Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ
〠 I wrote a document to a customer-related overseas general manager since a feeling waited to become quiet.
There was not at all the inevitability to make an absurd remark that I tried direct appeal to President Toyota expressly, and was rude. The local corporation is why and brandishes the last time and totally similar technique without a lie and a falsehood on your document and will make fun of me? Is it to imitate that I seem to play with us?
I appealed for these.
〠 The reply from General Manager Mr.Harada for my written inquiry was the following contents.
"I inform we field agency Toyota Motor Philippines and, about the proposal contents, order correspondence".
Seem to non-to have caused a turn about correspondence to Yamaguchi and is really sorry.
It was the too nasty-nice sentence that made a fool of another person as ever, but the willpower to take in good faith has been already lost by this answer. I was strong and felt whether I began to be angry whether I would not wait to give it up.
The consistency of a strange action of Toyota Motor Corporation matched if I thought like that, but I was not able to ignore the risk of the bolt buckling up.
〠 気持ちが静まるのを待ってから顧客関連海外室長にも書面を書いたのです。
わざわざ豊田社長にまで直訴を試みて無礼な暴言を吐く必然性は全くなかった。 貴方の書面に嘘と偽りがなければ、現地法人は何故に前回と全く同様の手法を振りかざし、私を揶揄するのでしょうか!? 当方を弄ぶ様な真似をするのですか!?
〠 私の質問書に対する原田室長からの返信は次の様な内容でした。
『 お申し出内容につきましては、私共現地代理店Toyota Motor Philippinesへ申し伝え対応を指示しております。 山口様への対応に関しご不番をお掛けしておりますとのこと、誠に申し訳ございません 』。
相変わらず他人を馬鹿にしたような慇懃無礼すぎる文章だったが、 この回答から誠意を感じ取る気力はすでに失われていました。 私が 怒りだすか諦めるのを待っているのではないだろうかと強く感じました。
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