在日韓国朝鮮人の正体 / Real nature of the Korean residing
40)先ず在住韓国・朝鮮人と言われる人達は、日本が敗戦後まもなく連合国政府(米国マッカーサー元帥 )の指揮下で、賠償責任問題の一環として朝鮮半島への帰国を促した。
43)在住韓国・朝鮮人と言われる人達は、日本国憲法の基で正式に帰化し準日本人となった人が多い。正業に就き真面目に税金も払って生活していたから、子孫の代までは「在日特権 」の権利を与えられました。
いま話題の成りすまし日本人と言われる人達は、親が「在日特権 」を有する子孫です。
39)The Greater East Asia War past says the popular name of people who lived a life in Japan to people said to be Korea, Korean residing in Japan in a person mouth with residence Korea, a Korean.
I seem to call the people who entered Japan before and after the Korean War domiciliation Korea, a Korean, but, in addition, I enter Japan officially now, and a Korean repeating visa update exists.
40)I suggested individual security processing about the issue of charity dame as Japanese Government, but then Korea was terrible, and economic conditions were tight and reached the lump indemnification payment by a strong demand of the Korea government.
I was not able even to persist in a view forcibly, and our country governed by the government of victorious nation accepted a demand of the Korean government.
41)I suggested individual security processing about the issue of charity dame as Japanese Government, but then Korea was terrible, and economic conditions were tight and reached the lump indemnification payment by a strong demand of the Korea government.
I was not able even to persist in a view forcibly, and our country governed by the government of victorious nation accepted a demand of the Korean government.
42)People called domiciliation Korea, the Korean avoided being rolled up in the Korean War in disfavor with poverty. Counting on kith and kin, it is the human progeny who entered it illegally for own will for the purpose of escaping from military service.
The Japanese Government which was full of confusion by defeat processing goes to the states Korean Peninsula, and it never occurs in the Korea race which I abducted.
43)There are many people who people said to be residence Korea, a Korean are naturalized under the Constitution of Japan formally, and became the associate Japanese. Because I paid the tax about the honest business seriously and lived, it was given rights of "the staying in Japan special privilege" to the charges of the descendant.
People who I pretend to be it, and are said to be a Japanese of the topic are the descendants whom a parent has "a special privilege residing in Japan" now.
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