
Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 NO. 9

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

What is husband's true aim? Does the chronic complainer know? 』。

Whether to look at suitable when the power of the shoulder came off when there was not a communication from the part management section and the foreign countries room either and to manage it, an unbelievable violent language was poured on the home by the local staff. 

I felt that this was threat of Toyota Motor Corporation. I thought whether I did it to here.

ഏ The rank and file who are given neither no authority nor the responsibility. It is the people which do not understand even the distinction of a customer and the commoner. In the place that preached the need of the accident cause investigation to such a person, become the harm and is good for nothing. I persuaded oneself desperately.

I sent four written inquiry copies which I submitted to an overseas room in the past to the Toyota Motor Corporation Philippines.

ഏ 『 ご主人の本当の狙いは何だろう? クレーマーって知っているか? 』。


これはトヨタ自動車の恫喝であると感じました。 ここまでやるのかとも思いました。

ഏ 〝 何の権限も責任も与えられていない平社員。顧客と一般人の見分けすら心得ない輩だ。この様な者に事故原因究明の必要性を説いた処で、害にこそなれ何の役にも立たない 。 必死で自分に言い聞かせた。


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