静かな侵略の始まり / Opening of quiet aggression
決論としはソノベ・アツオ?裁判長(親が在住韓国・朝鮮人 )が却下しだが、25年後に見直すと云う附則を付けた。この意味を深くお考え下さい。
45)25年後の確か福田政権の時だったと思うが、政府は国政参政権を与える代わりに、子孫の代までと言う在日特権を「永久在日特権 」に格上げしてしまった。
46)これで勢いづいた在日の人達は、自分達の論理に矛盾を感じた国政参選権から地方参政権へと要求を転換し、定住韓国・朝鮮人の不法行為を「永久在日特権 」の御旗で隠した。
47)この様な事情から「永久在日特権 」を持たない定住在日韓国朝鮮人が、複数の通名を使い健康保険証、生活保護証明、在日援助証明を取得し、違法に権利受給が可能となったのでしょう。
44)I file a suit when I give government franchise because the group of residence Korea, Koreans having this special privilege residing in Japan pays the tax in 1965.
The Sonobe Atsuo presiding judge (Korea, Korean resident a parent) rejected assuming it a decision theory and but touched an additional clause to say when I reviewed it 25 years later. Please think about this meaning deeply.
45)I thought that it was of the reliable Fukuda Administration 25 years later, but instead of giving you government franchise, the government has raised the staying in Japan special privilege which said to the charges of the descendant in "an eternity staying in Japan special privilege".
The eternity means an existence effect even after 1,000 years even after 100 years. It is petty suspicions, but an electoral district of Fukuda should be an area with much leading staying in Japan.
becomes. An election for last Kyoto mayor is a good example.
46)People encouraged in this residing in Japan switched a demand from three selections of government right which felt contradiction in their logic to local franchise and covered the wrongful conduct of domiciliation Korea, the Korean with the flag of "the eternity staying in Japan special privilege".
Because the Japanese school does not teach such a process, I see the police officer only to same staying in Japan special privilege Korea, Korean on the staff of the government office.
47)The domiciliation staying in Japan Korea Korean who did not have "a permanently special privilege residing in Japan" from such circumstances acquired a health insurance card, welfare proof, staying in Japan help proof using plural common names, and right receipt would be enabled illegally.
Please think it to have local franchise any further what kind of situation it
48)Because population decreases as much as it becomes the district, the election line falls down.
With that in mind, it cannot be distorted that the vote of several hundred votes of units residing in Japan controls election when a turnout seems to be under 50%.
I take it to them, and the political party is good anywhere. If it is a member of the Diet protecting their rights, I do not take care of even a rival in love.
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