were not able to finish being restrained, and it was ruled by resentment near the tremble.

And I imagined it when Akio Toyota had this document in his/her hand in the heart when I would have what kind of action stolen as expected. 

I will not crush it possibly since it is the grandchild of the founder. There is just a few it, but thinks that such feelings passed through the mind.


気が付くとパソコンのキーボードを叩いておりました。 東京本社、豊田本社、海外室などを経由した経緯をすべて書きおわったのですが、然し、胸の閊えは一層大きくなったと実感したのです。





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