
Tyranny of Toyota / トヨタの横暴 No.11

Bolt breaking of Toyota car / トヨタ車のボルト折れ

I have sent a document to the customer-related overseas room in the last aim. 

If "all of you of Toyota receive such handling in the situation of the customer, but do you rush in with great glee to the repair shop what kind of feeling it will become?" .
It is a fact to have cursed oneself since I finish writing it when useless.
It was empty. I think that the feelings that I want to begin to appeal for towards something were pervasive.

Of course I was able to have no communication.

I read the document which I presented to Toyota again many times, but I was able to see the phrase which seemed to be called a complainer nowhere particularly. I only called for cause investigation of the bolt buckling up if I said forcibly.  Will a common-sense request be equal to a complainer act in Toyota Motor Corporation? 

I changed Toyota car more than 40 years, but there was not the experience that was in an accident like this time and has not received so rude handling.

ഏ  最後の心算で顧客関連海外室へ書面を送ってしまった。

「トヨタの皆様が顧客の立場でこんなあつかいを受けたら、どんなお気持になるのでしょうか? 喜び勇んで修理工場へでも駆け込みますか !?」。



トヨタへ差し出した書面を何回も読み返しましたが、特別クレーマー呼ばわりされる様なフレーズは何処にも見当たらなかった。 強いて言うならば、ボルト折れ原因究明を迫っただけです。トヨタ自動車では常識的な要請がクレーマー行為に匹敵するのだろうか!?


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